
MAY 2018


Welcome to  
Public Archaeology 
Notes Issue # 5

We hope you've enjoyed past issues of Public Archaeology Notes (see Archives,
below). Please distribute Public Archaeology Notes to your networks, constituencies, and various communities. Email us interesting news and resources so we can share with everyone! Contact info is at the bottom.
The "P" in Public Archaeology stands for hard-working, dedicated PEOPLE. Here's a few members (past and present) of the Society for American Archaeology Public Education Committee at last year's SAA annual meeting in Vancouver. 
Giovanna Peebles, Public Archaeology Notes Editor

Thank you to our contributors to Issue #5:
Joe Bagley, Boston City Archaeologist
Beverly Chiarulli, Pennsylvania PEC State Coordinator
Brian Jones, Connecticut PEC State Co-Coordinator
Angela Labrador, Vermont Archaeological Society
Elizabeth (Beth) Pruitt, SAA Education and Outreach Manager
The President of the Pennsylvania Archaeological Council, Bev Chiarulli, reports that "coordinated letter-writing campaigns really do work as an advocacy strategy."  Do you have any success stories to share with us?

Spotlight: Happening Things in the United States and Canada, from Alabama to Yukon

Kudos to the Kentucky Archaeological Survey for winning the Society for American Archaeology's 2018 AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN PUBLIC EDUCATION for their Davis Bottom History Preservation Project!  Explore the project website to see the outstanding multi-disciplinary, multi-media resources it offers students and interested people of all ages. It truly serves as a model to inspire us. 

Here's the award write-up: "The Kentucky Archaeological Survey and the Davis Bottom History Preservation Project is awarded SAA’s Award for Excellence in Public Education for their combination of advocacy and curriculum development in the field of archaeology. Their extraordinary contributions to documenting the archaeology of an entire working-class neighborhood have included historic preservation, conservation archaeology, cultural resource management, and broad outreach strategy including curriculum development."

"The Kentucky Archaeological Survey has produced an outstanding body of work on Davis Bottom, including curriculum directed towards “Project Archaeology: Investigating a Kentucky Shotgun House.” This award recognizes the work and long-term service to the discipline by the Kentucky Archaeological Survey and their contributions to the field of public archaeology." 
Save the Date! International Archaeology Day 2018 is on October 20. The Archaeological Institute of America actively seeks partners to host events and join in as supporting organizations to celebrate International Archaeology Day, which can be one day or the whole month of October.

Spotlight: Great Outreach Ideas

Portland State University, in Oregon, is hosting its Seventh Annual Archaeology Road Show. This year's theme is "the Archaeology of Change": "We can think about change across so many fronts (technology, beliefs and religion, family structure, food) it is mind boggling." PSU and its various supporters and partners will be hosting two free roadshows in 2018. Check out their website and get inspired! Follow their Facebook page to get more ideas and to keep up with what's happening.
Check out Portland State University's Seventh Annual Archaeology Roadshow. Lots of great ideas here.

Spotlight: MORE Great Outreach Ideas

This story will inspire you. Twenty-six (!!) high school students from across Vermont responded to the 2017 Vermont Archaeological Society (VAS) Student Paper Contest challenging question, "Why Does Archaeology Matter?" In late summer of 2017, as part of Vermont Archaeology Month, the VAS decided to organize its first ever student writing contest. The contest goals were "to raise interest for archaeology among our rising generation of high school students, and to learn from them what significance the field has in their lives and their future." As VAS Vice President Angela Labrador notes, " 'Why Does Archaeology Matter?' is a question that I think every archaeologist has been asked at one time or another – sometimes by our very own parents!" It's possible that the $500 Prize was a factor in the unexpected, phenomenal response. Read all the details about this successful program HERE. There were so many excellent papers that the VAS decided to offer a Second Prize of $100! 
"Sophomore Katie Blassingame won the First Annual Vermont Archaeology Month High School Paper Contest held by the Vermont Archaeology Society. She is pictured here with Christie Ertel, Secretary of the Vermont Archaeology Society, and faculty member David Eckhardt, her AP World History teacher." Source: SJA News October 23, 2017, SJA Student Wins Vermont Archaeology Society Essay Contest.

Spotlight: Education, Curricula, and Lesson Plans

Don't forget that the annual Anthropology Day, sponsored by the American Anthropological Association, is also an excellent excuse to do archaeology outreach and collaborate with a variety of anthropologists. 2018 Anthropology Day was held on February 15. On that day, Society for American Archaeology Education & Outreach Manager Beth Pruitt headed to City Center Public Charter School in Washington, DC. to team up with anthropologists from the other sub-fields for the World Anthropology Day celebration. Beth reports that, "Students welcomed us into five classrooms, ranging from second to eighth grade. The artifacts and replicas in our teaching collection worked as tactile aids in each class. Together, we talked about anthropology as a way to understand people and the world better. Through the artifacts, students learned how everyone leaves something behind. Each of those artifacts are pieces of a story that we put together to tell about the past. With the other anthropologists there, we connected our work to the bigger picture of the world around us—everything from emojis to cell phones to chimpanzees!" 
Project Archaeology has a new place-based curriculum. Investigating Garnet: A Historic Mining Town curriculum guide "encourages educators to take their students out of their classrooms, engage with their communities, and make connections to local historic places." Place-based curricula are one valuable type of mitigation project for regulatory archaeology. If site loss is partial and a site's story can still be told through that part of the site that's not impacted, place-based curricula should be considered as a useful and lasting public contribution.

