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Also, check out our summer news on therapies and
some options you can do about those seasonal allergy and asthma symptoms! 

IV EDTA Chelation for Health Improvement
(Treat the Cause)

     Many times, as doctors we look for deficiencies in a patient’s lab-work that may contribute to the patient’s symptoms. Beyond sugar and cholesterol, we often forget to look for toxic excesses that can be causal factors in deteriorating health.

     Heavy metal testing allows the doctor a unique window into the assessment of a patients overall toxic burden load. IV chelation therapy allows one to slowly undo the years of toxic buildup that has bio-accumulated throughout their tissues.

     Excessive toxic metal exposure from the air, food, water, dental amalgams, and other sources is becoming a recognized and established underlying cause of both acute and chronic disease. With ongoing medical research validating the link between chronic diseases like heart disease, auto-immune disease, neurological disease and environmental exposure to toxic metals, it is more important than ever for doctors and patients to be well-informed about the detrimental effects of toxic metals and the potential treatments for heavy metal toxicity, including IV chelation therapy.

What is chelation?
     The Greek word “chele” means claw. Chelation is the binding of metals (like lead) or minerals (like calcium) to a protein “chelator” in a pincer-like fashion, forming a ring-like structure. Chelation is an important treatment protocol for the removal of toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury from the body’s bloodstream and tissues.

     Natural chelation, although weak, regularly occurs from eating certain foods such as onions and garlic. A stronger chelation effect can be induced when certain supplements, such as some amino acids, are taken orally. The strongest and most potent clinical chelation effect is achieved with intravenous chelation

What is chelation used for?

     Intravenous chelation therapy is used and accepted within conventional medicine as an FDA-approved treatment for the removal of toxic metals such as lead from the body in cases of severe poisoning. However, it is also used in a less conventional way: the repeated administration of intravenous chelating agents is used to reduce blood vessel inflammation caused by specific toxic metals and to reduce the body’s total load of those metals, especially lead. It has been shown that the risk of dying from cardiovascular events begins when a person’s blood level of lead is still well within the established normal reference range.

     IV chelation therapy often utilizes the chelating agent disodium ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and is sometimes referred to as EDTA chelation. EDTA chelation is being used in the treatment of all forms of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, especially heart disease and peripheral artery disease. Although there is less published research in these areas, chelation therapy is also being used to treat macular degeneration; osteoporosis; mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease associated with heavy metal toxicity; autoimmune diseases, especially scleroderma; and fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome with elevated levels of toxic metals detected with a Chelation challenge urine test.

Chelating Agents and Dosing

     Vis Clinic utilizes both disodium EDTA and Calcium EDTA. Disodium EDTA is the best and most studied form for cardiovascular disease as it can remove calcium from the arterial walls. Calcium EDTA is beneficial for removing heavy metals, especially lead, but does not have the track record for treating peripheral vascular disease that disodium EDTA has. Dosing of EDTA is based on a patient’s kidney function for safety and ranges from 1-3 grams of EDTA given at a rate no faster than 1 gram per hour. Yes, it can take a while, but safety is the name of the game.

Does chelation really work?

     The most recent study to examine the effects of EDTA chelation therapy showed compelling value for preventing cardiovascular events, especially in people with diabetes who had a history of heart attack. The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, or TACT, which Dr. Krier and Nurse Marsha took part in as treating clinicians, found an amazing 40% reduction in total mortality, 40% reduction in recurrent heart attacks, and about a 50% reduction in overall mortality in patients with diabetes who had previously suffered from a heart attack. TACT was a large, randomized, placebo-controlled study published in JAMA that randomized patients to a series of IV chelation’s using EDTA or placebo.

     Chappell and Stahl performed a meta-analysis of studies showing objective improvement for patients with cardiovascular disease treated with intravenous EDTA chelation therapy.  Nineteen published studies involving 22,765 patients met the inclusion criteria.  All these studies used the 3-gram dose of EDTA with one exception. Olszewer and Carter treated 2,482 patients with the 1.5-gram dose, and 2,379 improved.  In the meta-analysis, 87% of patients improved, and there was a correlation coefficient of 0.88 between improvement in vascular function and treatment with EDTA. 

What kinds of doctors offer IV chelation therapy?

     Doctors must be well-trained in chelation therapy in order to utilize the correct tests and treatments. Testing for toxic metal exposure is not straightforward since blood tests typically identify only those with severe and acute toxicity but fail to identify those with toxic metals stored in the tissues due to chronic exposure. To find stored metals, IV Chelation challenge with urine testing must be used. Applying the appropriate chelating agent to properly treat toxic metal accumulation is also not a straightforward endeavor. Different chelating agents bind with different affinity to different metals. Some chelating agents may be taken orally, while others are administered intravenously. Dr. Krier has been extensively trained in all aspects of chelation therapy.

