Spring 2018 Newsletter
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Summer 2018 Newsletter

In This Issue


Upcoming Events!

  • June 30th, Summer Workshop Program: Plant Primp, Prune, and Preparation for ICPS Conference/Carnivorous Plant Show and Sale, 12:00PM - 4:00PM
  • August 3-5, ICPS Conference/Carnivorous Plant Show and Sale, Hyatt Regency Sonoma Wine Country, Santa Rosa, CA
  • September, Informal Social Event, date and location TBD

Summer 2018 Program: June 30th

Date:  Saturday, June 30, 2018
Time: 12pm - 4pm
Location: *Rockridge Branch, Oakland Public Library, 5366 College Ave, Oakland, CA 94618
*2nd Floor Community Meeting Room: Before entering the main lobby, take the stairwell or elevator on the left, up to the 2nd floor, then make a right. There is limited parking for library patrons and staff, so we would like to encourage everyone to carpool, park on the streets, or take public transit (*Rockridge BART station is only a block away). There's also ample non-metered parking in the surrounding neighborhoods and within a pleasant stride from the library.

Program: Summer Workshop: Plant Primp, Prune, and Preparation for ICPS Show and Sale

  Join us for a plant preparation workshop and open forum. This is your chance to bring plants that you plan to enter in the BACPS show, which is scheduled for August 4 and 5 in Santa Rosa, in conjunction with the ICPS Conference. We'll have work stations set-up by prepping activity (e.g., pruning, re-potting, pest troubleshooting, etc.) to make your plants shine. Bring in your plants, pots, and soil and we'll help get your plants show ready!

  Think your plants are ready to be entered into the show? We'll have a mock judging station set-up to offer tips and tricks to increase your chances of winning. Photos of past award winners will be presented as well. For those not entering plants into the show, we'll hold an open forum. Come prepared with any burning questions that you've been meaning to ask and meeting participants will try to answer them. Bring your plants to trade or's peak time for Sarracenia! Overflowing with Sarracenia or Pinguicula? Bring them in for the raffle. 

Minutes from the Spring 2018 Workshop

Recorded by Rebecca Robinson

The Spring Workshop was held at the Rockridge Branch Library, in Oakland, CA on March 24th, 2018.
President Brian Lipinski, Treasurer Pablo Ramudo  and Secretary Rebecca Robinson were present. Brian introduced himself and went over old business before beginning our workshop.

Old Business:
Last meeting:
Alexander Young gave a talk about his visit to Sumatra and the species of carnivorous plants he saw there. He saw multiple species of Nepenthes including N. bicalcarata and N. macrophylla as well as a few Utricularia species.

New Business:
BACPS Leadership
Brian is moving to Maine next month and is stepping down as President. Pablo Ramudo will be the new President, Gina Morimoto our Vice President, Arthur Yin our Treasurer, and Rebecca Robinson will remain as Secretary.

ICPS Update
Daniela gave an update on the upcoming ICPS conference. They have opened registration and are charging for tickets. There are three parts to the meeting; conference, dinner, and field trip. The conference dinner will be held at the hotel in Santa Rosa.

Future Meetings
We want to start having informal social events along with our standard meetings that are sanctioned, but not organized, by the club. If you have any ideas, know of some fun places to accommodate a social, or want to participate by hosting one, contact the club!

BACPS Show and Sale
The Annual Carnivorous Plant Show and Sale this year will be moved from the Garden Center at Lake Merritt to Santa Rosa in conjunction with the Conference. We will need volunteers for this as well as folks who would like to be on the planning committee. Start thinking about which plants you want to bring and enter them into the show!

We had workshop table focusing on six genera of carnivorous plants. Tina led a table focusing on Drosera care and propagation. Pablo brought in a large pot of Darlingtonia and gave a demonstration focusing on dividing and repotting. Brian brought in his Cephalotus and gave a demonstration on dividing as well as everyday care of Cephalotus. Matt Byers brought in his Pinguicula and showed how to propagate them through leaf pulls. Stephen Davis brought in some of his Sarracenia and showed how to divide and repot them. Rebecca brought in Utricularia and went over division and care of terrestrial, tropical, and aquatic bladderworts.

Thanks all for sharing!

-Rebecca Robinson, BACPS Secretary

Librarian's Corner

Hello everyone,

The BACPS library is looking for more books! If you are looking to free up some shelf space why not share your gently used books with your fellow club members.
The current BACPS library catalog consists of the following:
  • The Savage Garden Peter D'Amato 1998
  • Growing Carnivorous Plants Barry A. Rice 2006
  • Plant Life on Gunung Kinabalu P. F. Cockburn and Yap Pak Hau 1977
  • Report on the Status of Gulf Coast Carnivorous Plant Populations James M. Miller
  • Many back issues of the Carnivorous Plant Newsletter starting in 1972

If you would like to borrow any of these books or if you are looking for a specific volume of the CPN send your requests to BACPS Librarian.

Happy reading!
BACPS Librarian

Membership Dues

According to the bylaws the dues are $12 per calendar year, prorated at $1 per month. The next opportunity for becoming a member in good standing will be at the June meeting, at which time the dues will be $6. As a reminder only members in good standing have the ability to vote, access to the library, or access to the club sales table or discounted hobby grower tables at the Show and Sale. If you have questions about your membership dues, please see our BACPS Treasurer at the next meeting.

Call for Submissions to the ICPS Newsletter!


The ICPS is seeking submissions to the Carnivorous Plant Newsletter. If you're interested in sharing pieces of writing, images or artwork, contact Bob Ziemer. Also make sure to read the following submission guidelines on the ICPS website. This is a great opportunity to have your favorite carnivorous plant work globally published!


Copyright © 2018 BACPS, All rights reserved.