Upcoming Events
Judging from the right-hand column, where 25 SCOSA programs are listed (many with multiple dates), April will be an extremely busy month for SCOSA’s small part-time staff and our various collaborators! Wish us luck, join us, and help us spread the word. Two “Main Events” include:
Second Annual Listening, Learning, Lunching: An Intergenerational Event - Saturday April 7, 2018, 12 Noon – 2:00 pm, Campus Center Event Room.
Sponsored by the School of Health Sciences and SCOSA, we need 30 older adults to join over 150 students from health and social sciences to share their thoughts and wisdom on Saturday, April 7th in the Stockton Campus Center Events Room. Please click here to view the flyer and click here to register.

Graying Green: Climate Action for an Aging World - Friday, April 20, 2018, 2:10-3:45pm, Campus Center Theatre
Help SCOSA celebrate Earth Day a couple days early (Sunday, April 22nd is official day), with a thought-provoking presentation by noted experts on climate change and aging Mick Smyer (Bucknell University) and Rachel Pruchno (Rowan NJ Institute on Successful Aging). Older adults can be on the forefront as advocates for sustainability and climate change action. (In their youth, many led the charge for the environmental movement of the 1960s and ‘70s just as youngsters today are leading the charge to reduce gun violence). Our nation’s elders are also at greater risk than others from the negative consequences of climate change.
At the conclusion of the lecture and panel, we will honor undergraduate students who will graduate with the Gerontology Minor this year. The lecture is sponsored by SCOSA, and programs in Psychology, Sustainability, and Gerontology. No pre-registration is required. Parking on Friday afternoons should be plentiful in Lots 1-5. Please click image or click here for additional information.
Engage at Every Age: SCOSA Festival Invites Sponsors, Exhibitors, Collaborators

Save the Date – May 17, 2018
SCOSA’s Annual Festival celebration of Older Americans Month has taken shape since last month’s E-Newsletter! Our sponsor list has grown (e.g., AtlantiCare, William J. Hughes Center), exhibitor slots are filling, and you can now get a much better idea of our plans for the day’s program. Click here for the latest updates on all aspects of the Festival.
The national and Festival theme, “Engage at Every Age”, emphasizes that you are never too old (or too young) to take part in activities that can enrich physical, mental, and emotional well-being and also celebrates the many ways older adults make a difference in our communities.

Our keynote speaker, Donna Butts, Executive Director of Generations United in Washington, DC will bring a message that the best way to engage is with young and old working together, inspiring and building on each other’s strengths and passions.
Donna will come to us from two days at the United Nations as an invited speaker on intergenerational issues and programs. A few weeks after her appearance at Stockton, she will host an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC that will release a report on a major national survey on shared site programs for young and old conducted in collaboration with researchers at the Ohio State University.
The Festival will have three independent tracks: Engaging in Wellness, Engaging in Education, and Engaging in Civics and Community. Presenters and panels will include “Navigating County Government” with Freeholders Caren Fitzpatrick and Amy Gatto, “Couples as Caregivers” with Christine Miller, Executive Director of the Mental Health Association, and “Stockton University as an Age Friendly Campus” in a panel chaired by SCOSA Director Dave Burdick.
Seeking New Presenters for Older Adult Education Programs
In order to expand our offerings for the second half of the year (June – December) we encourage individuals who have expertise and passion on topics that can "nurture body, mind, and spirit” to email to discuss your ideas.
E-News Events in Aging in South Jersey – and Beyond
Events in Aging in South Jersey – and Beyond, is our new E-News column designed to assist community organizations and agencies to better publicize their programs about aging, ranging from training opportunities for professional to fundraisers for organizations that serve elders.
Organizations may submit calendar materials by the 18th of each month for inclusion in the following month’s newsletter. Newsletters are also posted on our website under the newsletters/press releases tab. Click here to submit items. Items are published on a space available basis and we reserve the right to reject any that are inconsistent with SCOSA’s mission or deemed inappropriate for our audience.
Narratives on Positive Aging: Recipes for Success Contributor Celebration
On Saturday, March 24th, Dr. Lisa Cox and her graduate level Aging: Advanced Practice Social Work class welcomed five older adult writers (Meryl Baer, Bonnie Camp, Lorraine Gicas, Dick Pelrine, and Audrey Piazza) who contributed to the text, to a time of learning and a shared meal, hosted by SCOSA. As you may recall, Narratives on Positive Aging: Recipes for Success was published last fall, edited by Dr. Lisa Cox, Professor of Social Work, SCOSA Research Chair, with substantial assistance from chapter authors David Burdick and Gina Maguire.

Pictured left to right: Gina Maguire, Dick Pelrine, Bonnie Camp, Meryl Baer, David Burdick, Audrey Piazza, Lorraine Gicas, Lisa Cox, and students from SOWK 5540 Aging: Advanced Practice