April 23rd, 2018

Dear Woodside,

Welcome back from Spring Break...its good to be back!  There’s a lot going on in the Spring at Woodside and in our district, so read on for some important updates such as the PTO Board Nominations, and end of year activities at the school.

Thank you for being a part of the Woodside Community.  Do you feel that someone in your family or community would like to subscribe tho these e-mails?  You can forward this message or subscribe here.  

-Mr. Dedek
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Spring Dance: Kick up your heels this Friday Night!
Come join the Woodside community at the Spring Dance!  PLease note, at Woodside we try to support a sensory friendly dance from 5:30 - 6:30 where you can expect familiar lighting, quieter music, and of course a little closer parent supervision for our youngest students, or also those students who generally need more consistency for social situations.  At 6:30, we’re expecting a quick “Hula Lesson” form Mr. Horne!  After that, the lights will dim, and you can expect a more traditional dance format until 7:30 p.m. geared more towards our older students and those students who appreciate more lively music.  Hope to see you there!

In This Issue


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Update 4/23/18
Transportation and Parking Notes

As always, we so appreciate your safety and caution in the parking lot.  As the snow banks melt, please still be cautious in the Woodside Parkign Lot and remember a few “golden rules” below:

1. Please remember, drop-off is no earlier than 8:45, the school day starts and late slips issued after 8:55. (If you need help finding child care, please contact the office for a referral to local childcare’s.)
2. If dropping your child off att he school to walk in by themselves, remember to let students off at the “boulder walkway” and have them exit safely on the right side door of your vehicle.
3. If accompanying your child in, please parking a parking space and drop your student off at the door, or sign in at the office as a guest.
4. We need to have updated transportation plans and emergency contact-lists, please contact the office if you need to update your plans or lists at 725-1243.

* New Drvier for “orange bus” route, please see staffing updates below for details.

Reminder: Next Woodside PTO Meetings
Mondays: 4/23, 5/21, 6/11 6:00-7:30 p.m.


Next Meeting: April 23rd Agenda

It’s time for PTO executive board nominations.  We are seeking two new board members for the 2018-2019 school year. Please click this link to learn more and to share your voice.

Staff and Teacher Appreciation week is coming...look for your opportunity to help our students and families recognize the Woodside staff.  More info to follow from PTO.
Is something you'd like to add?  Contact your executive board by clicking here:
President:'17-'19 Erika McKenney 
Vice President: '17-18 Rebecca Drewette-Card 
Secretary: '17-'19  Laurie Wertz
Treasurer: '17-'18 Kevin O'Banyel
Teacher Rep '17-18 - Erin Dimbleby
Brady Yazwinski at the State Geo-Bee.
Recent Events and Updates Section

  • Congratulations to Woodside 5th grader, Brady Yazwinski who participated in the state Geo Bee in April.  While he did not move on to the national competition, he is the first Woodsider to qualify for the states and we are so proud of his showing. 
  • Congratualtions to Gage Taylor who finished in 6th place at the Maine State Spelling Bee.  This is an outstanding accomplishment for one of only two 5th graders at the State Bee.  Brady is the first boy from Woodside, and represents the 5th time a Woodside student has made it to the State Tournament since 2009. (Thank you Fundations Program, Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Workshop Program and Professional Development, and the Woodside teachers who work so hard to help our students learn literacy skills and become great readers and writers!)
  • April Chorus Concert:  the 5th grade blues has begun. Another fantastic Spring Concert on APril 11th for our 4th and 5th grade singers. Unable to make the concert? See a video of our “Rock Stars” below.
  • Woodside PTO helped organize thank you’s To the following community supports that aided our staff and students on 2/16:  MSAD 75 Transportation, Topsham Fire Department, and Topsham Police Department, Mt. Ararat Middle Shcool Staff and the Woodside Staff.  Thank you PTO, for helping to bring our community closer together and for important role that recognition plays in developing good relationships amongst organizations and agencies who work together.
Mr. Olsen-Pietrowski, The Woodside Maine Refrain Special Chorus, and the Combined 4th and 5th grader chorus members rocked it our on 4/11 in the Woodside Gymnasium.  Our next performance will be the annual Woodside Variety Show on June 8th at 6:30 p.m. (Mark your calendars.)
Staffing Updates:   Two New Updates!

1. Mrs. Farrell to return for 2018-2019

I am pleased to announce that Mrs. Farrell will be returning to Woodside for the 2018-2019 school year. We expect Mrs. Farrell will be right at home joining our Strengths-based Reading Focus Team in grades 3-5.

2. Mrs. Browne to return for 2018-2019.

I am also pleased to announce that Mrs. Marybeth Brown will be returning to Woodside in 2018-2019.  Mrs. Browne will be re-joining her Stengths-based Math Focus team in grades 3-5.

More information about next year’s teams will be available in May, 2018, until then please look out for our annual class placement letter in back-pack mail, as well as a link to that letter here.

-Mr. Dedek
Looking for things to do this Summer?  Here a a few local community camp opportunities to consider.

