SCOSA E-Newsletter, Volume 7, Issue 4
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SCOSA April 2018 E-News


Upcoming Events
Judging from the right-hand column, where 25 SCOSA programs are listed (many with multiple dates), April will be an extremely busy month for SCOSA’s small part-time staff and our various collaborators! Wish us luck, join us, and help us spread the word.  Two “Main Events” include: 

Second Annual Listening, Learning, Lunching: An Intergenerational Event - Saturday April 7, 2018, 12 Noon – 2:00 pm, Campus Center Event Room.  
Sponsored by the School of Health Sciences and SCOSA, we need 30 older adults to join over 150 students from health and social sciences to share their thoughts and wisdom on Saturday, April 7th in the Stockton Campus Center Events Room. Please click here to view the flyer and click here to register

Graying Green: Climate Action for an Aging World - Friday, April 20, 2018, 2:10-3:45pm, Campus Center Theatre 
Help SCOSA celebrate Earth Day a couple days early (Sunday, April 22nd is official day), with a thought-provoking presentation by noted experts on climate change and aging Mick Smyer (Bucknell University) and Rachel Pruchno (Rowan NJ Institute on Successful Aging). Older adults can be on the forefront as advocates for sustainability and climate change action. (In their youth, many led the charge for the environmental movement of the 1960s and ‘70s just as youngsters today are leading the charge to reduce gun violence). Our nation’s elders are also at greater risk than others from the negative consequences of climate change. 

At the conclusion of the lecture and panel, we will honor undergraduate students who will graduate with the Gerontology Minor this year. The lecture is sponsored by SCOSA, and programs in Psychology, Sustainability, and Gerontology. No pre-registration is required. Parking on Friday afternoons should be plentiful in Lots 1-5. Please click image or click here for additional information.

Engage at Every Age:  SCOSA Festival Invites Sponsors, Exhibitors, Collaborators

Save the Date – May 17, 2018
SCOSA’s Annual Festival celebration of  Older Americans Month has taken shape since last month’s E-Newsletter!  Our sponsor list has grown (e.g., AtlantiCare, William J. Hughes Center), exhibitor slots are filling, and you can now get a much better idea of our plans for the day’s program. Click here for the latest updates on all aspects of the Festival.


The national and Festival theme, “Engage at Every Age”, emphasizes that you are never too old (or too young) to take part in activities that can enrich physical, mental, and emotional well-being and also celebrates the many ways older adults make a difference in our communities. 

Our keynote speaker, Donna Butts, Executive Director of Generations United in Washington, DC will bring a message that the best way to engage is with young and old working together, inspiring and building on each other’s strengths and passions.  

Donna will come to us from two days at the United Nations as an invited speaker on intergenerational issues and programs. A few weeks after her appearance at Stockton, she will host an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC that will release a report on a major national survey on shared site programs for young and old conducted in collaboration with researchers at the Ohio State University.

The Festival will have three independent tracks: Engaging in Wellness, Engaging in Education, and Engaging in Civics and Community. Presenters and panels will include “Navigating County Government” with Freeholders Caren Fitzpatrick and Amy Gatto, “Couples as Caregivers” with Christine Miller, Executive Director of the Mental Health Association, and “Stockton University as an Age Friendly Campus” in a panel chaired by SCOSA Director Dave Burdick. 

Seeking New Presenters for Older Adult Education Programs

In order to expand our offerings for the second half of the year (June – December) we encourage individuals who have expertise and passion on topics that can "nurture body, mind, and spirit” to email to discuss your ideas.

E-News Events in Aging in South Jersey – and Beyond

Events in Aging in South Jersey – and Beyond, is our new E-News column designed to assist community organizations and agencies to better publicize their programs about aging, ranging from training opportunities for professional to fundraisers for organizations that serve elders. 

