Lutz Preparatory Weekly NEWSFLASH
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V6 Issue 40, April 27, 2018
Upcoming Week at a Glance:
  • Monday, April 30:
    • Early Bird Discount End for LP Summer Camps
    • Closed Campus Due to Testing
  • Tuesday, May 1:
    • Closed Campus Due to Testing
  • Wednesday, May 2:
    • Closed Campus Due to Testing
  • Thursday, May 3:
    • Potential Closed Campus Due to Make Up Testing
  • Friday, May 4:
    • Potential Closed Campus Due to Make Up Testing
    • Last Day to Check Out Library Books
    • Final Day to Purchase Sports Banquet Tickets
    • Camp Invention Early Bird Discount Ends
Academic Calendar 2017-18 and 2018-19
Monthly Calendar
Volunteer Awards Breakfast

Please join us for our Annual Volunteer Awards Breakfast, Lutz Prep "Derby Style" on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 from 8:30-9:30 AM in Narkewicz Hall.

See who will Win, Place or Show this year with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place volunteer hours.  Don your Sunday best and hat if you have one!  The stakes are high, click HERE to RSVP for the event.

For the safety of our students and staff during arrival and dismissal:  there is NO CELL PHONE USE (talking, texting, etc.) in the car loops, queuing lot, or parking lots of our campus. 
Distracted drivers are a safety hazard.
5/9 - Before/After Care Bill Due

5/9 - PTA Sponsored All Pro Dad Meeting

5/9 - Early Release, Dismissal Begins at Noon

5/9 - Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day

5/9 - District Middle School Battle of the Books

5/11 - Kindergarten Field Trip

5/11 - All Library Books Are Due

5/14 - 2nd Grade In School Field Trip

5/14 - Final Overdue Notices Sent from Library

5/14 - Show on the Road Play - The Little Mermaid

5/15 - Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

5/15 - Show on the Road Play - Check Please

5/15 - Show on the Road Play - The Little Mermaid

5/16 - Overdue Bills Sent Home from Library

5/16 - Field Day

5/16 - Sports Banquet

5/17 - 3rd Grade In School Field Trip

5/17 - Duke TIP Recognition Ceremony

5/18 - 8th Grade Dance

5/21 - Fourth Grade Field Trip

5/21 - Before/After Care Bill Due

5/21-5/25 - Teacher Appreciation Week

5/22 - EC3 Celebration 

5/22 - VPK Graduation

5/23 - Kindergarten Graduation

5/24 - 8th Grade Graduation

5/25 - Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day

5/25 - Early Release, Dismissal Begins at Noon

5/25 - Last Day of 4th Quarter/Last Day of School

8/13 - First Day of the 2018-19 School Year

Summer Programs at Lutz Preparatory School
Click HERE to visit our website to view all Summer Program options for LP Camps and Vendor hosted camps held at our campus. 

NEW VENDOR SUMMER CAMP:  IdeaLab for 4th-8th Grade students.  Stay tuned - dates and times coming soon.

Early Bird Special for our LP Summer Camps Ends Monday!

Athletics - Year End Sports Banquet for Competitive Team Sports
Thank you for another great Tampa Charter Athletic League (TCAL) year!  We are honored to host a sports banquet to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our athletes who were on competitive teams this year.  

Wednesday, May 16th, 2018
6:00-9:00 PM
Neilson Campus
501 Brooker Creek Blvd
Oldsmar, FL 34677

Purchase tickets to attend through the school website at the school store by clicking on the button below.
  • The cost to attend is $25 per attendee with a maximum of 4 people per family (including the athlete).  Price includes Italian dinner and reception. 
  • Deadline to purchase tickets is Friday, May 4.  
  • If the venue is not sold out to capacity at the deadline, we will send out an email the week of May 7th for families to purchase additional tickets beyond the 4 per family on a first come first serve basis via the Lutz Prep online store.
If you have any questions please contact  Go Bolts!

Brightest Bolts for April
Congratulations to our Brightest Bolts who were recognized at our April ceremony for their 21st Century Skills of Financial, Economic, and Business Literacy & Leader in Me Habit of Synergize!  Go Bolts!

Kindergarten:  Liam L., Avery H., Ryder, B., and Maximus M.
1st Grade:  Payton S., Nicholas S., Ethan E., Megan L., and Jonah C.
2nd Grade:  Anthony P., Gavin S., Katelyn A., Teagan H, and Jordin O.
3rd Grade:  Lyric B., Gracie P., Juan A., Sofia M., and Jonathan P.
4th Grade:  Calissta K., Julianna M., Ella G., and Brody S.
5th Grade:  Audrey G., Rebekah C., Amelia H., and Andres D.

Library News
Here are the important end of the year dates for the Library:
  • Friday, May 4th:  Last day for students to check out books – they will only be able to have books for one week if checked out on that day.
  • Friday, May 11th:  ALL STUDENT LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE BACK TO THE LIBRARY!!  If a student needs a book for a project, please talk to Mrs. O'Sullivan directly.
  • Monday, May 14th:  Final overdue notices will be sent home.  
  • Wednesday, May 16th:  Bills will be sent home with students that still have books checked out – at that point they are considered “Lost”. Students must return books or pay for them by the end of the school year.  Please see the 16-17 Parent/Student Handbook, page 41 section 1300.02 Student Debt, for details on unpaid library fines.  
If you feel a book has been returned and you are still getting a notice on it, please contact Mrs. O'Sullivan or send back the overdue notice with a note.  The shelves will be checked to see if the book can be located.  If not in the library, it is considered lost and parents will be billed.  If you have any questions please contact the Library Coordinator, Judy O'Sullivan.