     Chelation therapy is not taught in conventional medical schools but rather through various professional medical organizations, however it is taught as a therapy of choice at all 4-year accredited Naturopathic Institutions. Dr. Krier was trained by the pioneer in environmental/detoxification medicine, Dr. Walter Crinnion, at Bastyr University.
Oral vs. IV Chelation

     DMSA is a prescription chelating agent that is available orally and is used to chelate lead and mercury in adults and children. It used to be available over the counter but was made prescription only several years back which dramatically raised the price and decreased the availability of the once common chelator. Under knowledgeable guidance, this agent can be used successfully for toxic overload of mercury. In fact, it is the treatment of choice for mercury overload. It can be used for lead, but IV EDTA would be a better choice. Treatment with DMSA reduces free radical activity by binding and excreting heavy metals.  However, there are no clinical trials that have studied DMSA as a treatment or preventative for vascular disease.


     DMPS is a compounded substance for oral or IV use, mostly for lead and mercury, but it is not an FDA-approved medication and is not readily available. 


     Oral EDTA is calcium EDTA. Oral EDTA is only about 5% absorbed which means it largely sits in the gut. Despite the many fancy marketing campaigns, this form of oral calcium EDTA is largely worthless for those with significant heavy metal burden unless you are using it while undergoing IV Chelation.  (NOTE: IV EDTA is 100% absorbed in the blood.) This means if you have a large heavy metal burden based on IV EDTA challenge urine testing, then oral calcium EDTA is not for you as it will not likely get deep into the tissues to remove the burden. Oral Calcium EDTA should be thought of as more of a preventative than a treatment. Meaning it may bind to heavy metals that acutely find their way into our digestive tract but will not go after stored metals. When we give IV EDTA, we often recommend oral EDTA as well because the IV EDTA will process some of the heavy metal burden through the liver as well as the kidneys. If it is processed through the liver, it will eventually be dumped into the intestines at which point the oral calcium EDTA would be beneficial.

     There is a potential danger of oral chelation decreasing our essential minerals if not followed under knowledgeable guidance. Some toxic metals that are ingested might not be absorbed into the body if oral calcium EDTA is present, but many more essential minerals will also not be absorbed.  Depletion of zinc, chromium, copper, manganese, and other minerals can reduce antioxidant defenses and endocrine function.

Points to Remember

     The two forms of IV EDTA are broader chelators and are especially effective for lead.  EDTA has perhaps the weakest affinity for mercury.  If mercury is elevated with a challenge test, it might be prudent to treat with DMSA before prescribing intravenous EDTA. 
Maintaining good levels of beneficial minerals is important no matter what chelation agent(s) is/are prescribed. 

     If the published protocol from the TACT study is followed, safety is not an issue. With over 60 years of use of intravenous disodium EDTA for vascular disease, no fatalities have been attributed to EDTA when the protocol has been followed.  The American College for the Advancement in Medicine estimates that around 800,000 patients have received EDTA chelation therapy using the proper protocol. This makes EDTA chelation therapy one of the safest medical procedures. However, there have been isolated fatalities when disodium EDTA was administered by rapid IV push. Vis Clinic follows the studied protocols which are routinely updated based on the latest research.
Oral chelation is safe when protocols are followed under knowledgeable doctor supervision.

What should I expect during a Chelation visit?

     During treatment, which lasts one-and-a-half to three hours, you relax in a recliner while EDTA is administered slowly through an IV. According to ACAM and TACT, a basic course of EDTA chelation therapy consists of about 30-36 treatments, usually done one to two times per week with at least 24 hours between treatments. More treatments may be required in difficult cases.  Most experts recommend monthly maintenance after the basic course is completed.  

Other Associated Therapies
Mineral Repletion IV

     IV mineral repletion is generally recommended as needed while undergoing IV chelation therapy. For patients prone to mineral loss, a mineral repletion IV on non-chelation days may be used more frequently to keep mineral status normal.

IV Plaquex

     IV Plaquex can be alternated with classical IV-EDTA Chelation treatments. Plaquex is a compounded medicine that contains polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine (PC). PC makes up all the cell membranes in the body as well as the transport vehicles for cholesterol, such as HDL and LDL.

     As we age, the PC in the cell membranes becomes damaged by toxins, detergents, free radicals, heavy metals, smoking, hypertension, high blood sugar as well as elevated levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin. With aging, the body is no longer able to produce enough PC to repair this damage. Consequences of this damage are cardiovascular disease with plaque deposits in the blood vessels, liver damage, kidney damage and brain damage. Besides making up all the cell membranes, PC also has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

     Plaquex therapy restores cell membrane integrity and cell membrane function which normalizes the cell metabolism. This in turn helps to clear out plaque deposits and improve the function of all organs, including liver and kidneys.

