Weekly Reminders
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This Week at a Glance:
  • Monday, May 7:
    • Final Deadline to RSVP for 8th Grade Dance at 3:00 PM
  • Tuesday, May 8:
    • Potential Closed Campus Due to Make Up Testing
  • Wednesday, May 9:
    • Potential Closed Campus Due to Make Up Testing
    • PTA Sponsored All Pro Dad Meeting
    • Before and After Care Bill Due
    • Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day
    • Early Release, Dismissal Begins at Noon
    • District Middle School Battle of the Books
  • Thursday, May 10:
    • Potential Closed Campus Due to Make Up Testing
  • Friday, May 11:
    • Potential Closed Campus Due to Make Up Testing
    • Kindergarten Field Trip
    • All Library Books are Due

Early Release Day
Wednesday, May 9th 

Dismissal begins at noon

Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day
Our next Bolts of Blue Dress Down Day is this Wednesday, May 9 for those eligible students who sponsored the campaign at the Lightning or Thunder Level.

Additional students can still participate!
Any students still wishing to participate in dress down day can turn in their donation of $6.00 to their teacher on Wednesday, May 9 (funds still apply to Bolts of Blue Campaign).

PTA Updates
PTA All Pro Dad Meeting

Hey Dads and Kids...Summer is almost here - time to celebrate!  Take this opportunity to join us on Wednesday, May 9th for Lutz Prep/Lutz Pre-Prep All Pro Dad - Dads' and Kids' Breakfast.  (Last one this year!) Team up with other Lutz Prep Dads and Kids for a quick before-school breakfast.  Doors open at 7:00 AM.  The program starts at 7:15 and ends at 7:45 AM. It’s fun and it’s free. Reminder to bring your license the front office to sign in as a campus visitor.

This month's topic is "Technology".  Big Idea: Technology comes from our need to solve problems.  When we use technology properly, it can bring about positive change and can help us learn and grow.  Technology, when used in moderation and with self-control, can also be used to positively impact the world around us and make people’s lives better.  You and your kids will be glad you came!  Great way to start the morning.  Contact Ryan Martin with any questions.

PTA Executive Board Slate:  2018-19 School Year
The PTA Nominating Committee has selected the PTA Executive Board Slate for the 2018-2019 school year.  This slate will be voted on at the next General Assembly Meeting.

  • President:  Stefanie Alt
  • Treasurer:  Holly Gordon
  • Recording Secretary:  Ashley Lorton
  • Corresponding Secretary:  Pilar Topping
  • VP of Ways and Means:  Nicole Trailer
  • VP of School Support:  Natalia Tyler
  • VP of Prep-Prep:  Monika Dapcic
  • VP of Elementary:  Amber Loper
  • VPs of Middle School:  Dawn Hampton & Tamara Chao

PTA General Assembly Meeting
The final general assembly meeting for the 2017-18 school year is scheduled for Thursday, May 17th at 8:30 AM in the main building cafeteria (Narkiewicz Hall).  There will be a vote to approve the 2018-19 PTA Executive Board Slate.  

Teacher Appreciation Week
Lutz Prep PTA will be recognizing Teacher Appreciation the last week of school, May 21-25.  PTA has an amazing week of festivities planned for our special teachers and staff and we invite all families to participate.  More details on what is planned has been sent home via paper by your homeroom parent.  
We look forward to showering our teachers and staff with everything special!

Spirit Day T-Shirt Last Season Sale
Starting Monday, May 14, 2018, in the lobby 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM until all inventory is sold.  

Athletics - Year End Sports Banquet for Competitive Team Sports
Thank you for another great Tampa Charter Athletic League (TCAL) year!  We are honored to host a sports banquet to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our athletes who were on all competitive teams this year.  
Wednesday, May 16th, 2018
6:00-9:00 PM
Neilson Campus
501 Brooker Creek Blvd
Oldsmar, FL 34677

Competitive Teams:  Cross Country, Track, Basketball, Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, & Flag Football 

Purchase tickets to attend through the school website at the school store by clicking on the button below. 

