Reminder: Weather Information During Dismissal/Pick-up:
Staff members WILL remain outside during rain to continue normal dismissal procedures and escort students to cars.
In the event there is thunder/lightning*, all staff and students will immediately return INSIDE of the building for safety.
If staff/students return to the building at any point during dismissal, parents/designated persons will remain in car loop.
As you pull up to the building (or if able to reroute your vehicle), YOU are able to park and walk in to the building with your official car tag to pick-up your student(s) of you deem it is safe to do so.**
*During inclement weather, it is especially important that families follow all the traffic safety rules; it will take a little longer, but it will ensure the safety of everyone. At times it may be necessary to halt dismissal during inclement weather for everyone’s safety.
**For K-8 students with Pre-Prep siblings, those students will be moved inside the main building as pick-up will NOT be available at outside gate in between buildings. Parents who typically pick up at gate are also able to come to main building with their car tag IF they choose.
This Week at a Glance:
Tuesday, April 10:
Closed Campus Due to Testing
Final Day to Complete Leader in Me Online Parent Survey
Wednesday, April 11:
Before/After Care Bill Due
PTA Sponsored All Pro Dad Meeting
Potential Closed Campus Due to Make Up Testing
Thursday, April 12:
Potential Closed Campus Due to Make Up Testing
Friday, April 13:
Potential Closed Campus Due to Make Up Testing
Middle School Strike Zone Awards Ceremony
Kindergarten Field Trip - Weather Permitting
Final Day to Submit PTA Board Nominations for 2018-19
Leader in Me Survey
Reminder to take a moment to complete a Leader in Me survey that was published in last Friday's NEWSFLASH. The information you provide will help us in planning for the years to come.
Upon filling out the survey, please send an email to: and Mrs. Feocco will gladly enter a volunteer hour for you (a win-win situation!!).
Please click on the button below to complete the online survey by Tuesday, April 10th.
Lutz Prep 7th Annual Golf Outing Less than two weeks away - REGISTER NOW!
Friday, April 20, 2018
1:00 PM Shotgun Start
Heritage Isles Golf & Country Club
10630 Plantation Bay Drive, Tampa FL 33647
Golf registration deadline has been extended to Tuesday, April 17, 2018.
Sponsorship deadline is Friday, April 6, 2018. Please contact Michael Homer at 216-789-7722.
Please join us for this annual event that has raised over $75,000 for Lutz Prep over the past 6 years! As always, 100% of the proceeds will go directly to Lutz Prep. This year’s proceeds will be dedicated to enhancing school safety and implementing new security measures.
The annual golf outing is always a wonderful event for our Lutz Preparatory community! We hope you are making plans to join us for this annual tradition.
Volunteer Corner
Track Meet Help Needed: Multiple Dates Still Need Help!
PTA Updates All Pro Dad Meeting
Hey Dads and Kids... Only a little more than two months remaining until summer. Take this opportunity to join us for April's Lutz Prep/Lutz Pre-Prep All Pro Dad - Dad’s and Kid’s Breakfast (second to last one this year). This month's topic is "Excellence". Big Idea: The definition of excellence is “the quality of being outstanding or extremely good.” But how do we get there? What about the practice and preparation it takes to become excellent? This month we’ll dive into what it means to stand out from the crowd and go above and beyond so you can produce excellent results.
Team up with other Lutz Prep Dads and kids for a quick before-school breakfast on Wednesday, April 11th, 2018. Doors open at 7:00 AM. The program starts at 7:15 and ends at 7:45. It’s fun and it’s free. You and your kids will be glad you came! Great way to start the morning. Contact Ryan Martin with any questions.
PTA Executive Officer Nominations Now Being Accepted
Your Lutz Prep PTA Nominating Committee, elected during the last general assembly meeting, has begun the process of nominating our Lutz Prep PTA Executive Officer Committee for the 2018-2019 school year. This is an important process and we are requesting help from our PTA members to nominate a great group of people to lead the PTA next year.
The 2018-2019 PTA Executive Board positions are as follows:
Corresponding Secretary
VP of Ways and Means
VP of Pre-Prep
VP of Elementary School LP
VP of Middle School LP
VP of School Support
If you would like to nominate yourselfor another individualas a candidate to fulfill these roles (current PTA Board Members can be re-nominated), please click on the button below to complete the online nomination form. A list of responsibilities for each position is detailed in the nomination form.
Nominations are being accepted until Friday, April 13th at 6:00 PM.
Tentative 2018-19 Academic Calendar Announced
Please click HERE to view the academic calendar section of our website for the tentative calendar for 2018-19. Please note, all dates are tentative pending testing dates from the State of Florida.
Middle School Strike Zone Award Ceremony
We will be celebrating our middle school students for their hard work during the 3rd quarter with a Strike Zone Award. This award will be given to students with who had a 3.75 GPA or higher (only one B) on their report card, no more than three absences, and no behavior infractions during the 1st quarter of the school year.
The ceremony for 6th - 8th grades will be held on Friday, April 13th from 1:30-2:15 PM in the LP gymnasium. We welcome all middle school parents who would like to attend these celebrations, please click HERE to complete a form to expedite the visitor sign in process.
Congratulations to the following students who qualified for the 3rd Quarter Strike Zone Award:
Summer Programs at Lutz Preparatory School
Click HERE to visit our website to view all Summer Program options for LP Camps and Vendor hosted camps held at our campus.
Early Bird Special for our LP Summer Camps if paid in full by April 30, 2018!
Florida Standards Assessment Portal
The FSA portal is your source for information about the Florida Standards. Please click HERE to visit the Florida Department of Education FSA Portal.
Florida Standards Assessments
Below you will find tentative testing dates for the grade levels and their respective assessments. Please be aware that these dates are provided within testing “windows”, and they can change based on various factors. State and district changes, unforeseen technology issues, and internal scheduling at Lutz Prep all can play a factor in altering testing dates and times. While we make every attempt to communicate with families, teachers, and our students in order to be best prepared, we appreciate your flexibility and patience during this time. In addition, please note that during testing windows, we will be a ‘closed campus’ and no volunteering is available.
Please click the button below to visit the Academics\Assessment tab of our website for the testing dates.
**Reminder: These dates are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time**