
Watch Jeff Lawson Deconstruct Company Values — and Share How Startups Can Better Realize Them

Jeff Lawson
A few years ago at our CEO Summit, Twilio CEO and Co-founder Jeff Lawson blew us away when he brought rigor and granularity to the topic of company values. We'd never heard anything like it. Lawson delivered such an illuminating talk, we wanted to share the previously unreleased video of it here

Now you can watch Lawson's original talkread the Review article it inspired or listen to the audio version of the article. Any startup that's been told to be its authentic self, but has encountered more handwaving than a tactical plan will find solace and guidance in Lawson's account.

Watch to learn:
  • Why you can only articulate—not create—company values, and exactly when and how to do so.
  • What it looks like to live company values and how to accelerate adoption and handle misinterpretation.
  • How to change company values and who should be involved in reshaping them at your organization.
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