
Special Edition: World Malaria Day

A Word from the Director
 Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
Dear Partners, Supporters and Friends –

Thank you for following all of our exciting TIPTOP progress over the past many months. In just under a year, we’ve supported four countries in a landmark introduction of community intermittent preventive treatment (C-IPTp). We have developed training materials for community health workers and antenatal care providers, conducted facility and community readiness assessments, and initiated household surveys. These efforts have the potential to transform so many lives.

As we mark April 25th, World Malaria Day 2018, I’m confident that we truly are “ready to beat malaria,” and indeed, we’ve made immense progress over the past decade. TIPTOP represents an innovative and critical step forward in beating malaria. I’m reminded of women like Batu Angela, a pregnant woman in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Millions of pregnant women have suffered the devastating consequences of malaria in pregnancy (MiP)—Angela is one such woman. Today, she’s receiving the care and medicine she needs to have a malaria-free pregnancy. 

TIPTOP’s ‘no missed opportunity’ approach will help to bend the curve, reaching the hardest to reach pregnant women, like Angela, with quality assured medicine, while generating the necessary evidence for the World Health Organization (WHO) to review its global MiP policy.

Our strong partnerships with National Malaria Control Programs and National Reproductive Health Programs in each of the TIPTOP countries are vital to our efforts to advance the prevention of MiP. Likewise, Jhpiego couldn’t achieve the TIPTOP objectives without working hand-in-hand with our partners—from the support of our donor Unitaid to civil society organizations that are instrumental in the communities where we are working and to our TIPTOP team—The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) and WHO.

As our efforts continue to gain momentum, more and more pregnant women will receive the preventive care they need. The TIPTOP World Malaria Day infographic below highlights both our approach and the current reality of IPTp uptake across countries we are supporting. We have much left to do in the fight against malaria—but projects like TIPTOP are readying us to beat malaria!
— Elaine Roman
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Jhpiego • 1615 Thames Street, Baltimore, MD 21231

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