Dear readers,
The first newsletter under the new name! It needs some getting used to. After a year of hard work, the New Hope School for the Deaf Foundation will continue under the name Talking Hands. Find the reason why in this newsletter!
Furthermore, the newsletter is of course filled to the brim with news from Uganda: a graduation for students from the New Hope School for the Deaf; ICT for communication; and a new addition to the animal farm.
New name, same goal
We mentioned it briefly in the previous newsletter: our foundation has got a new name! From now on, we are called Talking Hands. This name reflects our broader goals and is more attractive. The name change is the cherry on the cake in a year of many developments.
In 2017 we worked hard to lay the groundwork for a sustainable foundation. With this, we can commit ourselves, now and in the future, to strengthening the position of deaf people in Uganda. We continue to do this in collaboration with the New Hope School for the Deaf in Uganda, through various projects, and hopefully with your help!
ANBI quality mark and tax benefit
Another important change has taken place last year. Talking Hands has been designated by the Dutch government as a public benefit institution (ANBI). This quality mark means that Talking Hands meets strict requirements regarding (financial) transparency, remuneration and behavior.
We are very pleased with our ANBI registration, also because our donors may deduct donations from the income tax! Are you interested to donate tax free? Please contact us via
ICT for communication
Communication is key: not only for deaf people and their environment, but also for the contact between the projects in Uganda and Talking Hands in the Netherlands! Several donors helped us improve this communication by donating a laptop, smartphone, photo camera and modem to the New Hope School. The equipment has now arrived at the school.
Employees of the school are being coached by an ICT student to get the most out of the technology. This applies both to communication with Talking Hands, and to higher efficiency and more access to information in Uganda through, for example, the use of Excel and the internet.
presenting the new ICT-tools
Great holiday: lazing for the pupils, lessons for family and teachers
Due to the tropical climate, Uganda does not have a summer and winter. As a result, the main vacation does not fall in the summer months, but in the period between Christmas and early February.
During the holidays, the students from the New Hope school for the Deaf are at home with their family. A valuable time, in which the children enjoy a well deserved holiday at home, together with their parents, siblings, and other family.
After two months everyone is excited to start school again: to see their friends, teachers and carers; and of course to chat in sign language!
Celebrating friendship!
Improving the quality of education
The teachers and carers also take place in the school benches during the main vacation, so as to learn the latest insights in sign language and pedagogy. Topics such as teaching methods; education; translation and interpretation of signs; deaf culture; and innovations in the Ugandan school system are discussed.
Not all teachers are specifically trained for deaf education, as the training for special education teachers has a limited number of places. trained special education teachers are thus in high demand. Moreover, New Hope School has limited funds to attract and keep these teachers. To maintain and improve the quality of education, teachers and cares receive these training thrice a year.
In the course, the teachers and carers learn to adapt their lessons and their contact with the pupils to the specific needs of deaf children. This contributes to the quality of education, and to a safe living environment in which the students can bring out the best in themselves!
The work we do in Uganda is very important! We would therefore like to ask you kindly to support us. To help us secure the future of our projects, we are especially happy with a monthly donation, but of course all contributions are very welcome! You can donate to Talking Hands Foundation, IBAN: NL74 RABO 0301 2992 50
Watch the documentary of the New Hope School for the Deaf here!
Thanks to your donation ...
In the past months the New Hope School for the Deaf has worked hard to improve the living environment. A new "stove" has been built, so that cooking goes faster, and less firewood is needed. In addition, the classrooms have been refurbished.
The chickens have also received a better shelter: the 36 hens can scurry to their heart's content in the renovated barn. All pupils now receive an egg at least once a week. This is a good addition to their diet.
The new "stove" in action!
Allen and Erick have graduated!
Good news! Allen and Erick, students from the New Hope School for the Deaf in Uganda, passed their final exams for primary school in January. They are the first two students who leave school with a diploma in their pocket. We are very happy with their good performance and even happier that both children will go to secondary school!
Erick and Allen both want to learn more. Only a small proportion of Ugandan children go to secondary school, because it is very expensive. Going to secondary school is even more difficult for deaf children: there are only two high schools for the deaf in Uganda. Erick's family will pay for his school costs, but this is not possible for Allen's family. That is why Talking Hands will offer financial support. This way Allen can also realize her dreams!
The success of Allen and Erick gives all students the motivation to get the best out of their education and to go to secondary school as well. To make this possible, your donation is desperately needed: many families do not have the money to pay for further education.
Celebrating Erick's diploma!
Grown-up courses during school break
The longest school break in Uganda is from mid-December to the beginning of February. The pupils of the New Hope School have already been picked up by their parents! The children always look forward to spent some time with their families, but are happy to start school again in February as well.
The break does not mean all goes quiet at the school grounds! Teachers use the time to attend courses on pedagogy and sign language. In this way, qualitative education is ensured for the deaf pupils.
In January the teachers organise a sign language course for families of the students and people from the neighbourhood. During this course, the teachers also provide information about what it is like being deaf. This course is being organised three times a year and proves to be very succesful in countering stigmatization of deaf children, thereby aiding their integration in Ugandan society.
Young and old learn together
Young goat
The New Hope School's animal farm continues to grow: the pupils have been able to welcome a third young goat! Together with the eggs from the chicken coop, goat milk is a welcome and healthy addition to the pupils' diet.
Looking for something tasty
Your donation highly appreciated! You can donate to:
Stichting Talking Hands IBAN: NL74 RABO 0301 2992 50
Thank you for reading this newsletter!
Remarks and ideas concerning the school, the foundation or this newsletter are always very welcome. Please do not hesitate to send us a message via
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