AuctionZoom silent auction software update notification
We are emailing to inform you about new updates available now for download for PayStation and BidStation. These updated versions will enhance your experience of running a smooth and organized silent auction event. New features have been added and an updated user-friendly video library of tutorials is also now available online.  The new features and functions include:
1) ability to make Baskets of items;
2) enhancements to document creation and;
3) the ability to create Bidder profiles directly in PayStation at your event.
Please read the important notification below concerning the REQUIREMENT that you download and install these updates in a timely manner. We recommend you do it now, but you MUST update your current software versions of PayStation and BidStation before your next event in order for the software to work.  See below for further details.
Due to changes in the Payment Card Industry’s (PCI) standards, applying to all credit card processors, changes in how technology processes payments at silent auctions are being implemented across the board. Therefore, in order for PayStation to work at your next silent auction you will need to update your software. This is not optional. But the process is easy. Simply follow the link to download BidStation and PayStation, or use the Check-for-updates tool under the help menus of each software.

PayStation and BidStation MUST be updated to the new versions before your next event to ensure payments will process.  New SSL TLS security for PCI requirements will go into effect on June 30, 2018 and Paysafe will be enforcing the new requirements beginning June 1, 2018.  The PayStation and BidStation updates include support for this requirement, among other updates and feature improvements.

After June 1, 2018, PayStation versions prior to 4.2.0 (this release) will not be able to process payments.

Updates and Improvements

Key to the new features added to BidStation is the basket creation function.  Create basket bundles of items right in the item profile window.  We’ve also created new fields and functions in PayStation to enable it to create records in BidStation for unregistered guests.  This will offer an alternative to manually inputting the data and can improve the flow of how you add guests when they aren’t pre-registered (on your guest list).

There are several more features designed to help with document creation and data management.  Please read the changelog below for brief descriptions. Support videos on our website have also been updated to reflect the new functionality, along with the user guides under the help menu of each application.

To update, use the check for updates tool under the help menu of BidStation and PayStation.  Or, to go with a fresh install, you can download the new files from Have your BidStation license keys on-hand to unlock BidStation after a new install. Do a full re-install of BidStation to also get the merge document template updates, as they are not included with the auto update.


BidStation updates and new features
  • Users now have access to a basket making function in the Items window.  Simply highlight 2 or more items in the table and then right click to select “make basket”.  A new item will be created in the item edit panel. Values, descriptions and donor information is carried forward into the new basket and item numbers are tracked in the basket item.
  • New report – Baskets. Displays all basket items and the item numbers that they are comprised of.
  • Create/print documents improvements.
  • Added description field as drop-down filter in create documents filter.  Makes it easier to filter document creation based on the type of document by using description fields. Very useful when employing multiple description types, i.e., display, certificate and Bid Sheet. 
  • Create and print documents by type.  Allows printing of item types in groups including baskets.
  • Added ability to delete dropdown items such as category, company, sponsor level, etc. under the File menu.
  • Faster report and invoice generation.
  • New error prevention and error notifications.
  • Import “Type“ field must contain type silent/live/basket only. No blank/empty fields or fields with values other than the three are allowed in the type field when importing. Allowed values are Silent, Live and Basket. 
  • Added Receipt Tags button to dashboard to make it easier to find.
  • Retired support for older versions of MS Word and Excel. Now only XLXS import and export files and DOCX template files are offered.  CSV import and export remains as an import/export option.
  • Added ability to export and import other bids data. Items, Attendees, Other Bids and Winning Bids can all be exported and imported via buttons on their respective windows or via File menu/Import and /Export.
  • Created rules to prevent payments from being added when no other bid or winning bid entry had been created for the attendee.  This ensures accuracy in reports and other areas of the program that rely on amounts owing based on bids and other bids and prevents data errors when those values are not present.
  • Created rules to prevent deletion of records where dependent records may exist, i.e., delete attendee that has bids and payments.  Now user will be warned that linked records exist and be presented with option to delete all or cancel. These rules fix an error in the database where orphaned values could be left behind such as payment or winning bid records for attendees that were deleted.
  • Import template headers have been modified.  Descriptions are now called BidsheetDescription, Certificatedescription, etc. If using custom merge document templates created with previous versions of BidStation, you will likely see an error when creating a merge document. When you see this error, simply update the merge field and it will be fixed.
PayStation updates and new features
  •  PayStation can create bidder profiles (attendees) in BidStation automatically, with or without a credit card swipe. When ExpressPay sync is performed, you’ll be notified of any bid numbers not found in BidStation with an option to select to create new Bidder Attendee records in BidStation for them.  This saves the user the step of manually inputting the unregistered guest record. It also would enable much faster user registration at check-in for an auction event that did not have pre-registered guests.
  • PayStation can create BidStation attendee records with or without a card swipe. This allows adding an unregistered guest that has declined to pre-swipe a card.
  • If guest is unregistered and pre-swipes a card, Bidder Name field is populated automatically using the cardholder name. User may overwrite bidder name and update to a name other than the cardholder name, if necessary.
  • User may choose not to create BS records and produce the missing bidder number report.
  • Extended ability to update fields in review screen. Now more fields in review screen can be edited and updated.
  • Retired Beanstream processing support. Beanstream processing is no longer supported going forward.
Known issues
We are continuing to improve on the display scaling capability to improve compatibility with high resolution monitors that are now more often being used with laptops.  These include 4k, UHD, FHD and other high res monitors.  Microsoft is continuing to make changes to how Windows handles scaling in applications and we will continue to issue updates as they come out.

BidStation users with high resolution screens may see certain display issues ranging from minor to major.  Most issues can be fixed with a workaround involving a Windows display scaling adjustment but on some computers, problems may persist.  These issues will be apparent quite readily to the user, if present.  They do not impact the database.

PayStation is having isolated issues with card reader data not being transferred from the reader to PayStation, even though the hardware appears to be connected and functioning properly.  This is typically related to newer USB 3.0 ports and we are currently working on updating PayStation's DLL files to fix the issue.  Users are typically able to find a workaround in plugging the card reader into other USB ports on the computer.  It is recommended to test hardware fully prior to the event to ensure your computers are compatible before the event.

Upcoming updates
Changes to PCI compliance rules relating to offline transactions are coming into effect later this year. Paysafe has not confirmed the date for this change, but it is coming soon. The new rules will require the security number from the back of the credit card. This is the three-digit number on Visa and MasterCard, 4 on American Express.  PayStation is currently PCI compliant but will likely have to retire the offline capability it has offered for the past decade to remain compliant as the new rules take effect. We are currently testing an updated version that will use an internet connection to securely capture and tokenize card payments so that the ExpressPay flow will remain the same. Paysafe will tokenize the payment information via internet so that an internet connection will be necessary during check-in.

We will send out updates on this later in June 2018.
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