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Your Vital Updates from
Tasman Bay Chiropractic
Didn't winter arrive with a bang! As we count down to the shortest day, we have been reflecting that we live in a pretty amazing climate with beautiful warm summers that have only a few stifling days scattered through them, and then during winter we enjoy the crisp and clean frosts which are inevitably followed by a sunny, clear day. The snow is not too far away for those who like the snow sports, yet other winter sports don't generally have to battle snowy fields or courts. And we have four distinct seasons - each with their own seasonal treats and treasures. Lots to appreciate.

More news and photos to share with you this quarterly edition.

Keep warm

With very best wishes

Corrian, Dan, Debbie, Bronwyn, Lynley and Victoria
TBC Team Rides to Support Nelson/Marlborough Rescue Helicopter Fundraiser
One of our lovely clients, Melissa Walker (above right),
rode 200km over eight hours! WOW!
Fun, fitness and team building rolled into one! Where was Corrian you might ask?! Unfortunately this co-incided with his trip to Peru. You can read more about that below!

World Federation of Chiropractic Meetings, Peru

During my three week holiday during May I spent most of my time in Peru. My purpose for being there was to attend a World Federation of Chiropractic board meeting. Thirteen chiropractors from all corners of the world meet face to face once a year and this time it was in Peru. The role of the WFC is to act as an umbrella organisation to national associations, help developing countries with chiropractic legislation and keep abreast of world wide initiatives including the WFC NGO status with WHO. A feature of this meeting was the presentation of the draft strategic plan. I enjoyed being on this subcommittee which has made the use of modern communication technology to collaborate, debate and explore issues from committee members’ home countries.

The meeting also saw the election of the new executive - and I am pleased to report that for the first time, we have two women on our executive of four.

The presentation on evidence based medicine was particularly informative. we were reminded of the three distinct parts to evidence based medicine:

  1. Research
  2. Patient’s preference 
  3. Practitioner's expertise

This then led to the exploration of a fact that many governments and insurance companies have been caught focusing on just the one component ie research, at the expense of the others. This has tended to skew the reporting and findings which therefore presented and produced a rather lopsided environment in the application of healthcare in a third party payer setting.  This has been, and continues to be, frustrating for both practitioners and clients alike.

The official team building activity featured Peruvian cooking classes - and I have promised the TBC team a demonstration of my new knowledge. They love using limes!

On a personal level, I was able to take some time to absorb local culture. I completed the  hike of Lares Pass, 4800m, and slept one night at 4400m. I was also fascinated to learn more about the culture of the  Andes peoples during my time at Machu Picchu.

NZCA AGM and Conference in Tauranga

It was in a different mode that I attended the New Zealand Chiropractors’ Association AGM and Conference in Tauranga last month. I was quite relaxed, wasn’t obliged to wear a suit and thoroughly enjoyed attending as  the past president and past council member. The venue at Trinity Wharf Tauranga was excellent. I appreciated the opportunity to sit back and reflect that the work I was part of when I was President is still being built on and further refined.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Past Presidents’ Breakfast where there was much lively discussion and passion on display for both the Association and the profession. This was an initiative that was established during my term as President, so I was particularly interested to experience it now my turn had come!

I was thrilled to see a my good friend Lloyd Buscomb awarded Chiropractor of the Year. During my Presidential term, Lloyd was my ‘right hand man’ - always willing to lend knowledge, be constructive and helpful, loyal and open while always looking for the best for our members.

The theme of the conference was Expanding your toolbox: Thoughts, trauma and toxins. All those who presented where highly qualified in there Fields with most holding PhD's. We learned about communication, screen time and its affect on the developing brain, food, diets and more. 

I enjoyed attending conference while also being encouraged by these specialists to communicate this for my patients' benefit. I also enjoyed re-connecting with old friends and colleagues and keeping up-to-date with the latest in chiropractic.

Last but not least, I had a long, chatty lunch with Mel (Past Chiropractic Assistant at TBC) who is thriving in Tauranga and has booked a trip to France later in the year with her family.  She sends her love to everyone.

Warm Regards

My Leave and My Patients

Thanks to Dan for ‘locuming’ for me while I was away.
I know that I left you in good hands.
We at TBC are very happy that you are able to continue your care plan with us when one of us is away, and of course
I am very happy to ‘pick up’ and catch up with you on my return.


