Important Weather Information Week of May 14-18
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Week of May 14-18

Dear LP Parents/Families, 
As we look ahead at this week’s weather forecast, it appears we can expect some rainy days that could potentially impact our normal arrival/dismissal procedures.
Please review the information below as a reminder for safety purposes: 

  • Staff members and patrols WILL remain outside during RAIN to continue normal arrival procedures to escort students into the building.
  • Staff members WILL remain outside during RAIN to continue normal dismissal procedures to escort students to cars.
  • In the event there is ANY detected thunder/lightning*(or within an unsafe distance from campus), ALL STAFF AND STUDENTS will immediately return INSIDE of the building for safety.
  • If staff/students return to the building at any point during dismissal procedures, parents/designated persons will remain in car loop. 
    • As you pull up to the building (or if able to reroute your vehicle), YOU have the OPTION to park and walk up to the building with your official car tag to pick-up your student(s) only if you deem it is safe to do so.**
    • Please note this is an option, but not the school’s recommendation.
    • If you choose to wait out the weather, please do not park or block the car loops.

*During inclement weather, it is especially important that families/designated persons picking up students follow all the traffic safety rules; while it will take longer, it will also help ensure the safety of everyone involved. At times it may be necessary to halt dismissal entirely during inclement weather for everyone’s safety.
**For K-8 students with Pre-Prep siblings, those students will be moved inside the main building as pick-up will NOT be available at outside gate in between buildings. Parents who typically pick up at the gate are also able to come to main building with their car tag if they choose and deem it is safe to do so.
As always, the last time to sign out students from the front office during the school day is no later than 2:30pm.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Lutz Preparatory Administration

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