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Hi all!

On the upcoming episode we look back on how our experiments in dreaming & new year's resolutions have gone. We'll discuss what worked, what didn't, and what new tips & strategies we learned. Subscribe to the podcast to always get the latest episode as soon as it's released.

Now here's your weekly set of tips, fun facts and other exclusive content from us at The Better Show. Enjoy and share with a friend :)

Where in the World are Our Listeners?

This week we're giving a shout out to Atlanta, Georgia USA. Atlanta was founded in 1837 at the intersection of two new railroad lines. It's name is a shortening of 'Atlantica-Pacifica' in reference to the rail route. The city was almost completely destroyed in the US Civil War and the process of rebuilding after the war gave rise to the city's symbol of a phoenix. Atlanta is the home to the world's busiest airport with over 100 million passengers passing through it each year. The city was a major organizing center of the civil rights movements with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Ralph David Abernathy, and students from Atlanta's historically black colleges and universities playing major roles in the movement's leadership. 

Tip of the week - Commit in Public

If you are trying to achieve a challenging goal it helps to tell people about it. Not only does sharing your goals with others give you a sense of social pressure to achieve it, the act of stating it makes it more concrete and real for you. Research shows that you are more likely to succeed if you have the combination of expectation and support from your friends and family.

Look clever at a cocktail party

Dreams have long been a source of creative inspiration. A few well know creations that started as dreams include #9 Dream by John Lennon, the film Inception by Christopher Nolan, and the painting The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali. The surrealist painter once said "One day it will have to be officially admitted that what we have christened reality is an even greater illusion than the world of dreams."

What are Ian, Darren & March up to this week?

  • Ian is eating a plant-based (vegan) diet for 50 days.
  • Darren started taking a Tumeric Curcumin supplement based on research indicating its natural anti-inflammatory properties help with post workout recovery and also to see what effects it might have on mental clarity.
  • March is exploring wines from the Barolo region of Italy.
Listen to an upcoming show to hear how our experiments went and what we learned!


Article of the week

The Psychology Of New Year’s Resolutions - by Prof. Mark Griffiths

"Changing your behaviour, or some aspect of it, doesn’t have to be restricted to the start of the New Year. It can be anytime. Accept lapses as part of the process. It’s inevitable that when trying to give up something (alcohol, cigarettes, junk food) that there will be lapses. You shouldn’t feel guilty about giving in to your cravings but accept that it is part of the learning process. Bad habits can take years to become ingrained and there are no quick fixes in making major lifestyle changes. These may be clichés but we learn by our mistakes and every day is a new day – and you can start each day afresh."


Product of the week

The Gretchen Rubin Type Quiz

It's not really a product but a fun conversation starter with your friends. Ian, Darren & March will talk about their results from the quiz on the upcoming episode. Gretchen describes it:

"In a nutshell, I sort everyone into four categories, which describe how people tend to respond to expectations: outer expectations (a deadline, a “request” from a sweetheart) and inner expectations (write a novel in your free time, keep a New Year’s resolution). Your response to expectations may sound obscure, but it turns out to be very, very important. For your habits, and for many aspects of your life."


3 things you can do to help the show!

  1. If you enjoyed this newsletter please forward to a friend. If this was forwarded to you, you can subscribe here.
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All the best in getting better,

Ian, Darren & March

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