Lutz Preparatory Weekly NEWSFLASH
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V6 Issue 42, May 11, 2018
Upcoming Week at a Glance
  • Important Deadline
    • Deadline to RSVP for Sports Banquet TODAY at 5:00 PM

  • Monday, May 14:
    • 2nd Grade In-School Field Trip
    • All Library Books Are Overdue at This Time:  Final Overdue Notices Sent from Library
    • Show on the Road Play - The Little Mermaid
    • Spirit Shirt Sale in Lobby 8:30-2:30 - $5 Each Item
  • Tuesday, May 15:
    • Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast - PLEASE RSVP
    • Show on the Road Play - Check Please
    • Show on the Road Play - The Little Mermaid
    • Spirit Shirt Sale in Lobby 8:30-2:30 - $5 Each Item
  • Wednesday, May 16:
    • Overdue Bills Sent Home from Library
    • End of Year Intent to Return OR Transfer Due at Midnight
    • Field Day
    • Sports Banquet
    • Spirit Shirt Sale in Lobby 8:30-2:30 - $5 Each Item
  • Thursday, May 17:
    • PTA General Assembly Meeting
    • 3rd Grade In School Field Trip
    • Duke TIP Recognition Ceremony
    • 4th Grade In School Battle of the Books
    • Spirit Shirt Sale in Lobby 8:30-2:30 - $5 Each Item
  • Friday, May 18:
    • 7th Grade Field Trip
    • 8th Grade Dance
    • Spirit Shirt Sale in Lobby 8:30-2:30 - $5 Each Item
Academic Calendar 2017-18 and 2018-19
Monthly Calendar
5/21 - Before/After Care Bill Due

5/21-5/25 - Teacher Appreciation Week

5/22 - Fourth Grade Field Trip

5/22 - EC3 Celebration @ 2:00 PM

5/22 - VPK Graduation @ 5:00 PM

5/23 - Kindergarten Graduation @ 10:00 AM

5/23 - 8th Grade Field Trip

5/24 - 7th Grade Field Trip

5/24 - 8th Grade Graduation

5/25 - Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day

5/25 - Early Release, Dismissal Begins at Noon

5/25 - Last Day of 4th Quarter/Last Day of School

5/25 - K-5 Report Cards Sent Home in Backpacks

6/7 - Middle School Report Cards Available Online Only

8/13 - First Day of the 2018-19 School Year
Athletics - Year End Sports Banquet for Competitive Team Sports

Deadline TODAY at 5:00 PM! 

Thank you for another great Tampa Charter Athletic League (TCAL) year!  We are honored to host a sports banquet to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our athletes who were on all competitive teams this year.   

This event is open to all athletes and families that were involved in competitive Lutz Prep sports for the 2017-2018 school year.  Families must purchase tickets in advance to attend. 

Wednesday, May 16th, 2018
6:00-9:00 PM
Nielson Reception Hall
501 Brooker Creek Blvd
Oldsmar, FL 34677

Competitive Teams:  Cross Country, Track, Basketball, Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, & Flag Football 

  • The cost to attend is $25 per attendee with a maximum of 4 people per family (including the athlete).  Price includes Italian dinner and reception. 
  • Tickets still available, you may purchase additional tickets beyond the 4 per family on a first come first serve basis via the Lutz Prep online store.

Purchase tickets to attend through the school website at the school store by clicking on the button below. 

This year’s banquet is going to involve some very exciting, unique items that have been put in place from parent and athlete suggestions from our previous years’ banquets First, we will have a buffet style, Italian dinner that consists of your choice of Caesar or garden salad, chicken parmesan with gemelli pasta, spaghetti and meatballs with a house made marinara sauce, green beans with a garlic butter blend, rolls and butter, cookies, and iced tea and water for your beverages. 

This year each athlete will receive a LP letter and pin(s) from the sport(s) in which they participated.  The coaches in attendance will be giving brief speeches about their seasons and presenting the players with their pins and taking pictures afterwards.  The teams who won the charter school championships will also receive individual trophies for their accomplishments.  Also, we have a memories photo booth with props that will be available and each person can take home a commemorative picture from the booth if they would like.   

If you have any questions about this year’s event please feel free to contact us at  We hope to see all of you and your athletes in attendance.  GO BOLTS!

