Updates from the Mass Trans Political Coalition
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MTPC Launches #Hike4Rights Project

Ahead of November’s historic vote on transgender rights, two local leaders are hitting the trail to highlight what’s at stake in the Commonwealth. Ev Evnen (pronouns: they/them/theirs), director of MaeBright Group LLC, and Mason Dunn (pronouns: he/him/his), executive director of the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, will hike across Massachusetts this August, from Connecticut to Vermont, along the Appalachian Trail. The project, titled “#Hike4Rights” will feature a meet-up on the summit of Mt. Greylock, the highest peak in Massachusetts, where participants will celebrate transgender rights while flying the trans pride flag. 
Ev and Mason discuss their #Hike4Rights
“Under Massachusetts law, parks, trails, and shelters are public accommodations,” explains Dunn. “Thanks to the law passed in 2016, we as trans people have equal rights to access these spaces - but that law is under attack on the November ballot.” 

“If transgender rights are rolled back this November,” said Evnen, “than our protection from discrimination while hiking, traveling on the T, or even seeing the doctor is taken away. I can legally be denied services or forced to leave these places at any time because of who I am as a transgender person. As a white and masculine trans person I am among the safest in the trans community—transgender women of color face almost three quarters of the hate crimes committed against the LGBTQ+ community nationally.” 

Massachusetts will be the first state to vote on transgender rights in the country. Advocates, including Evnen and Dunn, are working to make sure public accommodations protections remain the law. The #Hike4Rights project, hosted by the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, MaeBright Group LLC, and the Venture Out Project, is intended to raise awareness for the law and the upcoming vote in November. 

More information is available at

The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition was founded in 2001 and is dedicated to ending discrimination and oppression based on gender identity and expression. 

MaeBright Group, LLC supports state agencies, non-profits, businesses, and communities that want to evaluate and improve their services and climate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning + (LGBTQ+) people. 

The Venture Out Project envisions a world where queer, trans, and LGBTQ+ youth and adults create community, develop leadership skills, and gain confidence through the shared experience of outdoor adventure and physical activity.

MTPC is dedicated to ending discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression in Massachusetts. 
Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition. All rights reserved.

Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition
P.O. Box 960784 Boston, MA 02196