Social Safety Net Support After the Great Recession
Who benefits most from the social safety net? Have some low-income groups fared better than others following the Great Recession? Read the latest CPI research brief by Robert Moffitt and Gwyn Pauley to find out.
Race and Economic Mobility
Black children born to parents in the top 20 percent of the income distribution are almost as likely to fall to the bottom as they are to remain at the top. Read the latest research by CPI research group leader Raj Chetty.
Opportunity Summit
What will it take to meet the critical needs of the Bay Area’s most vulnerable? If you’d like to learn about truly innovative proposals from local, state, and national experts, you’ll just have to attend this summit on April 20th in Petaluma.
Past, Present, and Future of Welfare
The inside architects of welfare reform—Newt Gingrich and Bruce Reed—reflect on how the revolution happened, what it achieved, and what remains to be done.
Do Women Opt Out of the Labor Force?
In this video from our online course on poverty and inequality, Northwestern University professor Christine Percheski shows that women in Generation X are working more than women of earlier generations.
Do Charter Schools Work?
CPI research group leader Raj Chetty asks whether a market-based solution might improve educational outcomes in this video from his course on using big data to solve social problems.
A selection of poverty and inequality papers recently released by CPI affiliates
Does a Criminal Past Predict Worker Performance? Evidence from One of America’s Largest Employers
Jennifer Hickes Lundquist, Devah Pager, and Eiko Strader – Social Forces
Intergenerational Spillovers in Disability Insurance
Gordon B. Dahl and Anne C. Gielen – NBER
Marriage, Family Structure, and Maternal Employment Trajectories
Christine Percheski – Social Forces
Marriage, Labor Supply and the Dynamics of the Social Safety Net
Hamish Low, Costas Meghir, Luigi Pistaferri, and Alessandra Voena – NBER
Subsidized Housing and the Transition to Adulthood
Yana Kucheva – Demography