
Dear <<First Name>>,

What a blessed hope, the hope of the resurrection! "Easter is a great time to reflect on the price that Jesus paid for our salvation, but also the glorious hope of our eternal redemption where sin and death will no longer be a factor. In the mean time...let us work while we still have time to reach the lost, and provide the scriptures to those who don't yet have a Bible. Thank you for your prayer and support to this end!

God bless, Barry Funnell

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Technology & Translation

The age old methods of transport such as the camel are being replaced by electric powered cars, so technologies are replacing many older inventions. Antoinette, one of The Word for the World's International consultants has just returned from a trip to Asia, where she worked with six language teams to check their Gospel of John.

She says, "After two weeks of checking John everyone was exhausted and happy. We stayed at a centre outside the city with an abundance of coconut palms, squirrels, bats and a variety of birds, butterflies and dragonflies. The hard truth of Bible translation was always that one had a long wait before one’s work could be published. The teams in Asia, however, made their translations available as a cell-phone app. Each time a book has been approved, it is added to the app and can be downloaded with or without sound." 
Technology is helping us get God's Word into peoples' hands quicker than ever before. Putting the Bible on a mobile phone saves printing, warehousing and shipping costs, and people have their mobile phones with them all the time these days.

The Paratext computer programme enables Antoinette to check six languages simultaneously because she can look at an English word-for-word translation generated by a computer of all six languages even though they are written in a script she can't read or understand.

All of our translators are trained to do their work on laptop computers which provides good Bible resources for them to use while translating. Computers also help with group checking as a team. They help making corrections to the text quicker and easier with consistent spelling and use of key biblical terms. They all save their files via an internet link daily, which helps keep their work safely archived even if the computer has a hard drive failure.

Please join us in praise for:

  • New technologies like mobile phone apps that can make the Bible instantly available to people after it has been thoroughly consultant checked.
  • For laptop computers that speed up translation, as well a great software like Paratext, which make checking and correcting of translations so efficient, and even enable simultaneous checking of up to ten languages at a time.
  • For all our current donors and prayer partners who make the work we do possible. 
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UK support base

We really need your prayers as we explore various funding strategies in TWFTW UK to help support our growing number of Bible Translation projects worldwide. A good friend of TWFTW UK has an annual plant sale each year at her church and all proceeds go the TWFTW. It will take place on 5 May at 10am in South Oxhey Baptist. Others give monthly support through our online giving or recently a person asked their friends to rather donate funds to TWFTW rather than buy birthday gifts for him. Please click here if you would like to be part of our funding team.

We currently have 111 full scale Bible translation projects - all at various stages, but aiming to translate the complete Bible in 10-12 years. This covers a huge number of speakers, 36 million in total, all eagerly waiting to hold in their hands God's double edged sword, His precious Word, in their own language.


Barry travels approximately 10 times per year to Asia and Africa doing consultant work, which totals about one third of the year in time away from home. He also has been doing Skype consultation in between with the Roma team from Slovakia. The following video shows him working from his office in Bedford with the East Slovak Roma team.

He has several other administrative duties as a consultant, lecturer, and mentor of CITs (Consultants-in-Training), as well as keeping in touch with TWFTW leadership as part of the Executive Management Team. Therefore, TWFTW UK, is seriously looking for a CEO that can work full-time to help establish the UK support base of TWFTW further. We require a much bigger pot of funding in order to fund a CEO, so a self-funded person would be best, but please pray for the Lord to lead the right person to join us, and for the start up funds which we require to fund such a role.

We need to grow our funding substantially in order to keep up with the growing number of projects we are planning to start in line with our vision of 500 Bible translation projects completed by 2050. 

Please pray with us for:

  • Pray for Antoinette and other consultants who travel frequently to check transaltions in remote areas and often in difficult situations. Pray for Antoinette as she goes to Malawi soon to check Psalms and other OT books in the Lambya project.
  • Our translation teams need prayer for wisdom to translate God's Word accurately, clearly and naturally in their mother tongues to bring about transformation in their people groups who don't yet know the Good News of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for a CEO of God's choice for TWFTW UK and for the funding required to support the CEO financially so we can grow our funding in order to meet our goal of 500 Bibles translated by 2050.
  • Pray for Regine as she currently raises funds in Germany, and also for Barry as he travels to South Asia to check the Gospel of Mark in four new languages and also to mentor other consultants-in-training on the job. Mikko, a new consultant from Finland will be joining Barry.  
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