News and inspiration from Interbeing Sangha of Kingston
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Interbeing Sangha of Kingston - Weekly Electronic Bulletin          Issue #42 - May 18th, 2018

Interbeing Sangha
of Kingston

Weekly Meeting

Please join us for our next weekly gathering, taking place this Sunday, May 20th, for meditation and dharma sharing, 6:30pm at Unitarian Place (Kingston Unitarian Fellowship), 206 Concession Street. Dale Fainstat will be bell minding.
Responding with Love

"We are aware that there is a tremendous amount of suffering going on, a tremendous amount of fear, anger, hatred. But we know deep in our heart that anger, hatred, cannot be responded to with anger and hatred. Responding to hatred with hatred will only cause hatred to multiply thousandfold. Only with love and compassion can we deal with hatred and anger."

-- Thich Nhat Hanh (Sept. 2001)


Arnprior Retreat

Many thanks to Ottawa Pagoda Sangha and the Monks and Nuns of Blue Cliff Monastery for the wonderful residential retreat this past weekend at Galilee Centre in Arnprior, Ontario. Members of our sangha and practitioners from across Ontario brought their energy of mindfulness, and we all enjoyed deepening our practice together, including mindful walking in the breathtaking natural setting of the old growth forest on the Ottawa River. Special congratulations to sangha members Susan Douthwaite, Darcy Gawronski-McNinch and Linda Tucker, who took the Five Mindfulness Trainings in a beautiful ceremony on Sunday morning, marking their aspiration to follow a path that leads to healing, transformation, and happiness for ourselves and for the world.
Five Mindfulness Trainings

"The Five Mindfulness Trainings are based on the precepts developed during the time of the Buddha to be the foundation of practice for the entire lay practice community. I have translated these precepts for modern times, because mindfulness is at the foundation of each one of them. With mindfulness, we are aware of what is going on in our bodies, our feelings, our minds and the world, and we avoid doing harm to ourselves and others. Mindfulness protects us, our families and our society. When we are mindful, we can see that by refraining from doing one thing, we can prevent another thing from happening. We arrive at our own unique insight. It is not something imposed on us by an outside authority. Practicing the mindfulness trainings, therefore, helps us be more calm and concentrated, and brings more insight and enlightenment."

-- Thich Nhat Hanh, 
Happiness: Essential Mindfulness Practices

New Team Members

Bell Minders & Sangha Care Team

We joyfully welcome two new Bell Minders, Marguerite Giles and Karl Hardy to our Bell Minders Team. It is also a joy to welcome Cat London as our new Facebook Page Administrator and the newest member of our Sangha Care Team. Deep gratitude to all three for offering your service to our sangha and Thich Nhat Hanh's movement.

Community Announcement

Roots & Wings Benefit

Carlyn Brown shares the following opportunity from Wellington Acupuncture & Massage at 242 Wellington Street, to give back to the community on the occasion of their 17th anniversary. On Tuesday June 5th, 201810:30am - 5:30pm, 100% of proceeds go to Roots and Wings, a grassroots community group that works towards making space for racialized girls in Kingston. For more information and to book an appointment, call 613-541-0321. 

Sunday at KUF

Creating Home

One of the ways that human beings engage with the idea of creativity is by making meaning together. Amy Findley & the RE Team celebrate the ways every age group creates a home at KUF for each other, and people who haven't found us yet. 10:30am Sunday, May 13th.
Healing with Deep Listening

"Compassionate and deep listening means that the other person, or the other nation, has a chance to say what they have never had the opportunity or the courage to say, because no one ever listened deeply to them before. At first, their speech may be full of condemnation, bitterness, and blame. If you can, continue to sit there calmly and listen. To listen in this way is to give them a chance to heal their suffering and misperceptions. If you interrupt, deny, or correct what they say, you will be unable to go in the direction of reconciliation. Deep listening allows the other person to speak even if what he says contains misperceptions and injustice. While listening deeply to the other person, not only do you recognize his wrong perceptions, but you also realize that you, too, have wrong perceptions about yourself and the other person.

Later, when both of you are calm and the other person feels more trust and confidence in you, you can slowly and skillfully begin to correct their wrong perceptions. Using loving speech, you can point out how they have misunderstood you or the situation. By using loving speech, you can also help the other person understand your difficulties. You can help each other release those wrong perceptions, which are the cause of all anger, hatred, and violence."

-- Thich Nhat Hanh, 
Calming the Fearful Mind: A Zen Response to Terrorism
Our sangha has two teams helping to share leadership and facilitation of our meetings. Our Bell Minders Team are mindful facilitators for our weekly gatherings, as well as retreats, taking beautiful care of our friends in the practice including the bell. Our Sangha Care Team facilitates sangha care meetings, plans retreats, minds our library and resources, and coordinates outreach. If you are interested in helping with either or both, contact for more information.
Copyright © 2018 Second Heart Sangha, All rights reserved.

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