  • The cost to attend is $25 per attendee with a maximum of 4 people per family (including the athlete).  Price includes Italian dinner and reception. 
  • Tickets still available, you may purchase additional tickets beyond the 4 per family on a first come first serve basis via the Lutz Prep online store.

If you have any questions please contact  Go Bolts!

Important End of Year Information - 8th Grade Schedules and Events
The school year is quickly wrapping up and our 8th graders are looking forward to the exciting end of the year activities.  Please continue to remind your students to stay focused and on target for end of year success.  We are excited for their future as they transition to high school and want to make the final month of middle school a positive and memorable experience for them.

Please click HERE for the full communication that was sent to all 8th grade families earlier this week.
Please note the FINAL DAY to RSVP to the 8th grade dance is Monday, May 7th, 2018 at 3:00 PM.

8th Grade Dance
Students, please join the 8th Grade Class of 2018 for a night of fun and dancing on the red carpet! 

Click on the button below to RSVP via Sign Up Genius, indicating your students name in the "comment" section.  You must RSVP for your student to attend this event, final deadline to RSVP is Monday, May 7, 2018 at 3:00 PM.

This is a Graduate ONLY event, no guests.  Students will be dropped off at the door at 7:00 PM and picked up at 10:00 PM.

Volunteer Corner
Volunteer Awards Breakfast

Please join us for our Annual Volunteer Awards Breakfast, Lutz Prep "Derby Style" on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 from 8:30-9:30 AM in Narkewicz Hall.

See who will Win, Place or Show this year with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place volunteer hours.  Don your Sunday best and hat if you have one!  The stakes are high, click HERE to RSVP for the event.

Required End of Year Intent to Return OR Transfer
Dear Lutz Preparatory Current Kindergarten through Seventh Grade Parents,

Thank you again for completing the FIRST Intent to Return for 18-19 form back in January of 2017.  Now that the school year is coming to a close, we require a SECOND confirmation that your student will be returning OR transferring for the 2018-19 school year.  

To secure your student's enrollment for the 2018-2019 school year in the next grade level you must complete this End of Year Intent to Return OR Transfer online form.  Confirming each student's intent will allow us to accurately account for our 2018-19 enrollment before summer begins.  
  • Please click on the button below to submit your online form.
    • You must complete ONE End of Year Intent to Return OR Transfer form for EACH STUDENT currently enrolled at Lutz Preparatory School in grades K-7. 
    • Deadline for submission is Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at midnight.  

Lost and Found
Lost and found items not picked up by the last week of school will be donated to charity.  Please make sure you label all items your students bring to school so they may be returned to their homeroom teachers.

Please note a Nintendo Switch was turned in to the front office several weeks ago.  If you are missing one please stop by Mrs. Feocco's desk in the main office.

Library News
Here are the important end of the year dates for the Library:

  • Friday, May 4th:  Last day for students to check out books – they will only be able to have books for one week if checked out on that day.
  • Friday, May 11th:  ALL STUDENT LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE BACK TO THE LIBRARY!!  If a student needs a book for a project, please talk to Mrs. O'Sullivan directly.
  • Monday, May 14th:  Final overdue notices will be sent home.  
  • Wednesday, May 16th:  Bills will be sent home with students that still have books checked out – at that point they are considered “Lost”. Students must return books or pay for them by the end of the school year.  Please see the 16-17 Parent/Student Handbook, page 41 section 1300.02 Student Debt, for details on unpaid library fines.  
If you feel a book has been returned and you are still getting a notice on it, please contact Mrs. O'Sullivan or send back the overdue notice with a note.  The shelves will be checked to see if the book can be located.  If not in the library, it is considered lost and parents will be billed.  If you have any questions please contact the Library Coordinator, Judy O'Sullivan.

Summer Programs at Lutz Preparatory School
Don't delay, still some spots open in our LP summer camps and vendor hosted camps.  Click HERE to visit our website to view all Summer Program options for LP Camps and Vendor hosted camps held at our campus.  **A few changes to the Lutz Prep K-5 camps, check out our new listing.**

NEW VENDOR SUMMER CAMP:  IdeaLab for 4th-8th Grade students.  Stay tuned - dates and times coming soon.

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