The Fitness File Body And Soul Health And Fitness
Body & Soul April 2018 Newsletter
how to apply spring cleaning to your fitness routine
Spring cleaning is a great way to restructure your workout routine and eliminate any messy, unsafe and ineffective habits! For example, you may not be aware of it, but you may be becoming complacent in your workout – leading to a lack in progress and a possible plateau. You can offset or avoid this by introducing small changes to your routine; for instance, consider increasing each exercise’s difficulty by increasing the weight or tension used, by increasing the reps performed or introducing a new challenging component to a standard exercise (i.e. using a bosu ball whilst performing push-ups or using the TRX to do adductor lunges).

Another great way to “spring clean” your workout is to optimize the space where you exercise. Many people struggle with finding the time and motivation to exercise at home, particularly when they have to setup equipment each time and store it all away again. If you are serious about exercising at home regularly, consider optimizing your workout space with some tweaks like these. You don’t even necessarily need a large space to start your home workout program – just a bit of imagination and planning!

fitness tip: circuit training

Circuit training involves the completion of a set group – or circuit – of exercises, typically within a set time. One of the primary benefits of circuit training is that it can be adapted to fit your schedule, which is great for people short on time. It can also be a pretty easy setup, prepared in advance (i.e. a mat in one spot for push-ups, followed by a 20lb dumbbell for goblet squats, followed by a skipping rope, etc.).
nutrition tip: quality over quantity
Have you ever heard the term empty calories? You consume empty calories when you eat foods or drink beverages with little to no nutritional value. In most cases, these are highly processed foods that contain added fat and sugar. Examples of empty-calorie foods and beverages are pastries, cookies, soda and alcoholic beverages. While we all like to indulge in foods and/or beverages that fall under this category, excessive consumption of empty calories will likely lead to weight gain and other possible health problems. When filling your plate, try to ensure a well balanced meal with whole, non-processed foods. Think quality over quantity!
club news
New Staff Member: We are excited to welcome Shangkary Subramaniam to the Front Desk Team! Shangkary came highly recommended by fellow Front Desk Supervisor Ashley Kumar.

Internal Promotion: Body & Soul Personal Trainer Stephen Paget is now Assistant Head Trainer! Among other things, Stephen will liaise with - and supervise - personal trainers, identify educational opportunities to enhance our team’s skills, and more.

More Small Group Training: We recently added more Small Group Personal Training sessions to our schedule! We also offer custom group training for those wishing to form their own groups; contact us for more information.

Reassess Your Fitness: Be sure to reassess your health and fitness before the summer! All clients with an active one-on-one or partner training package can book a complimentary reassessment with their personal trainer. 
Theresa Faulder
Personal Trainer
New to Vancouver and to the Body & Soul team, Theresa is an ACE certified personal trainer currently working towards a certificate in diet and nutrition. She is also a regular writer and contributor to the website of a Vancouver-based fitness college. Over the years, she has played competitive soccer, basketball and ultimate Frisbee, but now enjoys more gentle pursuits, such as yoga and meditation.

Theresa’s training philosophy centers around the absolute necessity of strength-training, which she believes has the power to positively influence every area of a person’s life—from the physical to the psychological. She endeavours to always demonstrate empathy and an open-mind with her clients, while also pushing them to realize their own capacity for strength, drive and power.
physio’s corner
Q: Can balance training reduce my risk of falls?
A: There are many parts of the body that work together to maintain balance. If one body system, for example vision, begins to fail, the other systems are able to compensate to reduce the impact this failure has on your balance. The body is so good at doing this that you might not even notice your balance is deteriorating unless put under more difficult conditions.

While poor balance can lead to falls and ultimately to hospitalization, permanent injury and even fatality, the good news is that balance can usually be improved. Physiotherapists are experts in balance and know how to identify and address the aspects of your balance which require improvement.

If you want to improve your balance, talk to your physiotherapist about developing a specialized program. Your physio can do a thorough assessment to determine the most appropriate exercises that will make the most improvements to your overall balance. This can be an important factor in preventing falls and injury, no matter your fitness level or age.

Michael Hales is a registered physiotherapist and owner of Halestorm Physiotherapy here at Body & Soul. To find out how physiotherapy can help you, visit

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37‌85 We‌st 10‌th A‌ve.
Vanco‌uver, BC
V6‌R 3T‌3
Ph: 604.224.2639
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