Plus Enjoy Maple Sugar Candy With this Simple DIY Video
Anyone who reads Laura’s books will quickly recognize her fascination with the natural world around her. If you’ve ever wanted more information about the plants that Laura knew and grew, you are in luck! Author Marta McDowell shows us how to care for the plants that Laura loved. Whether it’s morning glories, ground cherries, or flag irises, pick a Little House plant and add it to your garden.
"In the history of literature, there’s nothing quite like the relationship between Laura Ingalls Wilder and her daughter, the journalist, Rose Wilder Lane.” Read as Pulitzer Prize winner Caroline Fraser explores the unique, not always simple, relationship between Laura and Rose as they collaborated to transform Laura’s memories into the books we know and love today. 
See how simple it is to enjoy maple sugar candy as Laura and her family did (without having to tap a maple tree and collect the sap first)!
This month we celebrated the birthdays of Shannen Doherty, the actress who played Jenny, and of visionary Ed Friendly who brought Little House on the Prairie to television. Get an inside look into how the beloved books came to television screens across the country in this interesting article about Friendly’s life.  
Each year, we celebrate our pioneering spirit by traveling to special events and gatherings that celebrate Laura Ingalls Wilder, the Little House books, and the TV Show. Check out these upcoming events and start planning your trips!
While the Ingalls family didn’t have much, they delighted in selecting or making thoughtful gifts for each other. Whether you’re looking for a Mother’s Day or birthday gift, you’ll love the unique gift guides we’ve put together for the special Little House fan in your life. 
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