We are Media Missionaries specializing in Training for the field. We run training in Photography, Communication and Design. Developing Skills Training and Community Development in the third world. We have started projects in Nigeria, India and many other countries. Please read on to find out more about our ongoing efforts...
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A new Online Course Called Creative Imagebearers

As you may know Aleck is completing his Masters in Christian Spiritual Formation and Discipleship. This has taken two and a half years already and he has been working away at the final capstone project for his three years of study. It has turned into quite an ambitious project centred around a website with eleven modules, and a written interactive workbook and videos.

We would love for you to take a look at it here.

The website follows the Biblical narrative, so you will see a timeline of the bible. Each module is a long page with lots of interactive videos, exercises and elements that you can engage with. It is very exciting to see it take shape and we would love to hear what you think of it.

You can give "feedback" through the link on the top navigation.

This website is for Creatives/Communicators, but is equally fun for any christian to interact with. Please do take a look and let us know what you think. A workbook will follow shortly.

New Masters in Team-Based Communication

A new Masters in Team-Based Communication is in development to start in the University of the Nation's College of Communication that Aleck leads as International Dean. Glenn Martins will lead and I will co-lead the program with him. This is for missionaries in YWAM and leaders in the University of the Nations to engage in leading, facilitating and growing missional teams in their region of the world.

Topics include teamwork and decision-making in the midst of diversity, supervisor and peer communication, and the influence of technology on communication. We are looking for those who desire 
to grow in leadership communication understanding and practice, while still actively serving others through the ministry roles they have.                                                                                                                              


We would appreciate prayer for this. We are hoping for 13 students and the program is a Masters level degree over two years with a capstone or thesis.

Aleck's Other News

The year started with a UofN Training event in Togo in French. You can see the report from that here.

It has been an incredibly busy but fruitful year. Donna-Rae and I went to Kona, Hawaii for the Core International Leadership meetings for the University of the Nations in March. Mya and Micah stayed with their two sets of grandparents here in Northern Ireland. Since then, Aleck also did some teaching in England at the King's Lodge as well as in Lyon, France in the last few weeks. He has been home a lot more than usual as priority has been given to getting his capstone done for his Masters studies. 


Soon, Aleck will do 3 weeks in England two of which will be in Harpenden and then an additional week at the King's Lodge in Nuneaton. Donna-Rae and the kids will join him in England for that week in the middle.

Aleck will attend meetings for a new centre for Spiritual Formation in the UofN, record some videos for and also record some training videos for Then he will teach two weeks in Australia.

Family News
The kids are coming to the end of a busy year with school and clubs, and are looking forward to the summer holidays starting in a couple of weeks.

Micah continues to play and love football. He has broadened his repertoire to include gaelic football which he is working hard at. He enjoys school, though will tell you differently if asked, and particularly enjoys working on projects for competitions. He has a couple of really good friends and he loves to hang out with them and be outside. He also loves music and computer games.

Mya has been very active with clubs from Girls Brigade to Hip Hop, Art and Maths tutoring. She has done very well in her second year of high school, and is starting to think about her choice of subjects for GCSE, which she will have to decide on next year. She also had her hip hop showcase on Friday and has improved so much in the last year and is doing really well. She loves Hip Hop. And Art. And music. And her friends. It is great to see her thriving.

Both our children are growing and maturing into dependable, strong, confident people and we are very proud of them.
Donna-Rae is doing well. At the beginning of May she ran in the Belfast Marathon as part of one of our church's relay teams. She did really well, and set a personal best for her run. She really enjoyed it. She is working really hard at keeping fit, and is enjoying this aspect of good habit-forming goals.
Otherwise, she continues to work in her administrative role with the Provost Office of the UofN, issuing students their diplomas when they graduate, and working in our church's coffee shop, Bean There.

Prayer Requests:

1. Grace and strength for Aleck as he finishes his capstone project - although much is done, there is still quite a lot to do in order to submit it at the end of August.

2. Finances to cover Aleck's food and accommodation while he is in Harpenden, England, and for all of us as we are in Nuneaton. (The kids are excited to go to Nuneaton, and see where we first met.)

3. As many of you know, we were trying to raise money for a new car at the end of last year as we didn't think ours would last another year, especially after the accident. Well miraculously, it did. However, it definitely seems like it won't last another year, so we are continuing to trust God to provide the finances to purchase a new one at the end of this year. We have about a £1000 raised from the last appeal, but we need at least another £1,000 more.

4. For a good, restful family vacation over the summer.

Thank you for your friendship and support. We couldn't do what we do without you praying for us, believing in us and supporting us in prayer an/or finances. Thank you for being a part of what we do. You are a blessing to us.

May God richly bless you over the coming months. May you find rest and relaxation even amidst the busy-ness of work and family.
Big hugs
Aleck, Donna-Rae, Mya & Micah
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