
Underwater Photo Gear

Introducing Nanuk cases.

We've just started selling Nanuk hard cases! (No puns intended!) These are perfect if you've got a lot of gear you need to move around, if you're travelling, or if you just want a safe place to put all your photography or dive gear when it's not in use.

They come in loads of different colours, sizes and styles, so you can get them for a bunch of different purposes - like if you want a first aid box for your boat, or somewhere dry to keep your phone. Our favourites? If you need to go overseas, they have a few cases with pull-out handles and wheels! Lightweight, high-impact NK-7 resin with PowerClaw latches, these cases are the perfect solution!
Take me to them

Enter our photo comp.

Did you know that Sea Tech runs an underwater photography contest? It's called Shades of Colour and we've been doing it for yonks! If you enter, as well as the chance to win Sea Tech vouchers, you can get published in Dive New Zealand / Pacific magazines! You can find out how to enter on our site, alongside all our deadlines for sending in pictures for each issue and galleries of all the entries (take a look - they're pretty great). If you're new (or not so new, but at least not a pro), we'd especially love to see what you've got, as we're keen for some new entries in the Novice section!
'Blenny' by David Haintz.

Shooting in natural light.

This video tutorial is a bit of a long one at 17 mins, but has a lot of valuable insights for underwater photographers, so we really urge you to find the time to watch it! Tim Tadder is one of the world's top sports photographers. It is a little repetitive but if you take note of the Tadder's comments we think you'll learn a lot that you can use when shooting on your next dive. The key is to experiment - trial and error is your friend! Enjoy and learn !

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