29 maart Paasviering
30 maart
Goede Vrijdag
2 april Tweede Paasdag
5 april Theoretisch verkeersexamen groep 7/8
9 t/m 13 april Open Lesweek
11 april Schoolvoetbal
13 april Zwangerschapsverlof juf Coriene
17 april Eindtoets groep 8
20 april Koningsspelen
23 t/m 25 april Schoolkamp
27 april Koningsdag
17 mei Schoolfotograaf
28 t/m 31 mei Avondvierdaagse
Kind op maandag
Week 13 ■ 26/03 - 30/03

Een nieuw begin
Marcus 14: 32-52, 15: 1-15 en 16: 1-8
In het verhaal van de eerste week zei Jezus tegen de dochter van Jaïrus: Sta op! Deze week horen we hoe Jezus zelf sterft. Maar ook bij hem klinkt een stem: ‘Sta op!’ Het graf is leeg. God maakt een nieuw begin.

An update from Miss Elaine 
Hello to all the parents and to all the students currently attending my English classes.
Spring is here and that will be our new theme when we return from the Easter break. I hope that the weather will become milder and bring our Spring theme truly to life.
Our recent themes for group 1 and 2 have been Winter, Food, Family and Shapes.
The themes for group 3 have been Winter, Food, Family, Shapes and Zoo Animals.
Lastly, our themes for group 4 have been Winter, Food, Restaurants and Farm animals.
Last week all the children learnt the different words for Easter. They also coloured in a colour by number worksheet.
The Easter worksheet was of course an Easter egg and I am so pleased to tell you that the children from groups 1, 2 and 3 were able to follow the instructions in English and group 4 were able to do this worksheet all on their own. This meant that they had to read the colours in English. So now, this shows that not only are they speaking English, but they are also  starting to read in English. This makes me so proud.
My new news is, that since February I have also started giving English grammar lessons to group 8 students.
This was my own idea as I thought it would be a great help and preparation  for students entering the Middelbare School next year.
I am concentrating on the basic English grammar especially the verbs To be and To have got, and the long and short forms, negative and positive forms. This will give my students in group 8 a great base for the Middlelbare School. I use a method of songs, games and worksheets, and I am very happy with the results. Group 8 are understanding the grammar lessons in an easy and interesting way.
Finally, I wish all my students, their parents, and of course all my colleagues and Directors a very Happy, healthy and safe Easter and look forward to yet another successful term!
Warmest regards.
Miss Elaine 

Werkgroep continurooster

Beste ouders,
De werkgroep continurooster is voor de eerste keer bijenkaar gekomen en de taken zijn verdeeld. 
Hier kunt u de notulen van deze bijeenkomst lezen.

Van harte gefeliciteerd

Er is er 1 jarig hoera hoera.....

In de afgelopen weken waren de volgende kinderen jarig.
Iva, Annemiek, Nynthe en Tiemen

Ook willen wij de kinderen feliciteren die deze week hun typ-diploma hebben behaald.

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