Leader in Me Program
Focus for May:

  • Leader in Me:
    • Habit #7:  Sharpen the Saw
      I eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep (body).  I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school (brain).  I spend time with family and friends (heart).  I takes time to find meaningful ways to help people (soul).  I balance all four parts of myself.  
  • Click HERE to view details on the Leader in Me program.
Great Kindness Challenge Spearheaded by 5th Grade
Students at Lutz Preparatory can participate in the Great Kindness Challenge, where thousands of schools across the country join together to create a culture of kindness. 

5th Grade has a "Pay It Forward" Tree in the lobby during the month of April.  Students are encouraged to add a leaf (or more) to our tree every time they perform a random act of kindness.  Parents can send in kindness quotes and random acts of kindness via their student to add to the tree.  Please click HERE to print a leaf to share your random act of kindness to add to the tree.
"How do we change the world?  One Random act of kindness at a time."
"Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people."

Florida Standards Assessment Portal
Please click HERE to visit the Florida Department of Education FSA Portal.  

Please click the button below to visit the Academics\Assessment tab of our website for the tentative testing dates for the grade levels and their respective assessments.  Please be aware that these dates are provided within testing “windows”, and they can change based on various factors.  In addition, please note that during testing windows, we will be a ‘closed campus’ and no volunteering is available. 

**Reminder: These dates are tentative and CAN CHANGE at any time**

April ColorWheelz Session

  • Red Friendly Monster
  • Friday's 3:30-4:30 PM
  • Classes April 27, May 4, 11, 18
  • $72 - All supplies included

Important Reminders from the Clinic
May is approaching and the school year is almost over! We want every student to be able to participate in all the end of year fun activities the teachers have planned. 

Our goal is to make our school a healthy, safe place for both students and staff.  We will call you immediately if your child becomes ill during school hours.  You are expected to arrange for your child to be picked up AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE after receiving our call.  
Our school clinic is not equipped or staffed to handle ill children for long periods of time.


  • Vomiting or diarrhea (Please keep the student home for at least 24 hours following their last episode)
  • Fever (Please keep the student home until fever is completely gone without medication use)
  • Sore/red throat (If the child has strep, please keep them home on antibiotics for at least 24 hours)
  • Persistent coughing or sneezing
  • Red watery eyes
  • Rash
  • Earache, drainage from ear
  • Excessive mucus from nose (runny nose), particularly greenish-yellow mucus

Your child may return to school as soon as ALL SIGNS/SYMPTOMS ARE GONE or when your physician provides a WRITTEN STATEMENT indicating your child is ready to return. Teaching your children proper hand washing techniques is most important measure to prevent the spread of illness. 

Please contact our school nurse, Mrs. Kopp, with any questions.

2018-19 Uniform Vendor Change
Before you begin your shopping for next year’s uniform, we want to inform you that we are transitioning to a new uniform company.  During the 2018-2019 transition year, students will continue to have the choice of wearing previously purchased uniform shirts with the proper LP logo.  Please be assured, the new vendor will have a variety of shirt options to help meet our student’s needs or preferences.  Please continue to check the weekly Newsflash for updates.
Show on the Road End of Year Performances
  • Monday, May 14 6:30 PM The Little Mermaid 
  • Tuesday, May 15 5:00 PM Check Please (Middle School Drama Club Play)
  • Tuesday, May 15 6:30 PM The Little Mermaid
All performances in our LP gymnasium, information on tickets coming soon.
PTA Updates
As the 2017-2018 school year comes to a close LP PTA is very excited to celebrate our amazing teachers and staff that have made this year so successful for all our children.  While National Teacher Appreciation Week is recognized the first week of May and Lutz Prep testing running into the same week, Lutz Prep PTA will be recognizing Teacher Appreciation the last week of school, May 21-25.  PTA has an amazing week of festivities planned for our special teachers and staff and we invite all families to participate.  More details on what is planned will be coming through the homeroom parents shortly.
We look forward to showering our teachers and staff with everything special!
Best Regards,
Stefanie Alt
PTA President
Duke TIP Ceremony
The Duke Talent Identification (TIP) recognition ceremony will be held in the gym on Thursday, May 17, 2018 from 7:30-7:55 AM.  The ceremony is to recognize students who became members of the 4th-6th or 7th grade programs in the 2017-18 school year.  As part of the 7th grade program, students also took above-level ACT or SAT testing.  Following the ceremony, refreshments will be served.

Invitations will be sent home to the new members (those who qualified AND joined the Duke TIP program) by May 4.  If you have any questions, please email

Please note, CURRENT 4th-6th grade members and ALUMNI to both the 4th-6th and 7th grade programs are invited to attend the ceremony to congratulate the new members.
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