I had not looked at the Project Archaeology website in a while; it's worth you taking two minutes to do so. There are many useful and interesting educator resources no matter what state you live in. There are a number of terrific, FREE, downloads, including Investigating the First Peoples, the Clovis Child Burial. Check out this great material! 
Also check out a new, heritage education non-profit, The Heritage Education Network (THEN). In the short time since its start-up, THEN has amassed a 52 page Annotated Bibliography of  heritage education resources for educators and the general public. The is free and available to anyone. The Annotated Bibliography, with searchable database,includes books, journals, magazines, newsletters, classroom materials, videos, blogs, and websites. Paid members get additional benefits.
Beth Pruitt showing a variety of artifacts (real and replicas) at City Center Public Charter School in Washington, DC. during their World Anthropology Day program for grades 2 - 8. 

Spotlight: Great Posters

I think many of us might relate to this collage......! 

Spotlight: Great Poster AND Augmented Reality

The Oklahoma Archaeology Month (OAM) poster for 2017 was very cool for several reasons. First, it reminds us that archaeology is about people. The dozens of little circles are photos of people. Zoom in and check it out. Second, it uses Augmented Reality (AR) to showcase three powerful collaborations between archaeologists and Oklahoma Native tribes and one with collectors. Using the Trifecta AR app, you scan four zones of the poster to engage in these projects. Third, I love how they encouraged people to distribute the poster: "Take an OAM poster and post it in a public place in your hometown or wherever your OK travels take you. Show off your contribution to spreading the news about OAM by showing us your selfies. Wherever you post, take a picture of yourself holding the OAM poster at the location it will be displayed. Use the hashtag #OAM2017 to show us your support! No matter which platform you use, be sure to tag us so we can see your selfies. Tag @archaeologymonth on Facebook or @OKPublicArch on both Twitter and Instagram." Read more here.
The back of the 2017 Oklahoma Archaeology Month poster is equally vibrant as it continues to remind us that archaeology is about people. ALL archaeology is about people, not just public archaeology.

Spotlight: Free Technical Online Publications

The Vermont Archaeological Society has scanned all fourteen volumes of the Vermont Journal of Archaeology to facilitate broad - - and FREE - - access to their informative journals and other publications. More organizations should be heading in this direction as fast as possible. These journals are a "must" read for anyone interested in northeastern archaeology. There's many interesting, well-written articles on a broad range of archaeology topics, including pre-Contact archaeology, industrial history, underwater archaeology, and history of Vermont archaeology. 

If you have any interest in industrial archaeology anywhere in the world, get your hands on this excellent publication and free download: 200 Years of Soot and Sweat, The History and Archaeology of Vermont's Iron, Charcoal, and Lime industries.

Spotlight: Facebook Pages 

The Archaeological Society of Virginia Facebook page engages its followers by mixing up a broad array of postings, one strong reason why it has 3,209 "followers." 

Spotlight: Society for American Archaeology PEC Network of State Coordinators - Meet Connecticut's Co-Coordinator

The Society for American Archaeology's Public Education Committee (PEC) works with a continent-wide network of volunteers in each state and province that serves as a coordinating hub for public education and outreach. Meet one of Connecticut's two PEC State Coordinators. 

"Hello from Connecticut. I'm Brian Jones, Connecticut State Archaeologist. I wear many hats as you all do, including University of Connecticut Department of Anthropology faculty, Connecticut State Museum of Natural History and collections management responsibilities, municipal project review, and public outreach (luckily I am not responsible for Section 106 review!).  I work closely with Mandy Ranslow CTDOT archaeologist and president of the Office of State Archaeology friends group (if you don’t have one, you should!). [Editor's Note: she's also the other PEC State Coordinator!]  I run a one week field school for teachers and another one week field school opportunity for adults.  Throughout the year I also conduct one-day hands on digs for kids groups (with 100 participants most recently - so it's important to have awesome volunteers!).  These are often tied to local historical societies, which I have found to be an important resource.  One of the main things I need to get done in the next year or so is to develop downloadable education packages for teachers and the public with historic preservation/ archaeology/ history focus aimed at kids of various ages and tied to curriculum standards for easier digestion.  Most recently we are developing an urban youth program that will combine archaeology, art, and environmental science in a three station hands-on experience aimed at the Promise Zone community in Hartford."

Brian Jones, Connecticut State Archaeologist and volunteer Society for American Archaeology Public Education Committee State Coordinator, Source: Source: Hartford Courant Community "From the community "Recent Discoveries from the Office of State Archaeology Natural History Museum Lecture."

Spotlight: Social Media Tips (in case you missed them in the last issue....)

Boston City Archaeologist Joe Bagley offers the following useful quick guide to social media. What social media do YOU use? What's YOUR favorite? Is it reaching the people you want to reach? Send us an email (see below) and let us know!
Facebook: “Look at what WE did.”
Twitter: “Look at what I did.”
Instagram: “Look at this pretty thing.”
Snapchat: “Look at this short video of someone with a cat face superimposed digging a hole before it auto-deletes.”
Tumblr: “I’ve got something to say.”
Pinterest: “Look at this pretty thing and save it.”

Who Are We?

Public Archaeology Notes is a collaborative effort by a consortium of individuals representing an alphabet soup of interested groups: the Society for American Archaeology (SAA), the SAA's Public Education Committee (PEC), the PEC's Network of State Coordinators, the SAA's Public Archaeology Interest Group (PAIG), the American Institute of Archaeology (AIA), and others. 

Public Archaeology Notes Archives

Contact Us:

Send us information and photos of great projects that have inspired you. Let us know your favorite social media that informs your own work. And INCLUDE PHOTOS! All contributions for future issues are welcome. 

Please contact Public Archaeology Notes Editor Giovanna Peebles with contributions, comments, and questions:
Follow us on the SAA PEC State Coordinators Facebook Page
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