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I just wanted to catch you up on some new posts on my blog, and to share a few interesting things I read on the internet this week.
  • First, a post on how to eliminate those pesky impulsive trades with 5 solid ideas for changing your trading. These aren't quick fix solutions; they are deep work that can give you a lifetime of benefit.
  • An interesting post on re-thinking our approaches and trading personalities in different categories. If you read this post, please also read the comments and share your own thoughts there. I'll revise or completely rewrite this post to incorporate some of the excellent feedback I've gotten.
  • And a video blog that looks at a complex developing situation in TSLA and raises many issues in setups and trade management. There are a lot of crosscurrents in this blog, but I wanted to show the complexity of a real trading setup.
Here are a few interesting and (mostly wildly) off-topic things I read on the internet this week:
Good trading,

Copyright © 2018 The Art and Science of Technical Analysis (AdamHGrimes), All rights reserved.

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