* Inclusion in this bulletin is at the discretion of the Woodside principal and does not represent endorsement by Woodside Elmentary Shcool or MSAD 75.
Woodside One Wheeler (W.O.W.) Summer Camp Weeks
Woodside One Wheeler Camps are held on site at the Woodside Elementary School in Topsham, Maine.
Through The Trees Link
Check out the Woodside School Events Calendar - there is a direct tab right on our website, or you can link to it at the top of this e-mail in the “useful links” section.  Each entry can be clicked for more information like location and time.  Thanks for trying it out!

Quick peek at the coming weeks

Peek at the Upcoming Weeks


4/23 - PTO Meeting 6:00-7:30
4/24 - MAMS 5th grade parent night 5:30 pm, Mt Ararat Middle School. (5th grade parent’s should attend.)
4/23 - (Week of)  MEA Science Testing, 5th grade only.  
4/26 - Walk or Bike to School Day
4/27 - Save the Date:  Spring Dance (Sponsored by PTO)
4/30 - District -Wide Kindergarten open House 6-7:30 pm (Hosted at Woodside)
4/30- 5/4 School Spirit Week to Support 5th Grade Field Trip to Cow Island (Fun Daily Activites, Watch for details in your back packs!)


4/30- 5/4 School Spirit Week to Support 5th Grade Field Trip to Cow Island (Fun Daily Activites, Watch for details in your back packs!) 
5/1 - Maine Refrain Breakfast Party 8:00 a.m.
5/3 - Kindergarten Screening Session #1
5/3 Walk or Bike to School Day
5/7-5/11 Woodside Spring Book Fair (In the Learning Commons)
5/10 - Walk or Bike to School Day
5/8 - Kindergarten Screening Session #2
5/9 - Variety Show Auditions (Grades 2-5)
5/11 - Movie Night (Funds To Support Woodside Yearbook Club, and our effort to provide a free yearbook to every 5th grader.)
5/18 - Walk of Bike to school day
5/15 All District Chorus and Band Concert (MAMS Orion Center 7pm
5/23 - 5th grade step up day at Mt. Ararat Middle School
5/24 - Walk or Bike to School Day


6/7 - Walk or Bike to School Day
6/8 Woodside Variety Show 6:30 pm
6/14 - Walking School Bus Day and Whole School Recess!
6/27 Trust for our Future Golf Tournament (Sign up here)

IMPORTANT note about the last day of school:

6/22 or 6/25:  Projected last day of school will be a 1/2 day with dismissal at 11:55 and grades 3-4-5 celebration in the morning.  Please stay tuned as our MSAD 75 School Board has submitted a request to waive our last day of school (currently scheduled for Monday 6/25, and make the last day of school Friday 6/ soon as a final answer has been determined, you will receive multiple notifications.

Decision about the last day of school will also influence our step-up day, report card and class placement mailings, and field day plans, so again, please “stay tuned.” Thank You!

Budget Notes:
Please make sure your voice is heard and included in the important budget development process.  Decisions regarding spending priorities, staffing numbers, and impact on property taxes are all important topics that are discussed and your voice is needed.  If you cant make one of the community forums below, please add your voice to the survey linked below.

 Thank you, your schools and school board need to hear your voice!

Click here to see the MSAD 75 Budget Page with link to feedback form.

Woodside’s MEA Testing Calendar - 2018
MEA Participation Counts
Thank you for encouraging good sleep, school attendance, and trying your best during the school’s MEA Testing Calendar.  The state reports out on particpation rates for elementary schools in grades 3-5 and we are required to achieve 95% participation on the MEA to avoid possible sanctions.  Please contact the Woodside School Office with any questions or concerns. - Mr. Dedek
Rick Dedek - 12/19/16, Woodside Bulletin
School Logo
WOODSIDE Elementary School

42 Barrows Drive, Topsham, ME 04086
Ph- (207)-725-1243
Fax - (207)-721-9206

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End on a healthy note: Motor Skills for Writing Development and Success!

See the link below shared by Woodside OT, Barbara Piccirillo for great information about what motor skills are important for student success. Enjoy your week!

  1. Visual Closure.
    Visual closure is the ability to identify an object or form when only part of it is showing.  It requires filling in details and using abstract thinking to problem solve. Students with visual closure challenges may have trouble writing and spelling, reading a poorly photocopied worksheet and doing worksheets or crafts part by part (ie: stencils, dot-to-dot pictures).  They may skip over mistakes in their work, have trouble with math problems (especially geometry), leave parts of words or entire words out of their sentences when writing and have trouble doing puzzles. They may add a lot of details to drawing or writing but can not pull it all together to see the whole. Some fun ways to work on visual closure include working on puzzles (start with simple 2D and progress up to 3D) as well as activities with dot-to-dot pictures or mazes.   Another idea is to draw some shapes and then draw the same shapes using dotted lines or draw only part of the shape and have the student match them up. A third idea is to write sight words at the top of the page and then only the top part of the sight words at the bottom of the page (as if they were cut in half lengthwise) and have the student match up the sight words to the correct pair. Some classroom ideas may include providing a student with a model of the final project for an activity as well as written or visual step by step instructions to follow, seating near the chalkboard, nicely photocopied worksheets and “encouraging hints” to help find mistakes in work.   You can find more info here:







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