A letter from MTC's Principal, Christine Pagan
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May 29, 2018
Dear MTC Families,

We are thrilled at how our students continue to improve and excel in so many areas.  We have received the Terra Nova scores, and as our students continue to outperform many schools in Montgomery County as well as across the Archdiocese.  
As you know, these tests are an important gauge for our school to use in preparing academic programs, and in working with individual students so that they can build upon their strengths and overcome challenges.
Our longitudinal results have been extremely impressive.  The data from the battery illustrates that our students show significant improvement across all areas, the longer they remain at MTC.  This result indicates that our curriculum is constantly improving. In addition, it validates that our efforts to utilize data from Terra Nova and other assessments in order to support student needs are working.
This year was a true anomaly in terms of consistent instructional time due to the number of snow days as well as other attendance related issues. Each student responds differently to tests. Attendance, consistent number of instructional days, and a variety of other factors can play a factor in test performance.
After our first year with IXL, we plan to incorporate it more in depth next year, and to use it to monitor student growth.  Additionally, we are taking part in a pilot for benchmark testing in the Terra Nova.  Our faculty will receive professional development in The Writers’ Workshop, and you will be seeing a great deal more writing across all areas of our curriculum.
The test results will be coming home to students in Grades 2-7 on Friday June 1st.  If you have any questions once you receive them, please reach out to me or your child’s teacher.
We appreciate your continued efforts to assist us in providing your children with everything they need to be successful now and in the future!
Many Blessings,
Ms. Christine Pagan

Shaping hands, hearts and minds,

Christine Pagan
Christine Pagan is MTC's Principal, the head of our Leadership Team, and one of our biggest fans.  These letters are but a snapshot of the goings on inside MTC's walls, so please feel free to call or visit for more information.  Our website is also an excellent starting point!
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