Happy Birthday, Dean Butler

If you’ve ever picked a leaf from a lemon verbena plant and rubbed it between your fingers, you know how lovely the scent is. It is such a captivating fragrance, which is probably why Isaiah, in the “Little House on the Prairie” TV show exclaims, “Anyone who wears lemon verbena is a friend of mine!” Enjoy this unique and timeless aroma with these easy DIY Lemon Verbena Feed-Sack Sachets.

Rock candy or sugar candy has been around for centuries, so it’s almost certain that Laura and Mary would have seen something similar in the general stores they visited. Part science experiment, part tasty treat, you can make your own rock candy at home with a few ingredients, this simple recipe, and a little dose of patience. Pick your favorite colors and watch this candy grow!
Lemonade is a timeless beverage that even little Laura Ingalls enjoyed during special occasions. She tasted it for the first time at Nellie Oleson’s party and marveled at how it was both sweet and sour. With spring and summer celebrations on the horizon, you can share fresh, homemade lemonade with your guests using this step-by-step recipe. Add a special twist with fresh strawberries to create a splash of color and some extra sweetness.
We hope you enjoyed your Mother’s Day celebrations this month. As we honor and celebrate the special mothers in our lives, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on the many lessons that Caroline Quiner Ingalls taught us about life. Full of perseverance, courage, and faith, she was a caring and loving wife and Ma.
The “Little House on the Prairie” TV show wouldn’t have been the same without Melissa Gilbert and Dean Butler. The two made quite the pair as they played the roles of Laura Ingalls and Almanzo Wilder. They even share the same birthday month in real life! Melissa Gilbert celebrated her birthday on May 8 and Dean Butler celebrated his birthday on May 20th. Did you know that Dean is also a producer? Learn more about his life then and now in this exclusive article.
This month we also celebrate the birthday of the real Grace Ingalls born on May 23, 1877. Did you know that she was born ten years after her sister Laura? And in the TV series, she was played by twins Wendi and Brenda Turnbaugh who were just infants when they were cast on the show. As we celebrate her birthday this month, take a moment to learn about the real Grace Ingalls and what her life was like.
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