May 2018: Global #OpenGovWeek
With over 700 events in over 50 countries, citizens and government are coming together to discuss transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement, while raising ambition to make their societies truly open. Read all about #OpenGovWeek in this month’s Newsletter.

In this issue:

Inclusive co-creation in Buenos Aires
The findings of the OGP Academy
Awarding public servants: Integrity Idol South Africa
Creating ambitious commitments in Colombia
How to get great open contracting commitments
Why civic space is important for the private sector
Why OGP matters in high-income places: Lessons from New Zealand
OGP’s civic space paper: The right tools for the right job
What’s a stakeholder? Lessons from Nigeria
Plus news from around the world of opengov, jobs, and more

An Open City: Residents Co-Creating to Transform
Buenos Aires

Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, Buenos Aires Head of Government

As one of OGP’s first Local participants, Buenos Aires has strived to have both inclusive commitments and co-creation processes. They’ve opened platforms, fostered discussion, and are using the lessons they learned to create their second Action Plan. As the Local participants draft their Action Plans during #OpenGovWeek, there’s lots to learn here.

Register here for the launch of the Open Government Network for Europe on May 22 in Brussels!

Vote #IntegrityIdol South Africa:
A Citizen-Led Campaign for Accountability

By Faith Pienaar, Accountability Lab South Africa

Integrity Idol is a competition in countries around the world to find the best, most ethical, most effective public servants - the kind of public servants using #OpenGovWeek to enhance and improve their communities. In South Africa, voting is underway for its first-ever Integrity Idol - with five videos profiling the contestants. Read - and watch - here.

What do you need to co-create? OGP is happy to announce the new Co-Creation Toolkit! Read about it here.

OGP Academy 2017: Showcasing the Best Papers on
Co-Creation in Policymaking

By Peter Tuths, Research Associate, OGP

At #OGPArgentina, OGP held the OGP Academy, featuring research and evidence in support of co-creation in policymaking - a key focus of #OpenGovWeek. In this blog, Peter Tuths introduces the findings of the Academy and the top five papers.

Let’s Co-Create:
Many (and Diverse) Heads are Better than One

By Gabriel CIfuentes Ghidini, Secretary of Transparency,
Government of Colombia

Colombia had over two million participants in its last action plan consultation - and came up with twenty-six ambitious commitments to open government. How did the government do that? Read about their ambitious, inclusive process here.



“It is really upon us, the citizens, to make democracy work. We can talk all we want about the leaders, they may listen to us or not, but if we don’t hold them accountable and we don’t make them listen to us, then all these meetings are just good exercise.”
Maria Sarungi Tsehai
Compass Communications, Tanzania
Mo Ibrahim Governance Weekend

For full video from the weekend, see the Buzz section!

The Right Tools for the Right Job: How OGP Can Help Win the Fight for Civic Space

By Denisse Miranda and Tonu Basu, OGP

On the second day of #OpenGovWeek, OGP launched the result of two years of hard work and research into civic space in OGP. What were the findings? What are the implications for international human rights? Read the papers and watch the launch here.

You’ve got only a few weeks left to fill out the Civil Society survey! It closes on May 31.  We will share the final results and insights with you at the 5th Global Summit in Georgia.

Protecting Civic Space: A Private Sector Priority

By Robin Hodess, The B Team

At OGP, we talk a lot about how civic space is important for governments and civil society. But did you know that closing civic space also threatens the private sector? The B Team's Robin Hodess talks about the private sector's imperative to protect civic space here.


From Useful to Used: Ideas for Second Generation Open Contracting Commitments

By Georg Neumann, Open Contracting Partnership

A lot of OGP countries are going to be discussing open contracting commitments as they meet to co-create during #OpenGovWeek. How do governments get to good open contracting commitments? What’s the secret? Read about the possibilities here.


Scott Miller
Chief Executive, Volunteering New Zealand

What does OGP mean in a country like New Zealand, with its high-income status and with high scores on governance and freedom indices? What do you see as the benefit of using the OGP platform?

New Zealand (population <5 million) regularly takes pride in international rankings of being among the world’s: least corrupt (first), free (third-equal), and open with our state budgets (first).

...New Zealand citizens, like those in a lot other high-income status nations, need to acknowledge that, for as much as we enjoy the fruits of freedom of speech and association, we should never take such liberties for granted. We, like both high and low income countries, are experiencing decreasing trust and confidence in our public institutions, increasing inequality, and degradations to our environment that make frameworks like the OGP more vital than ever before.

Read the full interview with Scott here.

Open Government Partnership and Stakeholder Engagement: A Personal Experience

By Uche Igwe, OGP Nigeria Secretariat

“Stakeholder” is a word that gets used a lot in OGP. How do stakeholders differ in different countries - and different initiatives? This personal experience from Nigeria shows the unique opportunities that the OGP platform offers.

Employment Opportunities

Research Associates - Independent Reporting Mechanism
The IRM is seeking highly organized individuals with strong English writing skills to collaborate with the IRM team and carry out research, quality control, review and publication of IRM reports from OGP participating governments. The Research Associate is directly supervised by the IRM Research Manager.

Senior Gender Advisor (Results for Development)
R4D, the OGP, and Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) are looking for a Senior Gender Advisor with strong experience working on gender policy issues and an understanding of the intersections between gender equality and open government. This position will (1) co-lead (along with the OGP co-chairs, IDRC, and the OGP Support Unit) the Feminist Open Government (FOGO) Initiative, a new research and coalition building effort to leverage the existing OGP platform to empower women and girls; and (2) work with senior leaders within the OGP Support Unit to integrate gender into its work more broadly.

Call for IRM Local Researchers
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the local level in a variety of local governments to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP Action Plans.

Call for IRM National Researchers
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the national level in a variety of countries to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP Action Plans.


OGP has published its Year in Review - shorter & more detailed than usual! Read the blog or check out the full report here.

Missing any #OpenGovWeek events? Be sure to check out and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the coverage!

We’ve updated our Theme pages with more information and resources for the open government community. Check out the updated pages here!

OGP has announced two new Memoranda of Understanding with the Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative and the Natural Resources Governance Institute.

Join the #OpenGovWeek conversation!

Header photo: OGP staff and friends at the Mo Ibrahim Governance Weekend in Kigali, Rwanda. Photo by Josh Estey, NAMUH Media


European Digital Rights is looking for an Executive Director.

ICYMI: all the content from Mo Ibrahim Governance Weekend is available here.

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has published a series on Examining Civil Society Legitimacy.

Canada has created a video for Open Gov Week - watch here.

Morocco has joined the Open Government Partnership.

A civil society stakeholder has published an article on how OGP can help protect civic space in Pakistan.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari mentioned OGP in an op-ed for Newsweek.

The Open Contracting Partnership is hiring a Data and Partner Support Manager.

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