Shalom, from Messiah Echad!
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Why did Messianic Jewish believers in the first century Church, or Synagogue rather, continue to come together in one place on Shavuot (Pentecost)? Did not our Lord tell His disciples the Old Testament laws and blessings would end upon His earthly departure? As Watchman Alexander covered in a recent torah portion, God appointed times on which He wants native born Jew and grafted in “Gentiles”, throughout our generations, to unify in fellowship. So we invite you and your friends to Shavuot Shabbat, Saturday 19 May at 03pm. This weekend will also be our monthly oneg, so please bring a biblically kosher dish to share, and a dairy one, if you so desire. 
Sadly, seasons of life and misunderstandings (or mis applications of scripture), cause some believers to miss sweet fellowship. The weary have fallen, and may be convinced church is no longer an energizing refuge. Or maybe one is bitter with those who have not picked them up, but Rabbi preached a recent message on how to go from fallen to walking, running, and then soaring. Hint; much of it has to do with turning to the Lord. Studying and applying the Bible, also helps. And personally, Rabbi Jonathan finds solace in physical activity… he cycled 2300 miles this year and averages 5 hours a week of race pace training. His autobiography and videos explain why. 

Join us on God’s appointed times. Tithe, or give as you feel led. Increase the activity in your life, and celebrate 70 years of Jerusalem!
Our Rabbi
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