Organizations may submit calendar materials by the 18th of each month for inclusion in the following month’s newsletter. Newsletters are also posted on our website under the newsletters/press releases tab. Click here to submit items.  Items are published on a space available basis and we reserve the right to reject any that are inconsistent with SCOSA’s mission or deemed inappropriate for our audience.


Narratives on Positive Aging: Recipes for Success Contributor Celebration

On Saturday, March 24th, Dr. Lisa Cox and her graduate level Aging: Advanced Practice Social Work class welcomed five older adult writers (Meryl Baer, Bonnie Camp, Lorraine Gicas, Dick Pelrine, and Audrey Piazza) who contributed to the text, to a time of learning and a shared meal, hosted by SCOSA.  As you may recall, Narratives on Positive Aging: Recipes for Success was published last fall, edited by Dr. Lisa Cox, Professor of Social Work, SCOSA Research Chair, with substantial assistance from chapter authors David Burdick and Gina Maguire. 

Pictured left to right: Gina Maguire, Dick Pelrine, Bonnie Camp, Meryl Baer, David Burdick, Audrey Piazza, Lorraine Gicas, Lisa Cox, and students from SOWK 5540 Aging: Advanced Practice 

SCOSA Older Adult Education Program

Learn more about a program and registration by clicking its title! 

April 2, 4, 9, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30, 2018 
8:00 am – 10:30 am 
Stockton University Sports Center 
101 Vera King Farris Dr., Galloway
To Register, Click Here 

Knitting & Crocheting 
Mondays, April 2 – 30, 2018 
9:30 am - 11:30 am 
Materials Fee: $40.00 for 6 lessons 
Stockton at Manahawkin 
712 East Bay Ave., Manahawkin
Hot beverages available 

One Stroke Painting 
Mondays, April 2 – 30, 2018 
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm 
Materials Fee: $40.00 for 6 lessons 
Stockton at Manahawkin 
712 East Bay Ave., Manahawkin
Hot beverages available 

Learn to Draw 
Wednesdays, April 4 – May 30, 2018 
10:00 am - 12:00 pm 
Materials Fee: $5.00 
Egg Harbor Twp. Library 
1 Swift Ave., Egg Harbor Twp.
To Register, Click Here 

Parkinson's Disease 
April 4, 2018 
10:45 am - 11:45 am 
Hammonton Nutrition Site 
310 Bellevue Ave., Hammonton
Meal Served by Nutrition Site 
To Register, Click Here 

Helping Seniors to LIVE 
April 4, 2018 
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 
Kramer Hall 
30 Front St., Hammonton
To Register, Click Here 

Laughter is the Best Medicine 
April 9, 2018 
11:15 am - 12:15 pm 
Galloway Nutrition Site 
621 W. White Horse Pike, Egg Harbor City
Meal Served by Nutrition Site 
To Register, Click Here 

Brain Fitness and Memory Screening 
April 11, 2018 
10:30 am - 11:30 am 
Leinweber Nutrition Site 
235 Dolphin Avenue, Northfield
Meal Served by Nutrition Site 
To Register, Click Here 

Parkinson's Disease 
April 11, 2018 
11:00 am - 12:00 pm 
Brigantine Nutrition Site 
265 42nd Street South, Brigantine
Meal Served by Nutrition Site 
To Register, Click Here 

Heart Disease 
April 12, 2018 
9:00 am – 10:00 am 
Buena Nutrition Site 
600 Central Avenue, Buena
Meal Served by Nutrition Site 
To Register, Click Here 

Medicare/Medicaid Benefits 
April 13, 2018 
9:45 am - 10:45 am 
EHT Nutrition Site 
5045 English Creek Ave., EHT
Meal Served by Nutrition Site 
To Register, Click Here 

Card Making 
April 13, 2018 
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm 
Materials Fee: $3.00 
Stockton at Manahawkin 
712 East Bay Ave., Manahawkin
Hot beverages available 

A Tour of Poetry for Seniors 
April 14, 2018 
11:00 am - 1:00 pm 
Northfield Public Library 
241 W Mill Rd, Northfield
To Register, Click Here 

