
Carpentry Clippings, 11 April, 2018 

Highlights from the Software and Data Carpentry Community Calendar

Join Our Bug BBQ
Help us improve Software and Data Carpentry lessons by helping out at our upcoming Bug BBQ. It will run for 48 hours over 13-14 April, and you can contribute in all kinds of ways - you don’t need to be a coder or an expert to be able to provide useful assistance. The Data Carpentry work will be on geospatial and social science lessons whereas all the Software Carpentry lessons can be worked on. Start and finish times will vary depending on where you live. Read more.

Library Carpentry Hackathon
On 10-11 May, a group of Carpenters, librarians and others will run another Library Carpentry lesson hackathon as part of Mozilla's annual Global Sprint. Past sprints have proven to be a bonanza of updating and networking activity. The 2017 sprint involved more than 100 people across seven countries. Check out the sprint entry and come and say hi any time in our chatroom. You can register to take part on our etherpad.

Community News

Carpentries Handbook Out Now!
We are excited to release our new Carpentries Handbook! Historically, our information and resources have been spread across various websites, Google docs, GitHub repos, and more. We now have a one-stop shop to consolidate all these resources. In one place, you can now find information on how to run a workshop, how to develop and maintain lessons, and how to sign up for instructor training. You can also find out about Carpentries activities through our many communication channels, including how to get involved in our  global community. Many thanks to all the community members who helped develop this content. We welcome everyone's feedback on the Handbook. If something is missing or you can't see information you need, please raise issues or submit pull requests to this GitHub repo.

Carpentries Twitter
We are releasing our new merged Twitter account (called The Carpentries) at the same time as our new Carpentries Handbook. Data and Software Carpentry-specific messages will be tweeted from the individual Twitter accounts, and people will most likely tweet the individual Software or Data Carpentry handles when teaching workshops. People are welcome to use the Twitter handles in whatever combination that suits them.

Carpentries Long-Term Impact Survey
One year ago, the Carpentries launched the Long-Term Impact Survey. This survey is used to capture feedback from our learners about behaviors they’ve adopted since attending a Carpentries workshop. Every six months we ask learners to complete the survey, and it’s that time again! Did you complete a Carpentries workshop six months or more ago? We invite you to complete the Long-Term Impact Survey. See the report.

Subcommittee Activity

Mentoring Groups Open for Multiple Timezones
Did you miss the deadline to join a mentoring group? Do not fear, there are still openings for mentees to join groups in the following timezones:

To join, fill out this application.

CarpentryCon - Not Long Now
Less than 50 days now until CarpentryCon 2018 starts in Dublin! Have you got your ticket yet? Don't miss out on this great learning, networking, and community building opportunity. You still have time to submit a lightning talk or poster. The website has all the up to date information, including who to contact if you have questions. Buy tickets here. Follow the special CarpentryCon Twitter account to stay on top of everything that's happening. 

Join a Mentoring Meeting

The Mentoring Sub-committee is always on the lookout for new ideas, and would like to expand its pool of members, so please feel free to join one of the meetings. You don’t have to be a sub-committee member to attend - just drop in. Find out times and dates on the etherpad.

Tweet of the Week

What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists

Getting workshops happening in Japan was a thread on Discuss this month. Also raised was a request to find a Socrative set of questions for teaching Git. It turns out there is an existing bank of quizzes for Software Carpentry.

Papers & manuscripts from the community

Community job postings

Other places to connect
If you can't get enough Software and Data Carpentry, here are some other places to connect with our community. Have something you’d like to have included in our next newsletter? Please send items to
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