A message from the Denver Department of Public Health and Environment
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Denver's Department of Public Health & Environment has convened the Green Roofs Review Task Force to examine how best to achieve the benefits of the green roofs ordinance, while possibly expanding compliance options for new and existing buildings. The group's fifth of eight meetings is scheduled for Wednesday, March 21, 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. at 200 W 14th Ave, 2nd Floor, Grand Mesa Room. Meetings are open to the public to observe. See the agenda for meeting five.

The City Council Committee of the Whole on Green Roofs will meet for the first time Monday, April 2, 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the City and County Building, Room 391. The goal of that meeting will be to bring all City Council members up to speed on the task force's work to date.

Green Roofs Review Task Force Previous Meeting Notes:
Meeting 3 Notes
Meeting 3 Slides
Meeting 4 Notes

So far, the task force has examined the benefits of the ordinance, particularly its ability to reduce Denver's heat island problem, address climate change, improve storm water management and provide usable green spaces. The group has also looked at how other cities are using rooftops as part of advancing sustainability programs.

It is too early to know whether the group will recommend changes to the ordinance — or what, precisely, those changes may be. However, the group is examining an approach that would improve flexibility, allowing each owner of an existing, large building and each new builder to find the most cost-effective way to achieve the intended benefits of the ordinance.

The task force is looking to finalize its recommendations to City Council by the end of May. Future Green Roofs Review Task Force meeting dates, times and locations can be found on the Green Roof Initiative website. Please watch the website in particular for meeting agendas, slides and meeting notes to be posted as they are available. 

Want to provide input? If you have data, information or perspectives you believe could be valuable to the Green Roofs Review Task Force, please contact

Background information:

On November 7, Denver voters passed the Green Roof Initiative, a new requirement that any new building, or roof replacement on an existing building, over 25,000 square feet in size shall include a green roof or a combination of a green roof and solar. The Denver Department of Public Health and Environment (DDPHE) has formed a Green Roofs Review Task Force of stakeholders to develop recommended modifications, clarifications, and improvements to the initiative through a collaborative, consensus-based process that will honor the vote.

For details on the implementation of the initiative as it passed on the ballot go to the Green Roof Initiative Website. 

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