The Citadel School of Business
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April 2018
The Citadel

Interim Dean's Message

“The mission of The Citadel’s Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business (BSB) is to educate and develop innovative leaders of principle to serve a global community.” Our values include our commitment to:
  • Integrity and respect for others
  • Professional and intellectual development of all members of the BSB community, and
  • Excellence through valuing innovation, diversity, and continuous improvement.
These words reflect the recently revised and adopted Mission Statement and Values of our School. The complete document goes on to elaborate on what we are and what we hope to become by including sections on “Our Competencies” and “Our Aspiration.” We are confident that this document, developed by faculty groups and reviewed by other stakeholders, will lead us in developing a revised strategic plan that will serve us well over the next decade. 

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MBA Marketing Video

The MBA program has a new video to promote the program. Click on the above image to view it.
Business Student Will Serve as the First Female Regimental Commander in Citadel History
Cadet Sarah J. Zorn will be first woman to lead the South Carolina Corps of Cadets as regimental commander in the history of the 175-year-old military college. Regimental commander is the highest-ranking cadet officer in command of the entire 2,350 student Corps. The Office of the Commandant named the rising leadership in for the 2018-19 academic year on March 20, on the actual 175th Anniversary of The Citadel. A formal installation ceremony will be held at a later date.

“Cadet Zorn has fully embraced the cadet experience, excelling in academics, character, military and fitness,” said Lt. Gen. John W. Rosa, the 19th president of The Citadel.

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2017-2018 Bulldog
Business Bowl IV Winners Announced

HD Flight Technologies was the first place winner of the 2017-2018 Bulldog Business Bowl IV. Hybrid Drone Flight Technologies specializes in research that increases a drone’s flight time, received $10,000 in seed money. Second place was awarded to Terch Products, who repurposes used sports equipment into authentic, durable, and usable products for passionate sports fans. Its members received $5,000.


Dr. Mike Barth Named Associate Dean/Department Head
Interim dean, Dr. Ron Green, has appointed finance professor, Dr. Mike Barth, as the new associate dean/department head in the Baker School of Business. He replaces Dr. Janette Moody, who is retiring in June.
“I have been serving in leadership roles off and on for the last 45 years, and I feel very comfortable with my new role as Associate Dean and Department Head,” said Dr. Barth.

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Beta Gamma Sigma Inducts New Members

The Baker School of Business congratulates its 40 newest members of Beta Gamma Sigma! On April 12, cadets, MBA, degree completion and advisory board chairpersons were inducted into the business honor society. They join an expanding worldwide network of more than 625,000 outstanding business professionals who have earned recognition through lifetime membership in Beta Gamma Sigma.


An invitation to membership in Beta Gamma Sigma indicates a student’s placement in the top 10% of the senior class, the top 10% of the junior class, or the top 20% of the master’s program. 

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Commencement Schedule

 The South Carolina Corps of Cadets and The Citadel Graduate College will hold its commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 5. 

Click here to view the schedule for SCCC Commencement Activities

Click here to view the schedule for the CGC Commencement Activities
BSB Hosts its First Seminar for Non-Profits

When the BSB’s Community Service Committee formed last fall, one initiative it wanted to accomplish this year was to hold a seminar for non-profit organizations in the area. That goal was met when the BSB, in partnership with Together SC, hosted the seminar “Managing Non-Profit Finances.”

More than 30 people from various non-profits attended the event.

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Finance Club Visits the
Big Apple

Members of the Finance Club attended the Quinnipiac G.A.M.E (Global Asset Management Education) conference in Manhattan. The conference is designed to educate students about asset management and help them select the niche to start their career. The sessions included key note speeches by economists and strategists from some of the largest financial firms, and smaller sessions with advice on how to land a job in the different areas of asset management.

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*Dr. Jaye Goosby Smith addressed part of the crew of USCGC Hamilton WMSL 753 (Commander CAPT Gordon) on the Dynamics of Intergenerational Diversity. The boat was docked at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in North Charleston.

*Dr. Richard Ebeling has a new article on the Future of Freedom Foundation website entitled: “Paternalist Follies of the 1960s: Vietnam Whiz Kids and Great Society Social Engineers.”

*Dr. William Sharbrough received the ABC-SE - Clarice Brantley Service Award from the Association for Business Communication for demonstrating significant outstanding service to the region.


*Dr. James Bezjian and some of his students met Steve Forbes at the Free Enterprise Forum. During the event, the student heard from entrepreneurs ranging in topics from the history of entrepreneurship in America to public policy recommendations for America moving forward. The group thanks alum Frank Swygert for this assistance in organizing the trip.


*The MBA Association has a new student board. The members are: 
Michael Church
Ryan Cook
Paige Hughes
Michael Manesiotis
Kristina Mullholland
Kathryn Sanders
Scher Smalls
Steven Wohlrab
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