Attitude Adjustment

We are heading into winter and it’s easy to feel things getting on top of you with the days getting shorter. Sometimes winter can feel bleak but I love the frosty mornings that mean a lovely sunny Nelson day. It’s all about how you look at it.

I’ve just finished reading a book recommended by my Mum. It's called “The Practice of Happiness” by John Kehoe.  It’s taken me nine months to read it - yes that is a long time, especially considering it is very small and only 127 pages (two thirds to a half of which are pictures).  I just couldn’t find the time, which is silly really because I found time to scroll through Facebook or watch TV and that isn't half as important as discovering how to be happy.

I watch my kids finding pleasure in the smallest things (and I’m telling them off for being silly or too loud), but really it’s that simple - find pleasure in the little things and if something goes wrong put a positive spin on it - what have you learnt or how have you grown?

I’ve done this with the fact that my hair is going grey, here's three things that make this pretty awesome for me:

  • My two daughters think I’m like Elsa (she is from the Disney movie Frozen and is a modern young Queen with white hair and special ice powers and is very popular with 3 - 6 year olds) Yes!!

  • Since I’m now embracing it, I am saving money (added bonus - hubby is extremely happy with this)

  • It’s quite trendy at the moment and people are paying to have highlights added to their hair - although it’s probably referred to as platinum, not grey!

So this winter, along with my regular well health chiropractic checks, I’m making sure my attitude stays adjusted by choosing to be happy.  Next time you are in for your check I’d love to hear how you find positives in the little things, like platinum hair!

Bron 😄

The poster below is from The Reality Check. NZ led research on chiropractic and information about chiropractic is presented in clear posters and in everyday language in a series of videos. The videos are available on our website.


When Corrian asked me how long had I been using my current pillow?  (during one of my adjustment visits), I really wasn’t sure!!! It did not seem that long, but in reality it probably was a good eight years ago that I purchased it.  What I was sure of was that the mattress was a good 20 years old on my bed.

This led me to visiting my local Smith’s City to check out pillows. My luck was in they had the type of pillow that Corrian uses himself, and recommended I have a look at. This was a Fusion/Gel Classic Chiropractic Pillow and when I laid my head on it in the shop I was really impressed. The main reason being it was soft yet supportive and I seem to settle into it nicely. My old memory foam pillow is very firm.

Sold! I wanted this pillow and they were on special ( Woohoo) even better  - $$$$.

The salesman commented of course a good pillow is not of the same benefit if your mattress is old!! HOW did he know ? (20yrs old) I am sure you can guess what happened next. I now have a lovely Sleepyhead Chiropractic Conform Mattress and Base to put my new pillow on.

It did take some adjusting as my body aligned with this new bed, the pillow was great immediately. (Possibly about 3 weeks more for the bed)

I am sleeping more restfully and for longer than I think I ever have. I put this down to

  • my regular chiropractic care and the benefits of a body that is aligned and happier
  • my new bed and pillow that support and suit me
  • my sleep habits and routine that I follow most nights, along with my tool kit below:

My Sleep Kit Success Tools - I use some of these every night, and some of them occasionally along with a bit of a sleep routine.

  • A great bed that meets my requirements.
  • A Pillow that suits me.
  • A dark room (I have black out drapes), you can use an eye mask.
  • The right temperature in my room, and my bed. (Too hot or too cold does not help me sleep).
  • An Essential Oil Relaxation Blend.
  • Magnesium Spray.
  • Ear Plugs (Trips away).
  • Relaxation Music or Guided Meditation.
  • Mindful 2.0 book for a quiet and relaxing read before sleep. I have been reading this great wee book for a few weeks and I love it. It is all about mindfulness and learning to be present with some lovely simple exercises to complete.
GP Intern Visits to TBC
Earlier in the year, our office was approached by Dr Sam Benny - top of the south co-ordinator for GP registrars/interns. Sam had noted that a lot of his patients had mentioned that they saw a chiropractor as part of their healthcare regime so he felt that he needed to deepen his understanding about chiropractic so that he can better support his patients and their needs. We welcomed this approach and Sam spent a Tuesday morning with Corrian.
Since this visit, we have had three other GP interns come and observe a shift.  Corrian reports: "All asked great questions, were enjoyable company and I felt empowered to express and discuss my profession and what I do day-to-day and patient-to-patient with them. They reciprocated with describing what they perceived and how they would approach these issues in their office."
The TBC team found this a valuable experience and is looking forward to hosting future GPs wanting to learn more about what we do.

