Your weekly dose of signal.
Issue 143                                                                  See previous issues...

Welcome to Learning Habit, your weekly dose of signal for high resolution conversations.

Thank you all for the responses to the poll — Sunday morning it is.
If you're in the U.S., Happy Memorial Day weekend. If you're in Europe, a reminder I use a double opt-in and you expressly gave permission to receive this missive.

New Articles:

Transition, Change, and the Secret Ingredient to Success. Are transitions and change the same thing? If there are differences, how do they affect our success? Read more.
The Commercial Power of Story. Story is a form of currency. How we tell a story is important. The customer is the hero. Brands and organizations are the guides. Read more.
Missed the last issue? Catch up here.
Along the lines of culture being important, what does working italianamente mean? It includes the fundamental Italian belief that anything one creates must meet three criteria—usefulness, durability, and beauty.

More original content on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Books Worth Reading

I'm not reading any new business books this week.

If you're looking for some lighthearted beach reading for the summer, I do have some recommendations.


It's commencement address time: Here's Ira Glass. He says there are lots of ways to be a journalist. I’d add ways of being any type of professional. Everything that exists was invented by someone, after all. The stronger the combination of your own skills to create value — selling is part of everyone’s job — the more compelling your brand. He also says his show is a team sport. Thanks to social media, and the fact that influence resides with the influenced, YOU/your customers/readers/community, it is even when we work alone. About our times, he says, “I think this is a moment that requires a strategy that has yet to be invented by people who have yet to take up arms.”

 We cannot underestimate how much having fun fuels us. At the beach, I’ve written about how play is more than just fun. We also learn through play.

I’m also thinking about JOY. Without it… [you complete this part]
Reaching Peak Meeting Efficiency. One for the office. All you ever wanted to learn about meetings, but was always afraid to ask. File under “useful,” read in chunks based on the working mode you’re in — creative, operational, etc.
 What’s better than meetings? Peer conversations are, say structured like a BarCamp.
Remember: You’re your own worst critic. Negativity is harmful, we know that. “Basically, beating yourself up for finishing only three of the five items on your to-do list is going to make you less likely to finish those last two items — and yet we’re programmed to fall into that pattern.” The answer? Practice self-compassion.
 More on Catch-22.
Why is it so hard to ask for help? Blame evolutionary psychology. Because we’re social and deliciously complicated. “When we are belittled or shunned, or our affections are rejected, it creates deep distress, a signal that we need to modify our behavior to get back within the community’s good graces. Asking for help […] exposes us to numerous possible social threats, which is why it’s so uncomfortable. It can feel like a tacit admission of weakness, which lowers our status, and can be an invitation for scorn. It creates uncertainty, and invites the possibility of rejection. ”

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Conversation Agent LLC / @ConversationAge

Conversation Agent focuses on business, technology, digital culture, and human behavior. At Conversation Agent LLC, I help clients use a digital mindset to provide better services, earn more, and work better.
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