A quick update
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Oh hello there <<First Name>>. Remember when I used to blog regularly on Maxabella Loves? You may well be wondering what has become of me, so I thought I'd pop in quickly to update you.

Maxabella Loves is still my blog and I'll still be writing there about as regularly as I've done for the past couple of years. Which is to say, not very regularly at all.

The thing is, I keep getting distracted by side-projects - like paid work and family. Ha!

Lately, I've also been busy creating, building and writing Mumlyfe. My new baby!

Mumlyfe started because I went back to freelance editing and writing after two years in the editor role at Mumtastic. I quickly realised that my kids had grown and I was always 'writing in hindsight' about parenting. I'd left the baby/toddler/preschool stage behind long ago, but that is the bulk of content on the parenting sites I frequent.

I needed some new publications to write for - ones that catered to older kids and their weary mums.

Alas, there were not that many around. 

So I decided to create my own.

I registered it, designed it, built it, coded it - all the things. A bunch of wonderful friends came on board to help me with content. We launched a Facebook page. Then we launched a website. And Mumlyfe was born.

Take a peek via the Mumlyfe newsletter
Like everything I do, I've kept the aim of Mumlyfe really simple: we just want to raise good kids who go on to do good things in the world. That's not too much to ask, is it?

But first, we've got to survive their adolescence! Let's do that together. Support is everything when you're a mum.

Today I sent out our very first Mumlyfe newsletter (you can see it here) and I thought you might like to sign up to receive it? Every week or so we'll send you our most popular articles from Mumlyfe plus a links to really good content from other places around the web.

I do hope you'll join Mumlyfe. You've been along for the ride so far, so let's continue along the road some more.

Thanks for all your support,

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