Palm Sunday
“They took palm branches and went out to meet him. They kept shouting: Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord – the King of Israel.”  - John 12:13
DPalm Sunday is one of the big three Christian holidays along with Christmas and Easter.  It is always the Sunday before Easter and kicks off Holy Week, the last week of Jesus’ life.  
Palm Sunday celebrates the day Jesus came into Jerusalem for Passover. The people spread palms and cloaks on the ground as Jesus rode through town on a donkey.  Why did He do this? When a king or nobleman arrived, he rode on a donkey to signify peace. Otherwise, he rode on a horse to signify war. Jesus was coming in peace.  The palms were a customary sign of victory and triumph. So, the people did not just do this because it was Jesus. It was done during the Greek and Roman empire when a king or nobleman arrived. This event also gave the Jews further proof that Jesus was the Messiah because it was prophesied in Zechariah 9:9. 
Palm Sunday is a time to reflect on the last week of Jesus’ life when the King of Kings prepared to give His life for our sins. Jesus entered Jerusalem with the people shouting “Hosanna” which means “save now.”  But just a little while later these same people were shouting “Crucify Him!” 

Why did they flip flop?
If you recall, the Jewish people believed that the Messiah would be a king coming to wage war on their behalf, to free them from Roman rule.  Once they heard Jesus saying that he would die, they didn’t understand how he could be this great messiah.  Even though they had seen all the miracles he’d done over the past few years…even though they had known him to be something more than a normal human…when the situation looked bleak in their eyes, they lost faith.
Does that happen to you? Do you forget that Jesus is the King because things in your life look bad?  During these times you have to remember that Jesus’ kingdom is not exactly what we always think of as reigning authority. He wasn’t a show-off. He went to Jerusalem for Passover knowing that they were going to kill him. In fact, when Jesus told the disciples that he was going to Passover, they discouraged him from going.  One of my favorite and LOL moments in the Bible is when Thomas says, “Let’s go so that we can die with Jesus.” (John 11:16)  Don't we all have that friend who will ride or die with you – complaining every step of the way.  The disciples went to Jerusalem with Jesus…reluctantly.
Jesus knew that the people would turn on Him.  He wept as he approached the city because he knew the people did not understand what was happening. Their idea of a savior was a powerful human who would wage war.  Jesus is much more than that. As we go into Holy Week remember our victorious King who rode into town on a donkey because he was coming in peace.  As Christians, peace is a right of our faith. Jesus came to give us peace on the inside no matter what is happening around us.  Does knowing Jesus give you peace? 

"But as he came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, he began to weep. 'How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace. But now it is too late and peace is hidden from your eyes."
- Luke 19:41-42
Pray before reading your bible. This allows God to guide you in your study. Simply ask God to help you better understand his word and live it. 
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Independent Study

Reading:  John 12
  1. In verse 9, why did the priests want to kill Lazarus? Does getting rid of someone's accomplishments cause us to forget who they really are? 
  2. Why do you think the disciples continued to follow Jesus even though they didn't truly understand his purpose? Is it similar to your desire to follow even though you may not completely understand? (v. 12-19)
  3. Read and meditate on verse 27, how can you use this to move forward with what God has called you to do? 
  4. As you read verse 29, think about a time when you and your friends all interpreted something differently.  What happened as a result? How does that help you better understand why there are so many different customs within Christianity? 
  5. Why did Jesus come? (v.46)
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