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Do You Show You Care?

Often through our day, we spend our time texting, tweeting, and liking but those things don’t necessarily mean we care.  They show we’re unconsciously connected to our phones and computers but beyond that, there isn’t too much more.

Yes, I know everyone likes to think that a tweet or text or a like is the next thing to manna from heaven, but it is not.  You cannot replace physical human interaction in my opinion.  Without human communication, we are just like ships passing in a night never seeing the other.

So, the question is, do you show you care?  I don’t mean the half-hearted attempt that most of us do now.  I’m talking about the way you show physically that you do.  It is in the words that you use and the gestures you make.  It is in the body language and heartfelt love that you show or don’t show.

If we truly want people to see that we care, we must show it.  Social Media is anything but showing that others care.  If we’re always staring down at our phone, there is no physical interaction to suggest we truly care. 

Let’s change that and make it a goal in our day to let others know we care.  Don’t let time slip by before it is too late leaving them to wonder if you do care<<read more>>


Check out my CD made for Moms,
Relaxing Spa Music

Don't forget, Mother's Day is May 13

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