May 30 2018

Not quite sure what Fishcare does? Watch this video to find out!

Joint Winners!!!
Victorian Coastal Council Awards

Fishcare Victoria has been awarded a joint winner of the Victorian Coastal Council Awards 2018 for the work with the Project Banjo Action Group, VRFish, FutureFish, Boating Industry Association of Victoria and the VFA on protecting banjo sharks and rays. The new Fishcare resources developed around rays awareness are being used in school programs and have been distributed to relevant community groups and angling clubs to promote the new rules and regulations along with general information about rays.  Read more.

Above: Fishcare VIctoria "Rays in our Bays" resources

Strengthening Partnerships

Our partnership with the VFA has further been strengthened with our Port Phillip Facilitator now working from a desk in the VFA office at Spring Street. This has proven to be mutually beneficial with both organisations working more closely to deliver responsible recreational fishing outcomes, in particular regards to the Vic Fish Kids program. We are looking forward to this years events and ensuring kids are walking away educated about responsible fishing and are armed with the knowledge to pick up their rods and continue fishing after the event.

Funding Successful


Fishcare Victoria has been successful in 2 small grant applications to deliver litter awareness programs through the Port Phillip Bay Fund and through Coastcare over the 2018 - 2020 period. These exciting projects will add to the success of the current Fishcare program which educates young Victorians about responsible recreational fishing and stewardship of our aquatic resources. These hands on litter projects (which are free for schools to participate in) will highlight the impacts of litter and the importance of keeping our aquatic environments litter free. One of the projects even takes students on a snorkel experience in a pool!! Learn more here.

Help us educate future responsible anglers by clicking here and making a donation
Check out our interactive fishing map for family friendly fishing locations!
Locked Half Blood Knot
Could you be the next Fishcare Victoria President?

Fishcare Victoria is seeking applications for a new enthusiastic President to lead the committee and drive innovation, good governance and the strategic direction of the organisation. This position (and other executive positions) will be voted in at the upcoming AGM on Monday August 20. Find out more.....

Volunteer Profile

Terry Wells
Fishcare Victoria Treasurer
Why do you volunteer for Fishcare?
"To contribute back to the community. I have fished for a long time, I'm no expert but I've realised that you don't have to be a great angler to enjoy fishing, you just need to get out in the environment, relax and enjoy yourself, away from all the hassles of urban life. I volunteer because I can still use my skills from when I was working and I can share my hobby of fishing with younger generations." - Terry Wells

Are you passionate about responsible fishing & protecting our aquatic resources? Click here to become a volunteer!

Around the Regions

East Gippsland

In May, Fishcare EG volunteers, Rick and Barb Strickleton along with the Fishcare Facilitator Jenny Allitt travelled to Mallacoota to deliver fishing workshops to each of the grade levels at the Mallacoota P12 school over a 2 day period. Read more....

Port Phillip

Fishcare Melbourne and Mornington have had a few sessions these last few months where it’s not only us teaching students how to fish, but them teaching others!  Read more...

Ballarat & Central Highlands

28 students from the Warrenheip Primary School participated in a great Get Hooked program at Lake Dewar delivered by 4 Fishcare volunteers in mid April. The students transport was funded through a Ballarat City Council community grant. 7 large rainbow trout were landed to an average of 3 KG each and 1 smaller one of 750 grms.
Thursday June 28 - Sunday July 1
Melbourne Boat Show
Melbourne Exhibition Centre
Saturday August 11
Trout Conference
Darebin Arts & Entertainment Centre
Monday August 20
Fishcare Victoria AGM
10.30am - 11.30am
Jells Park - Madelines Function Room
Saturday September 1
Trout Opening Festival
Lake Eildon


Melbourne Boat Show
Casting Lanes & Fishing Clinic
 Friday 29, Saturday 30 June & Sunday 1 July 10am - 4pm

Goulburn Fishing Festival
Rod Assembly, Knot Tying, Rigging & Casting Lanes
Saturday 1 September

10am - 2pm

Vic Fish Kids Pakenham Lake
Rod Assembly, Knot Tying & Rigging
Sunday 16 September

10am - 2pm

Vic Fish Kids Bendigo - Kennington Reservoir
Rod Assembly, Knot Tying & Rigging
Sunday 7 October

10am - 2pm

Vic Fish Kids Karkarook Lake, Moorabbin
Rod Assembly, Knot Tying & Rigging
Sunday14 October
10am - 2pm

Vic Fish Kids Ararat - Alexandra Lake
Rod Assembly, Knot Tying & Rigging
Sunday 21 October
10am - 2pm

Churchill Junior Fishing Day
Information Trailer, Childrens Activities & Interaction
27th October

Vic Fish Kids Seymour - Goulburn Park
Rod Assembly, Knot Tying & Rigging
Sunday 28 October
10am - 2pm

If you want to know more about these events please call Sarah, the State Coordinator on 0437 672 242 or register your availabilities using the button below.
Click here to represent Fishcare at these events
Staff Contacts

Sarah Van Stokrom
State Coordinator
0437 672 242
Jenny Allitt
East Gippsland Facilitator
(03) 5152 0456
Jacinta Early
Port Phillip Facilitator
0423 588 345
Fishcare Victoria is a community based not-for-profit organisation promoting responsible and sustainable attitudes and practices amongst recreational anglers and the wider community. 
Copyright © 2018 Fishcare Victoria Inc. All rights reserved.

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