     Plaquex is used to treat atherosclerosis. It is given to patients suffering from angina pectoris whose coronary arteries contain plaque deposits, but also in patients with carotid artery plaque and peripheral plaque in the legs causing claudication pain when walking. Because of its effect on the liver, brain, and the kidneys, it is also used to improve the function of these organs. It can also improve skin texture and helps with a more youthful appearance.

Oral Therapy Support for IV Chelation

     Natural chelation, although weak, regularly occurs from eating certain foods such as dark, leafy greens especially spinach, kale, chard & collards; green vegetables & fruit like peas, asparagus, broccoli, grapes & celery; Sea vegetables (seaweed); garlic and onions
Other food items to consider include fresh herbs like parsley, dill & cilantro; blue-green algae, sprouts; wheatgrass; and Matcha whole leaf green tea.

     To keep the kidney’s healthy during chelation, it is recommended that patients drink 80 ounces of water per day.


     A stronger chelation effect can be induced when certain supplements, are taken orally. The supplements are most effective when taken during a long-term IV chelation plan.

CheleX, which is to be taken away from all prescription medicines, is designed to help the body rid itself of damaging oxidative elements. It features specialized ingredients, such as EDTA, Himalayan shilajit extract (50% fulvic acid), chlorella, coriander, and antioxidant-stimulating nutrients. These ingredients perform in concert to support health when the body is challenged by environmental toxins, such as heavy metals and should at least be taken on the day of IV chelation. 
Super-Curcumin supports the liver’s and kidney’s efforts to eliminate the heavy metals once the IV chelation has begun pulling the toxins from the tissues   
BioC 1:1 works as a natural chelator to help reduce the overall toxic burden during IV chelation.   
VIS’s DETOX Professional Support supports the organs of elimination and detoxification.      

Blue Heron, which should be taken away from all prescription medicines works as a binder in the gut and helps to ensure full bowel elimination during the chelation process

Vis Active Minerals taken on non-chelation days helps to ensure adequate mineral status during chelation.

Should We All Do It?

     The answer is no. We tell patient’s that chelation is not a feel-good therapy. In fact, chelation can often make you feel worse at first or during therapy because of the detoxification effect it has on the body and the possible good mineral loss that it can create. It’s not a therapy to just try unless you have justification such as a disease state or heavy metal toxicity and lab testing for it. It is not like coming in for a “feel good, energy boosting” Meyers IV nutrient cocktail. Although most in our toxic laden world could benefit from chelation, we use it only on those who show cause for it based on lab testing or indicated disease status.


CheleX™ is designed to help the body rid itself of damaging oxidative elements. It features specialized ingredients, such as EDTA, Himalayan shilajit extract (50% fulvic acid), chlorella, coriander, and antioxidant-stimulating nutrients. These ingredients perform in concert to support your health when your body is challenged by environmental toxins, such as heavy metals. We use CheleX™  at the clinic for with patients who need extra support while undergoing chelation. It is not a product to take on a regular basis without supervision and testing.


Urine Toxic Metals Testing 
   This test is traditionally used to evaluate exposure to potentially toxic elements.  Comparison of urine element concentrations before and after administration of a chelator can be used to estimate net retention (body-stores) of potentially toxic elements.  This test is used at Vis Clinic to assess the need for and efficacy of Chelation therapy.

     Here at Vis Clinic 
we have our patients collect a six hour urine toxic elements sample (pre-test) prior to coming to the clinic for an intravenous chelation infusion to assess baseline values. This is followed by another six hour urine collection after the IV chelation has been performed (post-test). The Doctors then compare these two urine samples to determine if a patient could benefit from chelation therapy to help rid the body of toxic elements. Sometimes an oral chelator (DMSA) is used by itself or along with the IV chelation.

Mineral Repletion IV:
     Mineral repletion IV’s are frequently administered when people receive chelation treatments.  There are numerous health benefits to chelation, however over time treatments may decrease minerals in the body, therefore it is important to keep mineral levels at optimal range.  Mineral IV’s contain a physiologic balance of electrolytes (sodium chloride), magnesium, selenium, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, and chromium.  The doctors at Vis Clinic recommend these IV’s as a part of the Chelation IV Protocol. 
     With the summer heat, mineral depletion can quickly become a problem for the average person as well. If you are feeling a little run-down with the heat, consider having a series of mineral repletion’s to get you back on track.


