New illustration: "BB-8 Birthday Card"
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…Jörn picked up a pencil to draw a traditional illustration! I know, it's rare, because I mostly work digital, but once in a while, it's a lot of fun. Pencils are my favorite traditional medium, mainly because I love the haptic feel of drawing on paper with a freshly sharpened pencil.

Please enjoy this BB-8 birthday card that I drew for my delightful girlfriend:

See full size

You can think about Force Awakens what you want (some say it's a brilliant installment in the Star Wars series, some think it's a smoldering garbage fire), but I not only enjoyed the movie a lot, but also have found memories of because it's one of the first movies my girlfriend and I bonded over.

Furthermore, you just can't argue with the fact that BB-8 is simply the cutest.


I simply love drawing birthday cards. In fact, creating presents for people is one of the main reasons I became an artist in the first place.
After you reach a certain age (I'm old, shut up), birthday presents can quickly start to lose their meaning. Since we all make our own money, we might get used to simply clicking on an Amazon link instead of writing a wish list.

That's why I think it's extra important to give gifts with meaning. Trust me, I know how corny this sounds, but I take a deep delight in gifting something that I created myself and that is thus unique in the whole world.

No one else has this birthday card. There exists only one copy of it.

And that makes me happy.

Artist spotlight: Hayden Aube

"The Spirit Zoo", illustration copyright by Hayden Aube, used with permission.
Name: Hayden Aube

Hayden Aube is an all around great guy — and I don't just say that because we have been friends for years.
I met Hayden a long while ago in the IRC channel for the subreddit /r/sketchdaily (which I recommend you check out, btw!), and we've grown as artists alongside each other.

Hayden uses Adobe Illustrator for most of his works, so his art is more illustrative than painted. This gives his work a clear and concise look.
Lots of his art features either cute animals or equally cute robots, making his whole portfolio quaint, fun and awesome.

But my buddy not only draws and arts a lot, he also wants to teach you to do the same! His classes on digital art are very popular on Skillshare, and I can highly recommend each and every one of them.

If you want to check them out, click this button to get 2 months of Skillshare Premium for free!
Free learning? HELL YEAH!
Okay my dudes and dudettes, I already look forward to writing up the next newsletter!
Copyright © 2018 The Art of Jörn, All rights reserved.

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