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ISSN 2318-1958

Issue 38, June 11th, 2018

The tomorrow of SciELO journals will be discussed by working groups in the SciELO Networking Meeting of the SciELO 20 Years week

The SciELO 20 Years Week is envisaged as a global discussion forum about the status of journals, the advancement and challenges related to the transition to open science modus operandi. A key week event, the SciELO Network Meeting will take place by means of working groups of editors and information and communication researchers and professionals, who will analyze SciELO journals’ relevance and the priority lines of action for the coming 3 to 5 years, which will orient the transition to open science. [Read more]


Communication and peer review should be universally separated
The SciELO 20 Years Week will promote an ample and open forum on the future of scientific communication and journals. There is a discussion group for each topic of the SciELO 20 Years Conference. The discussion starts with this comment by Jan Velterop on the separation between communication and peer review posted in the discussion group of the Panel 3.1 that deals with fast communication via preprints and other means to accelerate the availability of research results. [Read more]
Peer review – on structures and content
Peer review is a constituent part of scholarly communication. It has many modalities: simple blind, double blind, open, and now, also partial reviews. Partial reviews, which only validates the technical soundness of a document, is a feature of open access mega-journals such as PLoS ONE and several others. [Read more]
Open peer review perspectives: a thought-provoking question mark
Research analyzes the feasibility of adopting Open Peer Review by Information Science journals. This post presents the first step already completed focusing on the editors. The second stage, already underway, is focused on referees in order to reach a comprehensive view on the adoption of Open Peer Review by Information Science journals. [Read more]
Fiocruz facing the challenge of Open Science for Development and Public Health
The large mobilization of the countries around Open Science is expressed by the development of infrastructures, Data Management Plans, training, and evaluation and reward metrics. As a new paradigm, Open Science must focus on the interests and benefits to society, as well as advances in knowledge. In the health area, opening research data can promote a more agile science focused on solving problems, formulating evidence-based public policies, and citizen participation as knowledge producer. [Read more]
Identifiers and Research: ORCID Basics and Plans – Interview with Laure Haak
Brazil is promoting a remarkable advance in the adoption of the research identifier ORCID with the formation of the Brazilian ORCID Consortium led by CAPES with the participation of several organizations, among which SciELO. All SciELO Brazil journals will publish articles with authors’ ORCID as of 2019. An interview with Laure Haak highlights the importance of ORCID. [Read more]
Discussing indicators in research funding: What role do altmetrics play? [Originally published in Europe of Knowledge blog in December/2017]
At any rate, altmetrics, or alternative metrics, are gaining momentum in higher education. This post is based on my master’s thesis that explores the usage of altmetrics with a focus on research funding. Altmetrics track down and count the mentions of scholarly outputs in social media, news sites, policy papers, and social bookmarking sites. Then altmetrics data providers aggregate the number of mentions. This allows an observation of how many times research has been viewed, discussed, followed, shared, and downloaded. [Read more]
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