Chad Mollick
Lutz Preparatory School K-8
Athletic Director / Physical Education Teacher
Chairman – Tampa Charter Athletic League

Volunteer Corner
Volunteer Awards Breakfast
Please join us for our Annual Volunteer Awards Breakfast, Lutz Prep "Derby Style" on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 from 8:30-9:30 AM in Narkiewicz Hall.

See who will Win, Place or Show this year with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place volunteer hours.  Don your Sunday best and hat if you have one! 

The stakes are high, click HERE to RSVP for the event.  RSVP DEADLINE Monday, May 14, 2018, at 9:00 AM.

Volunteers Needed for 8th Grade Graduation
We need help to make our 8th grade graduation a success.  We are requesting any Lutz Preparatory parents and NJHS students to volunteer at the event on May 24, 2018.
  • Please click HERE for the Sign Up Genius for full details.  
Volunteers Needed for Field Day
  • Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius for Cars4 Classrooms Event.
  • Click HERE for Sign Up Genius for Field Day K-8 stations, set up, and clean up.
Required End of Year Intent to Return OR Transfer
Dear Lutz Preparatory Current Kindergarten through Seventh Grade Parents,

Thank you again for completing the FIRST Intent to Return for 18-19 form back in January of 2017Now that the school year is coming to a close, we require a SECOND END OF YEAR CONFIRMATION that your student will be returning OR transferring for the 2018-19 school year.  

To secure your student's enrollment for the 2018-2019 school year in the next grade level you must complete this End of Year Intent to Return OR Transfer online form.  Confirming each student's intent will allow us to accurately account for our 2018-19 enrollment before summer begins.  
  • Please click on the button below to submit your online form.
    • You must complete ONE End of Year Intent to Return OR Transfer form for EACH STUDENT currently enrolled at Lutz Preparatory School in grades K-7. 
    • Deadline for submission is Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at midnight.  
Annual Field Day - Wednesday, May 16, 2018
  • PrePrep Students:
    • Activities will be held on the Pre-Prep playground
    • EC3 will participate 8:45-9:45 AM
    • VPK will participate 9:50-10:50 AM
  • K-8 Students:
    • Activities will be held on the back field
    • First Session (Kinder and First Grade)
      • 8:15 - 9:40 AM
    • Second Session (Fourth and Fifth Grade)
      • 9:45 - 11:10 AM
    • Third Session (Second and Third)
      • 11:15 AM - 12:40 PM
    • Fourth Session (Middle School)
      • 1:35 - 2:50 PM
    • Volunteers Needed!  Click HERE for Sign Up Genius for Field Day K-8 stations, set up, and clean up.

Chrysler's Cars 4 Classrooms Event During Field Day
Jim Browne, a local car dealership, is bringing 6-9 Chrysler Pacificas to our school during field day, Wednesday, May 16th, 2018,  from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM for a special event that helps raise up to $3000 for for our school, plus potential entry into a sweepstakes for an additional grand prize of $7000.   
  • Chrysler’s Cars 4 Classrooms will donate $10 for each valid test drive/ride up to $2,000. New for the 2017-2018 school year is our social sharing opportunity that could gain your school an additional $1,000 and an entry into the Grand Prize Sweepstakes. (see Rules section of their website for details).  Please come support this fundraiser and take a test drive!

Volunteers Needed During Field Day! 
Please volunteer to assist with the Cars4Classrooms event that will be held during field day.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius.
PTA Updates

PTA Executive Board Slate:  2018-19 School Year
The PTA Nominating Committee has selected the PTA Executive Board Slate for the 2018-2019 school year.  This slate will be voted on at the next General Assembly Meeting.

  • President:  Stefanie Alt
  • Treasurer:  Holly Gordon
  • Recording Secretary:  Ashley Lorton
  • Corresponding Secretary:  Pilar Topping
  • VP of Ways and Means:  Nicole Trailer
  • VP of School Support:  Natalia Tyler
  • VP of Prep-Prep:  Monika Dapcic
  • VP of Elementary:  Amber Loper
  • VPs of Middle School:  Dawn Hampton & Tamara Chao

PTA General Assembly Meeting
The final general assembly meeting for the 2017-18 school year is scheduled for Thursday, May 17th at 8:30 AM in the main building cafeteria (Narkiewicz Hall).  There will be a vote to approve the 2018-19 PTA Executive Board Slate.  

