
About your Personal Information

We're sure you've recieved a lot of emails asking you to give consent to allow people to still contact you. This is because of a new law - the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - that comes into force on May 25th.

From now on companies can't contact you unless you've given explicit consent. That means you'll no longer see sentences along the lines of

"If you don't not want us to never contact you then do uncheck the previous box."

In essence, companies can't trick you into letting them send you everything and anything they feel like.

However, at Healthwatch Hertfordshire we've never done that. We've always been transparent about what we will send you. As a reminder, when you signed up as a member you agreed to the following:

"Sending out regular newsletters and information about your local and NHS and social care services provided by Hertfordshire County Council"

As we want to hear your stories and experiences with local services, some of you have said you would you be willing for us to contact you from time to time.

Also, at the bottom of every one of our newsletters we include the option to unsibscribe if you want.

Serious bit: We take our duty to protect your personal information and confidentially seriously. We are deeply committed to taking all reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data for which we are responsible. If you would like more information on this, please see our full privacy statement.

So, that's it really. If you want to continue recieving our newsletters then you don't have to do a thing. However, if you've decided you've had enough of us we're sorry to see you go, but the link to unsubscribe is at the bottom.

On the other hand, if you ignore the emails from those organisations who never got explicit consent in the first place, you'll have much more time to read our lovely ones instead, as they arn't going to be allowed to contact you anymore!

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