Join the CPI!
The CPI is growing and needs a new program coordinator. The job entails planning and organizing CPI programs and providing administrative and operational support to advance the CPI’s mission. Come work with us!
Child Support in a Complex-Family Society
How do you build a child support system that works … even for complex families? Come find out on April 24 when Kathryn Edin, one of the CPI’s research group leaders, presents at Stanford. The talk is part of the “New Social Compact” series sponsored by the CPI.
Eviction Epidemic
The Eviction Lab—headed by CPI research group leader Matthew Desmond—has published the first-ever dataset of evictions in America. The dataset contains 83 million eviction records and makes it possible to track evictions over time and across neighborhoods, cities, and states.
The Unsuccessful Family Experiment
For those who believe that the 1996 welfare reform bill was mainly oriented toward promoting work, it might be surprising to learn that the bill begins with this line: “Marriage is the foundation of a successful society.” How did the grand plan to save the family work out? Read the piece by CPI research group leader Daniel Lichter to find out.
Microdynamics of Gender Inequality
In this video from our online course on poverty and inequality, CPI research group leader Cecilia Ridgeway explores the processes that allow gender inequality to persist in the face of ongoing social and technological change.
Improving Health Outcomes
How can we intervene to improve health? CPI research group leader Raj Chetty presents new research on health interventions in this video from his course on using big data to solve social problems.
Life in the Year After Prison
Harvard professor and CPI affiliate Bruce Western tells the stories of men and women leaving prison for neighborhoods around Boston.
Tuesday, May 1, Stanford Law School, Room 190, 12:45pm
The Quest for Career and Family
Harvard professor and CPI affiliate Claudia Goldin discusses policies to enable dual-career families, focusing on the importance of “temporal flexibility” and ways to decrease its costs.
Tuesday, May 1, Koret-Taube Conference Center, 4:30pm
Undocumented Lives
Stanford professor Ana Raquel Minian examines the experiences of migrants who belonged to communities on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Thursday, May 10, Building 360, Conference Room, 4pm
Working Poverty in Germany and Israel
CPI visiting scholar Asaf Levanon explores the underlying causes of the rising rates of working poverty in Germany and Israel.
Thursday, May 17, Building 360, Conference Room, 12pm
A selection of poverty and inequality papers recently released by CPI affiliates
Distributional National Accounts: Methods and Estimates for the United States
Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman – Quarterly Journal of Economics
More than Just a Nudge: Supporting Kindergarten Parents with Differentiated and Personalized Text-Messages
Christopher J. Doss, Erin M. Fahle, Susanna Loeb, and Benjamin N. York – NBER
U.S. Employment and Opioids: Is There a Connection?
Janet Currie, Jonas Y. Jin, and Molly Schnell – NBER