Marijuana and Parkinson’s Disease: What Do We Really Know? 
April 17, 2018 
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm 
Stockton at Manahawkin 
712 East Bay Ave., Manahawkin
Hot beverages available 

Home Safety with Style 
April 19, 2018 
9:45 am - 10:45 am 
Egg Harbor City Nutrition Site 
341-351 Cincinnati Avenue, Egg Harbor City
Meal Served by Nutrition Site 
To Register, Click Here 

Being Mortal: Film & Discussion 
April 19, 2018 
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 
Stockton University, Meeting Room 5 
101 Vera King Farris Dr., Galloway

Graying Green: Climate Action for Aging World 
April 20, 2018 
2:10 – 3:45 pm 
Stockton University, Campus Center Theatre
101 Vera King Farris Dr., Galloway

Time to Tell: Tapping the Source Memoir Writing 
April 21, 2018 
10:30 am - 12:30 pm 
Stockton University, Meeting Room 1 
101 Vera King Farris Dr., Galloway
To Register, Click Here 

Wool Drying Basket 
April 21, 2018 
10:00 am - 12:00 pm 
Materials Fee: $35.00 
Swan Bay Folk Art Center 
300 Sooys Landing Rd, Port Republic
Snacks available 
To Register, Call 609-652-0366 

April 24, 2018 
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 
Kramer Hall 
30 Front St., Hammonton
To Register, Click Here 

Elder Law Overview 
April 25, 2018 
11:30 am - 1:00 pm 
Brandall Estates 
432 Central Ave, Linwood
To Register, Click Here 

Brain Fitness and Memory Screening 
April 25, 2018 
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 
Woodview Estates Assisted Living 
5030 Unami Blvd., Mays Landing
Includes lunch, compliments of Woodview Estates Assisted Living 
To Register, Call 609-625-4878 

Death Cafe 
April 25, 2018 
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm 
Bay Avenue Community Center 
775 East bay Ave., Manahawkin

Soul Collage Workshop 
April 26, 2018 
10:30 am - 1:30 pm 
Materials Fee: $15.00 
Stockton at Manahawkin 
712 East Bay Ave., Manahawkin
Hot beverages available 


Brown Bag Lunch & Learn: Free Webinars for Professionals, Faculty/Staff, Students, Retirees, and Community Members

Through SCOSA's membership in the American Society on Aging (ASA), we continue our presentation of informative webinars. Program times vary; please click on individual programs for details. To register, e-mail, providing full contact information, indicating which program(s) you plan to attend and whether you need a temporary parking pass e-mailed to you (passes are needed in campus parking M-F before 3:30pm.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm 
Marijuana and Parkinson’s Disease: What Do We Really Know?
Stockton at Manahawkin
712 East Bay Ave., Manahawkin, NJ 08050 

SCOSA Summer Teaching/Research Institute

Coordinated by Dr. Lisa Cox, Professor Social Work & Gerontology and Research Chair and Fellow of the Stockton Center on Successful Aging, the institute will be held on Stockton University’s main Galloway, NJ campus between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm on May 17, 2018, the same day as SCOSA's annual Successful Aging Festival. The purpose is to diffuse knowledge and skills about aging theory, research and practice across faculty from multiple disciplines and schools at Stockton. To enhance participants’ skills and knowledge about the multidisciplinary field of gerontology, essential for augmenting teaching with aging content, and developing an active research agenda and integrating scholarship with teaching. To apply, contact before Monday, April 9th.



Mico Lucide to attend Northeast LGBT Conference with Stockton Pride Alliance 

SCOSA Program Assistant Mr. Mico Lucide will accompany the Stockton Pride Alliance on their trip to the Annual Northeast LGBT Conference on April 6th-9th at Rutgers Newark.

