To Our Valued Patients and Readers,
This month Rejuvé would still like to put the focus on you, as always. And since spring has sprung as of March 20th, we’re here to get our patients and readers ready for the warm season as well as the summertime, when we all like to live out our best lives. Sometimes that means heading out into the sun, on a night on the town, or maybe to an outdoor enthusiast destination. Either way, we want to look our best, right? Right!
Just by being out in the sun – and it doesn’t matter if it’s spring, summer, fall, or winter – you are putting your skin through the aging process. Even by coming into contact with environmental toxins and debris, your skin takes the brunt end of the abuse. That’s why we’re here to take care of your skin and ward off the hands of time.
It’s no secret that our faces are the most exposed, which is why that’s often a spot where many of us show our first signs of aging.
Fortunately, we have a few featured services this month at Rejuvé that will create radiant skin, rebuild your body’s natural collagen, and even deal with additional signs of aging, like sagging neck skin.