Your weekly dose of things to think about.
Issue 142                                                                  See previous issues...

Welcome to Learning Habit: your weekly dose of insight from things that caught my eye to help with high resolution conversations.

New Articles:

Habits, #Fail, and Speeding Tickets: The Value of Motivation.
In a world filled with external stimulation and prompts to act, becoming more aware of and awakening our intrinsic motivation can help us gain clarity on the type of information and experiences we seek. Motivation is a key component of our behavior, and the most difficult for organizations to understand. Read more.
The Diminishing Returns of Partial Empathy. When we interact with another person, We can either feel engaged and responsive, or turned off and stressed. A middle ground between the two is partial attention, someone who is going through the moves. As we continue to develop AI to augment our capacity, the challenge is not to take the middle ground of partial empathy when it comes to the support people provide.  Read more.
Missed the last issue? Catch up here.
I've come across the word 'epistemology' on several articles in the last couple of weeks. It's an interesting word. It comes from the Greek word episteme--commonly associated with the inquiry for truth and knowledge--and logos, which is reason/discourse.

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[*I'm catching up here, new thinking coming soon]
Books Worth Reading

In the age of strategizing, when brands (organizations and individuals) are even more important to help us find signal among the noise, standing out is the product of finding your voice, and Showing Your Work. The other reason why it's worth reading is joy -- we underestimate how good everything looks when we switch from a mindset of perfection to one of creation.

Professionals are in the business of making stuff vs. finding stuff. Which also means talking with vs. talking at. So here's a quick poll to make this more about you:
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Gossip explains our culture. “Maybe nobody watches the same TV shows or listens to the same music anymore. But we all watch the same gossip. It’s the show with the characters everyone knows, the feuds we’re all fighting over, the plot twists we’re all following.” My take is that taking gossip seriously is fundamentally about taking culture seriously. It’s not a gender thing.
How to Find Your 'Onlyness'. To get to new solutions, we need to celebrate the capacity each of us has to add our bit to the world. “If we have to pick between our ideas and belonging — the most fundamental of human psychological needs — belonging always wins. Every. Darn. Time. But now, thanks to this connectivity, you can be true to yourself, your onlyness, and belong. This new capacity resolves a tension thousands of years old. Finding, bonding, and acting with your people — this is what matters.”
Why Too Much Experience Can Backfire. “The feeling of knowing leads us to rationalize our past choices—and the urge to do so grows stronger the more experience we acquire.” “By contrast, when we’re reminded that the more we know, the more there is to learn, experience opens our minds to the fact that there are multiple ways to approach the same decision or task—even those that start to feel monotonous over time.” “When added experience is accompanied by awareness that we have more to learn, we are more apt to see that the world keeps on changing—and that we’ll have to change along with it to thrive.”
Has Wine Gone Bad? One for the weekend. Wine is following the food trends in transparency and authenticity. “To many people for whom a restaurant wine list represents a hellish combination of a geography, history and chemistry test specially designed to make them feel stupid, there is something very appealing about upending the critical hierarchy, or at least being told it can be ignored.” Natural wine in practice means giving up control over predictability and consistency. In other words, conformity.

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Conversation Agent LLC / @ConversationAge

Conversation Agent focuses on business, technology, digital culture, and human behavior. At Conversation Agent LLC, I focus on growing brands in the digital age.
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