Thanks to those of you who were scheduled an appointment that co-incided with a GP observing - all of you were supportive of this interaction during your appointment.

Frequently Asked Question of the Season

If I am feeling unwell, should I keep my appointment?

Yes. We strongly recommend that you keep your appointment when you are unwell. An adjustment will increase your spinal and nervous system function which in term serves to support your immune system.

If you are feeling as if you may be contagious please let us know so that we can minimize your contact with others while you are here.

Spine Time with Dr Dan - Welcome to the “Flu Season”?

Winter time wonderland again with our toasty fires, frosts and snow, cold winds and sniffly noses. Yes the “flu season” is here including our all time favourite, the dreaded man-flu.

Why is it the flu-season?

Our annual flu season occurs in the cold half of the year in each hemisphere, where cases of influenza rise about 10x. But interestingly the virus contagions don’t multiply in cold weather, they are with us in the population all year round. So why do we get sick now?

The exact reasons behind the seasonal outbreaks are still up in the air, but here are some of the most favoured mechanisms.

  • The flu viruses are actually more stable in cold, dry air, which helps keep the particles small and airborne. When the humidity rises, the tiny virus droplets gather water, get heavy and fall to the ground.

  • The colder temperatures delay decomposition, meaning the viruses are preserved for longer (just like your refrigerated food).

  • With huddling close for warmth, or just staying indoors in close contact to others can make it easier to pass on what viruses we have.

  • Drier air with the cold temperatures can dehydrate our mucous membranes, which is part of our body’s defense against respiratory infections.

  • Sunlight decreases in winter (by daylight hours and angle of travel through the ozone layer), and what high Ultraviolet-A radiation does to damage/burn our skin also damages the integrity of the virus.

  • Vitamin D production in our skin is stimulated by sunlight (Ultraviolet-B rays) and lower Vit D affects our immune system function.

What can I do to stay healthy naturally this winter?

  • Get checked by your chiropractor regularly, especially when sick. Having a healthy spine and nervous system improves your immune response time.

  • Stay hydrated with plenty of water and liquids. Hot drinks and soups will help keep the mucous membranes moist and protecting you, as well as opening up the airways.

  • Get sunlight and fresh air. In winter you can be out longer in the sun before skin damage occurs, so make the most of it, get the skin exposed and produce some Vitamin D. Less confined spaces will mean cleaner air to breathe in as well.

  • Limit time in dry air-conditioned areas. Some damp is good. A good home remedy for congested airways is a hot steam-bath or shower. Treat yourself to a sauna!

  • Exercise. It’s tempting to change your regular fitness habits in winter so it’s no surprise when your energy and immune system suffer as a result.

  • Know when your body knows best. Believe it or not, fevers and coughs are a natural healing process and are part of a healthy immune response to sickness. Hot temperatures make viruses uncomfortable and increases your blood circulation with its germ-killing proteins. Suffering through a moderate fever may actually help you get well faster. Coughing clears mucous out of the membranes and attempts to expel it from your body. Often flu medications lower temperatures and dry out nasal passages which may slow down your body’s attempts to get rid of the virus.

  • Stay warm. Stay rested. Keep the body temp warm during a sickness and with plenty of regular sleep to give to body the recuperation and energy it needs to fight the good fight.

  • LAUGH. I’ve said it before and will say it again. Firing up your dopamine production lowers stress, improves circulation and boosts immune function. Laughter may be the best medicine!

So get outdoors, get your spine checked, and laugh this winter. Your body will thank you for it.

Yours in Health

Dr Dan

Winners at TBC
Congratulations to the winners of our monthly lucky draw. To be in to win, pop your appointment card showing six completed visits into the jar on the Reception desk. You could win a complimentary adjustment!
March  - Alison Hill
April - Vanessa Carter
May - Margaret Biggs
Welcome Back Victoria

Victoria is now back at work following the completion of her maternity leave. She will be focussing on 'back office' responsibilities ensuring that our 'front office' continues to run smoothly and seamlessly.

Welcome back to the TBC office Victoria!
In health and with best regards from us all
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