Have seasonal allergies got you down?

Are they worse than ever this season? 


Allergy Desensitization for Common Hay Fever
     Allergies represent the immune system’s overreaction to typically harmless substances in the environment; all atopic disorders including allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and asthma are IgE (immunoglobulin E)-mediated hypersensitivity responses classified as Type I allergic reactions.
     Allergic conditions are on the rise with no signs of slowing down. Over time, an increased number of people are becoming more sensitive to more items. Toxicity, stress, and other environmental influences are taxing our immune systems to the point where they are no longer capable of proper responses to these stressors. The result is a Th2 (T helper cell- type of white blood cell)-dominant state that causes a predisposition toward chronic allergies and the development of autoimmunity. Th2 cells are involved in what is called “humoral-mediated” immunity, which deals with bacteria, toxins, and allergens. They are responsible for stimulating the production of antibodies in response to extracellular pathogens (those found in blood or other body fluids). They tend not to be inflammatory and are involved in allergies, systemic autoimmune disease, and other chronic conditions.
Treatment Considerations
     The symptoms of an allergic response are usually obvious and often cause patients great discomfort; consequently, providing immediate relief to symptoms is extremely important.

     However, treating symptoms by themselves does little to improve the patient’s long-term health, so a more comprehensive approach is required. Vis Clinic offers laboratory testing to diagnose the presence of allergen-specific IgE reactions. The skin prick test has historically been considered the gold standard, but blood-based panels provide similar diagnostic value and are much easier to endure (Vis Clinic uses the blood based panels). Allergies may shift over time, so patients should consider re-testing annually for a period of 2-3 years for improved allergy management.
Oral Desensitization
     Conventional allergy desensitization involves vaccinating a person with progressively larger doses of an offending allergen in an effort to reduce or eliminate hypersensitivity altogether. While the outcomes are generally favorable, the frequent vaccination schedule can be physically uncomfortable and exposes patients to all the additives and preservatives commonly found in vaccines.
     Vis Clinic uses Professional Allersode products as an alternative to conventional desensitization with highly favorable outcomes. Allersodes are homeopathic attenuations of antigens, which are substances that in moderate or large doses cause the production of antibodies. Diluted doses of these antigens are intended to dampen the body’s hyper-responsiveness, thus desensitizing.  Oral Allersodes combine an array of common allergens with Adrenal, Liver, ACTH, and Histamine to promote non-specific resistance and symptomatic assistance to allergic stressors.

Oral Allersode Desensitization Therapy for Hay Fever
     Patients can have IgE allergy (blood based) testing or make available their past skin prick testing for environmental allergens prior to initiating therapy. The appropriate Allersodes will be recommended based on the patient specific testing.  If a patient knows they have a problem with dust, mold, weeds, trees, grasses, or dander in general then therapy can be initiated without testing as well.
The most common Allersode formulas used for hay fever include:
Airborne Combo mix (includes trees and common local environmental factors) 

Animal mix
Flower mix
Grass and Weed mix
Household Dust and Mold mix
     The best results are obtained by following a slow and simple 52-week desensitization schedule, beginning with a very low dose of the liquid drops and slowly titrating up to a maximum dose. After maintaining the maximum dose for a period of 3 months, slowly reverse the titration schedule. The titration schedule can be given on request to patients in the office. Patient sensitivity may vary; the schedule may be accelerated as long as the resulting doses do not cause symptom expression. Desensitizing Allersode drops are to be taken away from food. It is best to let the drops sit under the tongue for several minutes before swallowing.
If Hay Fever has got you down, give the allergy desensitization a try.


Natural D-Hist Supplement Information:

     This spring season we are currently experiencing very high pollen counts.  As a result many people are suffering from seasonal allergies this time of year.  Symptoms of allergies include nasal congestion, runny nose with post-nasal drip, sneezing, as well as itchy and watery eyes.  There are some natural supplements that are able to alleviate these annoying symptoms and Natural D-Hist is one of them.  

     The main mechanism of action of this supplement is to support healthy histamine levels.  Histamine is released by our white blood cells and plays a major role in causing symptoms of allergies.  Natural D-hist contains a blend of flavonoids and antioxidants such as Quercetin, Vitamin C, and N-Acetyl Cysteine and proteolytic enzymes like Bromelain to balance hyperactive allergy responses in the body and diminish symptoms of seasonal allergies.   This product supports healthy nasal and sinus passages.  It is very safe and gentle on the body. 

     Vis Clinic also carries a product designed for children called D-Hist Junior.  So instead of taking an over the counter anti-histamine give this product a try since it is rich in antioxidants and can be a root cause resolution to the allergy problem.

Have a Safe & Happy Summer!

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