Teacher Appreciation Week
Lutz Prep PTA will be recognizing Teacher Appreciation the last week of school, May 21-25.  PTA has an amazing week of festivities planned for our special teachers and staff and we invite all families to participate.  More details on what is planned has been sent home via paper by your homeroom parent.  
We look forward to showering our teachers and staff with everything special!

1st Day School Supplies
Hey parents, great news!  LP PTA and Lutz Preparatory School have partnered with 1st Day School Supplies to give you an OPTIONAL was to help make your back to school shopping for next year a breeze!  This is not a fundraiser but rather an opportunity to save you time this summer.  Our school supply kits are ready to go.  The exact supplies your LP teachers have requested.  Each kit will be delivered directly to school for you to pick up at the Meet & Greet!

Families can always choose to purchase school supplies on their own.  It is not required that families order school supplies through this company, this is just a different option for shopping.

Click HERE to order now. The deadline to order is June 15.

Student Competitions and Awards
2017-18 Charter Middle School Book Battle II

This is Lutz Preparatory's 4th year competing in the Charter Middle School Book Battle hosted at the Children's Board of Hillsborough County.  The teams from the 12 schools were made up of students from grades 6th-8th.  Each team reads 15 books and completes in 4 rounds with 60 detailed questions each.  We are thrilled that our Lutz Preparatory team was awarded 3rd place in the competition.

Congratulations to Eric R.(6th), Rebecca A.(8th), Collin P.(7th), Olivia W.(8th), Remley V.(6th), & Ava A.(6th).

Duke TIP State Recognition Ceremony at USF
We are extremely proud of our students who are members of Duke University Talent Identification Programs for 4th-6th and 7th grade.  As part of the 7th grade program, these academically talented students take above-level college-entrance exams to learn more about their abilities. Duke TIP then hosts annual recognition ceremonies to honor the seventh graders who scored the highest on these ACT or SAT exams.

We are excited to announce that five of our Lutz Prep 7th Grade Duke TIP members earned scores that are approximately equal to the 50th national percentile rank for college-bound seniors taking the tests—about 35 percent of TIP students across the nation meet that criteria. 

Congratulations to our 7th graders Lauren S., Brynn W., Raina M., & Collin P. (not pictured Anjalee P.).

Spirit Day T-Shirt Last Season Sale
Starting Monday, May 14, 2018, in the lobby 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM until all inventory is sold.  Cash or check only.
Library News
Here are the important end of the year dates for the Library:
  • Friday, May 11th:  ALL STUDENT LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE BACK TO THE LIBRARY!!  If a student needs a book for a project, please talk to Mrs. O'Sullivan directly.
  • Monday, May 14th:  Final overdue notices will be sent home.  
  • Wednesday, May 16th:  Bills will be sent home with students that still have books checked out – at that point they are considered “Lost”. Students must return books or pay for them by the end of the school year.  Please see the 16-17 Parent/Student Handbook, page 41 section 1300.02 Student Debt, for details on unpaid library fines.  
If you feel a book has been returned and you are still getting a notice on it, please contact Mrs. O'Sullivan or send back the overdue notice with a note.  The shelves will be checked to see if the book can be located.  If not in the library, it is considered lost and parents will be billed.  If you have any questions please contact the Library Coordinator, Judy O'Sullivan.
Show on the Road End of Year Performances & Ticket Sales
  • Monday, May 14 6:30 PM The Little Mermaid 
  • Tuesday, May 15 5:00 PM Check Please (Middle School Drama Club Play)
  • Tuesday, May 15 6:30 PM The Little Mermaid
Tickets are available at the door for all shows for $10.00.
Important Final Grade Info Regarding EOC Exams for Civics and Algebra I
Click HERE to review important information previously emailed to 7th and 8th grade families.  Summary:  EOC exam results are not expected until the end of June. In an effort to release report cards as scheduled, temporary exam and final semester grades will appear on the report card for EOC courses. 
Personal Identification Number (PIN) Letters for Viewing Florida Assessment Scores Online (Grades 3-5)   
Individualized letters were sent home with our 3rd-5th grade families the week of April 30th.  The student specific PIN is provided so that families of students in grades 3-5 can view Florida Standard Assessment (FSA) results online. 
  • Should a parent/guardian misplace the PIN letter, the PIN can be requested online and delivered to the parent via email or text message using the head of household contact information on record for the student.  Click HERE to request your PIN. 
  • Only the achievement levels and overall scale scores are displayed online.  The official home report from the Florida Department of Education remains the primary source of communication to families for Florida assessment scores.  The paper distribution process of home reports from schools to parents/guardians remains unchanged.
  • Grade 3 ELA (English Language Arts) assessment results are expected from the state in May.  Other assessment results are expected from the state in June or July.
  • Families will be notified via ParentLink and an announcement on the Hillsborough County Public Schools website when scores are available online.
  • Elementary student report cards are still not available online and the elementary report card process remains unchanged. 
  • Middle and high school online report card process remains unchanged.
Lost and Found
Lost and found items not picked up by the last week of school will be donated to charity.  Please make sure you label all items your students bring to school so they may be returned to their homeroom teachers.
Safety Patrol for Rising 5th Graders in the 2018-19 School Year
Current 4th Graders:  Are you READY to take on a new Leadership role at Lutz Prep?
Wouldn’t you love to be the reason someone else smiles today? Are you friendly and enjoy helping others? Would you like to learn how to talk to new people with confidence?? If you said YES, then we NEED you as a member of the LP Safety Patrol!
If you would like to be apply to be a member of the 2018-2019 Lutz Prep Safety Patrol, please click HERE to complete the application and return to Mrs. Hurley (or the front office) by Monday, May 14, 2018.  Papers were sent home with all current 4th graders earlier this week.
Important End of Year Information - 8th Grade Schedules and Events
The school year is quickly wrapping up and our 8th graders are looking forward to the exciting end of the year activities.  Please continue to remind your students to stay focused and on target for end of year success.  We are excited for their future as they transition to high school and want to make the final month of middle school a positive and memorable experience for them.

