
Watch Me Write Philosophy Emails

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Screencast: Emails About Overreaching Essay

Overwatch Discussion

I discussed Overwatch and there were some connections to philosophy – to organized methods of thinking and decision making. Quote from internetrules:

This seems really fun I want to get good enough at life so I can do this kinda stuff on my own in an organized manner


Why I've lost faith in p values. So much “science” is crap because most “scientists” use simple, brainless tests to provide specious authority to their results, rather than thinking critically and debating the issues. This article explains why one of the tricks they try to impress people with – saying they are 95% confident they’re right – is mathematically wrong.

I’ve been reading a good book: Developer Hegemony. It talks about the workplace and explains dynamics about middle managers, morale, promotions and more. Most of the ideas – e.g. about idealists, opportunists and pragmatists – apply to any larger company. This book has important red pill insights, especially if you have a career as an employee (or plan to).

I liked reading some articles from TheZvi criticizing education:

I also found Guessing the Teacher's Password linked from TheZvi. Unfortunately, TheZvi is apparently not interested in discussion – despite having a low number of responses on his blog, he didn’t respond when I replied to two of his articles.


Popular black rapper Kanye West supports Trump and thinks black people should think for themselves politically without being attacked for it. Democrats responded by getting angry and wanting Kanye to stop thinking for himself. For example, Stephen Colbert Leads Social Justice Mob Against Kanye West.

Netanyahu – 100,000 Secret Files Prove Iran ‘Lied Big Time’ About Nukes. Obama knew or should have known that Iran was lying to him and went ahead anyway. So Obama was either thoroughly incompetent or a traitor (themes that have independently come up on other issues). Trump is now pulling out of the deal which gave Iran (the largest state sponsor of terrorism) billions of dollars, but lots of the harm cannot be undone.

People keep attributing terrorism to “mental illness”. They should stop. This article briefly goes through a bunch of cases.

By Elliot Temple. I write philosophical essays and a blog.

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