
Southeast Neighbors is hosting our May general meeting this Thursday May 3 at the Hilyard Center.  We'll have refreshments and we invite all those who want to meet other neighbors and talk with board members or with Councilor Taylor to come during the social half hour starting at 6:30. The meeting starts at 7:00 and will include our annual elections, an update on neighborhood activities, and a discussion about accommodating increased density in our neighborhood.

Getting involved with your neighborhood association is a great way to make your voice heard in local government. From decisions that impact you and your family to preparing for a disaster, our community needs your voice.

This year there are two seats open. The membership elects board members to terms of two years. (anyone who lives or owns property in the Southeast Neighborhood is a member). To serve on the board you must live in the neighborhood.

If you are interested in running for a seat on the board, please send a request for information to We have a list of questions for candidates to respond to. You can be nominated or nominate yourself for a board position at the meeting and provide this information to those in attendance.

To get involved with your neighbors and help make informed decisions about city government, contact the Southeast Neighbors board at

Southeast Neighbor’s General Meeting.

Thursday May 3 the Hilyard Center, located at 2580 Hilyard St.

6:30 – 7:00 Social Half Hour

7:00 – 8:30 General Meeting

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Southeast Neighbors · 99 W 10th Ave · Eugene, Oregon 97401 · USA

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