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Dear Friend,

Thank You We trust that you have ushered in a blessed New Year!  We cannot thank you enough for partnership with us to help people all over the world receive and engage with the Bible.
Importance of Bible Translation - In 1981, while celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Cakchiquel New Testament translation, Billy Graham delivered a sermon about the importance of Bible Translation in the context of the command that Jesus gave believers to come unto him and go into all the world.  This is an excerpt from his sermon.

"Blessed will you be in your comings and goings." Deut 28:6 (ISV)

Christmas Trip

We traveled to Dallas and San Antonio, Texas between Christmas and New Year.  We were able to catch up with our friends, who we served with in Cameroon and were able to have a few days celebrating Christmas with a trip.  Since we drove through Waco, of course DeAnna wanted to stop at Magnolia.  It was a wonderful time!


DeAnna's Transition

DeAnna has been slowly transitioning into as Associate Director (AD) role within the Launch Team.  She continues working with all her new members (clients) and has a team of Launch Coordinators to supervise.  She will be fully transitioned by the end of April.

What does she do all day working from home?  She has many meetings and conversations with her new team and her clients via Zoom, Skype and phone.  She tracks the progress of all her clients and team members.  She stays on top of her clients who are preparing to serve, who are on the field and connects with those who have returned from the field.
The funding aspect remains the same - we only financially receive what you faithfully share with us through Wycliffe each month.

Here's a brief story about just one family she serves that needed help while serving abroad.  This couple was serving in a sensitive country and weren't able to access the monies sent in on their behalf.  DeAnna needed to connect with Wycliffe USA's Finance Department to figure out a solution to their problem.  It took several days to identify the problem and come up with a solution.  The couple wouldn't have been able to do it on their own due to the time difference, work schedule, not knowing who to contact and their environment.  The family was very appreciative!

David's Update

David helps people around the world engage with the Bible in a language that speaks to their hearts.  He continues to lead the Android user advocate support team with the YouVersion Bible App and desires that the team not only have a passion for the Word of God, but a desire to make it accessible.  He continues to train and monitor the members on his team to ensure they are providing accurate and helpful guidance on using the app.  Since the first of the year, his team has responded to over 33,000 individual requests for assistance.

Praise and Prayer Requests
  • Praise! God continually shows us His mighty hand at work in our lives.
  • Pray to end Bible poverty.
  • Pray for us as parents - we'll soon have two teenagers in the house.
  • Pray for DeAnna as she transitions into the role of A.D.
  • Pray for David as he works full-time during the day, part-time in the evenings and serves in different capacities in the church and denomination.


Wycliffe Bible
P.O. Box 628200,
Orlando, FL 32862-8200
By Mail:
Make checks payable to
Wycliffe Bible Translators,
please send a separate note indicating with preference for the Wycliffe ministry of David & DeAnna Anderson Acct. #219158
By Phone:
“I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb.”
Rev 7:9 (NLT)

Copyright © 2018 David and DeAnna Anderson, All rights reserved.

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