Please click HERE for the full communication that was previously sent to all 8th grade families.

Summer Programs at Lutz Preparatory School
Don't delay, still some spots open in our LP summer camps and vendor hosted camps.  Click HERE to visit our website to view all Summer Program options for LP Camps and Vendor hosted camps held at our campus.  **A few changes to the Lutz Prep K-5 camps, check out our new listing.**

NEW VENDOR SUMMER CAMP:  Idea Lab for 4th-8th Grade students.
  • Click HERE for a full listing of camps hosted on our LP Campus - lots of options.
  • Click HERE to register online.

Leader in Me Program
Focus for May:

  • Leader in Me:
    • Habit #7:  Sharpen the Saw
      I eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep (body).  I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school (brain).  I spend time with family and friends (heart).  I takes time to find meaningful ways to help people (soul).  I balance all four parts of myself.  
  • Click HERE to view details on the Leader in Me program.
2018-19 Uniform Vendor Change
Before you begin your shopping for next year’s uniform, we want to inform you that we are transitioning to a new uniform company.  During the 2018-2019 transition year, students will continue to have the choice of wearing previously purchased uniform shirts with the proper LP logo.  Please be assured, the new vendor will have a variety of shirt options to help meet our student’s needs or preferences.  Please continue to check the weekly Newsflash for updates.
Duke TIP Ceremony
The Duke Talent Identification (TIP) recognition ceremony will be held in the gym on Thursday, May 17, 2018 from 7:30-7:55 AM.  The ceremony is to recognize students who became members of the 4th-6th or 7th grade programs in the 2017-18 school year.  As part of the 7th grade program, students also took above-level ACT or SAT testing.  Following the ceremony, refreshments will be served.

Invitations were sent home to the new members (those who qualified AND joined the Duke TIP program) by May 4.  If you have any questions, please email

Please note, CURRENT 4th-6th grade members and ALUMNI to both the 4th-6th and 7th grade programs are invited to attend the ceremony to congratulate the new members.
Rising 7th Grader Immunization Requirements
Please submit a copy of your student's new 7th grade immunization records to the front office or email electronically to
For the safety of our students and staff during arrival and dismissal:  there is NO CELL PHONE USE (talking, texting, etc.) in the car loops, queuing lot, or parking lots of our campus. 
Distracted drivers are a safety hazard.
Copyright © 2018 Lutz Preparatory School K-8, All rights reserved.

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