Spring Newsletter

Hi <<First Name>>,
With spring around the corner, it seems right to focus on natural light and bringing as much of the outdoors in.  I’ve put together some design tips on this – looking at orientation, borrowed light, glazing and detailing to really make your home filled with light.  Next it’s back to the drawing board – a case study taking you through the design processes and representing ideas.  

London has some fantastic events and exhibitions on – if you are planning a project don’t miss the events below.  Finally, check out for inspiration of stunning houses that are built around the concept of natural light.


How light enters your home has a huge impact on the sense of space, the atmosphere you can create and your mood, and its key to creating an amazing home.  Playing with light to control how it changes throughout the seasons by designing the layout, massing, orientation and detail of glazing is central to creating beautiful homes. more


I sometimes get comments on how a design develops, and it's always interesting to look back and see the sketch or model and then the finished design. Here's a collection of these  starting with hand sketches, 3d computer models and card models for our project in Richmond, starting on site next week.  Working in different mediums is key to developing ideas and communicating these clearly-

Early concept stage hand sketches exploring possible massing of solid and void.
3D computer render tests light levels.  A card model is great on site shows views/ massing.
3D axo view of computer model.
CAD detailing for tender.
As always some fantastic things to see.  If you are quick, Gursky at the Hayward gallery is well worth a visit.  His vast photos of landscapes and cities are fascnating.  If you are looking to start your own building project on your home, Don't Move Improve  and  AJ Small Projects is on now at the Building Centre and Grand Designs is at the Excel the second week of May.  
and a bit of inspiration!
using light as an inspriation has created some stunning homes.  Philip Johnson's Glass house from 1949 packs a punch with it's simple proportions.  Contrasting this with similar levels of elegance but pushing glass technology to it's limits is Kenzo Kuma's water and glass house. This house has no solid walls, it has simply two horizontal planes to the roof and floor - not bad views either.

Have a great spring - roll on summer.
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