New illustration: Cardboard Box — Catamancer
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Catamancer's back!

Oh yes, folks, it's been quite a while since I last drew for the folks of Catamancer but I have to say: this illustration has been exactly as fun as the last one.

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Catamancer is a free-to-play online card game centered around — you guessed it — cats! The Cardbox Box card can be played to hide other cats inside it so they can't be attacked by your enemy.

Drawing animals is a little bit outside of my comfort zone, which is why I decided to go even further outside of it: by trying a new process.

My usual process takes place entirely in Photoshop: from sketch to the final adjustments on the image, all is done in Adobe's flagship software.

But lately, I've been tinkering around with the app Procreate, a digital drawing software for the Apple iPad Pro (affiliate link).

I couldn't really put my finger on the why, but I have noticed it makes my sketches much more loose and fun.

After the sketch was completed, I imported it into Photoshop and painted like I normally do.

I'm very pleased with the finished product, so I think I will continue to explore this avenue!

Hope you like the artwork, and I'd be delighted if you checked out the game!

All the best,

Copyright © 2018 The Art of Jörn, All rights reserved.

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