The event brings together LGBTQ student groups to share ideas for programs, presenters, and activities, and provides resources and education on the LGBTQ community and Queer Theory. At past years’ conferences, Pride Alliance has developed connections with presenters and gotten ideas for popular annual events, so both Pride and Mico are excited to attend.  Pride Alliance is Stockton's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning student organization. Mico was President of the group as a freshman nine years ago and is currently one of their faculty/staff advisors.


Lunch & Learn: Advanced Care Planning Presentation

Wednesday, April 18th, 2018, 12:00 PM

Discussion on why planning end of life care - and telling others about that plan - is important for adults of all ages. A healthy lunch will be served. This event is free and open to the public. To Register, Click Here!


Positive Age Beliefs Can Protect against Dementia

A recent study now offers evidence that positive age beliefs can have a substantial impact on a person’s risk of developing dementia. The study results show a 50% reduced risk among older adults with a positive attitude toward aging compared to those with negative age beliefs. Click Here to read more.

ASA’s Board Chair Bob Blancato, Chair-Elect Karyne Jones, and CEO Bob Stein today condemned remarks offered by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke during testimony to the Senate Energy and National Resources Committee on Tuesday.  

As reported in The Hill, Zinke said “When you give discounted or free passes to elderly, fourth graders, veterans, disabled, and you do it by the carload, there's not a whole lot of people who actually pay at our front door. So, we're looking at ways to make sure we have more revenue in the front door of our parks themselves.”  

ASA leaders responded by saying “On behalf of the older and disabled Americans and veterans in our membership we take offense at the comments of the Interior Secretary about all of these groups not continuing to enjoy free access to national parks. It is especially disingenuous coming from a Cabinet Secretary who according to published reports spent almost $140,000 in taxpayer funds to fix doors leading into his office. This proposal to impose these new fees should be shown the door.” 

ASA will continue to support policies that provide preferential access to public resources for older Americans, youth, the disabled and the veteran community.  


G. Larry James Legacy Bike Ride

Registration for the 10th annual GLJ Legacy Ride, scheduled for Saturday, June 2, is open.  Clicking this link will take you to the GLJ Legacy Ride home page.  Net proceeds from this event benefit the G. Larry James Legacy Fund, which provides scholarships for deserving students.  In the first nine years this event has provided more than $150,000 to the scholarship fund through tremendous support from Stockton faculty and staff, Stockton alumni and the surrounding community.    

2018 also marks the 50th anniversary of Larry’s accomplishments at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics.  To commemorate this, Stockton has designed special cycling apparel available for purchase until March 31.  Ordering details are available on the GLJ Legacy Ride home page.  This event has distances of 12, 30 and 62 miles.  If you like to ride a bike, please consider registering and joining us on Saturday, June 2.  If you don’t ride, please share this information with friends who cycle.   If you pass ride information to a friend verbally, just tell them to go to   

Questions about this event can be directed to Craig Stambaugh, Associate Dean of Students at 609-652-4717 or 

Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training 

Stockton University's Office of Continuing Studies will be hosting an Eating-Awareness Training class from April 11th - June 27th. The class will cover mindless eating, stress-related eating, and binge eating, and go over skills to reduce negative eating habits and have a more positive relationship with food.  
Free information sessions are available: 
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm 
Stockton Galloway Campus, F-204 
Attending one of these information sessions will entitle you to receive $25 off of the course fee, which is $380. Stockton Alumni, Faculty, and Staff have a discounted rate of $315. 
For more information, or to register, click here.

Some of the older adult programs offered by SCOSA are partially funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, through a grant by the Division of Intergenerational Services, Atlantic County, New Jersey. You may make voluntary donations to SCOSA. Such donations are not a fee and are not required. Any donations received will be used to develop and operate future programs. If you wish to donate directly to SCOSA please make your checks payable to SCOSA and send them to:
SCOSA/SOBL, Stockton University, 101 Vera King Farris Drive, Galloway, NJ 08205-9441. 


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Stockton Center on Successful Aging · Stockton University · 101 Vera King Farris Drive · Galloway, NJ 08205 · USA

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