Enter your information and then choose which email(s) you'd like to receive before clicking subscribe. Need help deciding? Here's a brief explanation of each email type:

Weekly Bulletin
This is my blog's main weekly email. The Weekly Bulletin contains a roundup of recent blog posts, special announcements, sales finds and more! Goes out on Sundays.

Weekly Meal Ideas
Goes out on Thursdays to help you get ideas for the upcoming week's meals! We are a family of 4 with two toddlers who have varying degrees of picky-ness, so I try to share at least three meals a week that are family-friendly.

Monthly Cleaning Calendar
A brief email goes out at the beginning of each month (or just before) with access to an editable cleaning calendar for that month. Follow along with me on Instagram stories during the week as I tackle different chores on my calendar!

I want you all to know that I will NEVER share your email or abuse my privilege to possess your information. 

Thank you so much for being here!!
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